Hi all, has anyone been offered or requested an antibody test after two doses of vaccine? As many of us will be immunocompromised it would be good to know how effective the vaccine will be. Due my second dose soon but not yet approached GP to ask if it is available or even if it could be done privately. Keep well.
Antibody test: Hi all, has anyone been... - The UK Mastocytos...
Antibody test

Good point. Not had my 2nd vacc yet but will ask.

Hi Stone, interesting question. I don't know of any patients being offered an antibody test. I actually had one because I joined a study last summer at University College London that does occasional blood testing. I sent in a sample that I took via my own finger prick about seen weeks after the first jab and it was positive for the particular antibodies related to the jab (but not the distinctive ones from having had COVID-- which was what I expected as don't think I've had COVID). Interestingly, my husband did the same and he was three weeks out from first jab and didn't yet have antibodies in that test. He does now-- which he knows because he did then have it done privately using the Roche test via a private GP. That test did not distinguish between the two types of antibody (jab v infection). I do not know how helpful they really are, but as he was having blood taken anyway, he asked and had it. I don't know whether there is a way to easily get that test if you don't already have access to a private doctor. Would be nice if the NHS could do that for people who are immunocompromised. I am glad to know I have antibodies, of course. I am not immunocompromised from my mastocytosis and don't take medication that I would expect to make me so.
Thanks Jess, due second jab today and may get to see my consultant in June when I normally get bloods checked. Will ask then if it can be done. Don't think I've had Covid and by then vaccine should be at its peak! Will let you know.
That's great. Hope all goes swimmingly today with the second jab : ). I'll be very interested to hear!
Just got a second kit from the study to poke my finger again today... Guess I'll get good at this. It will be interesting to see if they will let me know if the antibody levels go up over time, as my second jab is due shortly.