Do you think that Wales is right to p... - Kidney Transplant...

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Do you think that Wales is right to push ahead with an opt out donor system on its own.

NKFCEO profile image
10 Replies
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10 Replies
vikingwarrior profile image

I am very pleased that Wales are pushing ahead with an opt out donor system. I believe all the UK countries should adopt the same system without delay. Waiting lists are growing, patients are dying before receiving a transplant and the cost to the NHS is astronomical. Many patients like me are relatively fit and healthy and can wait until a transplant becomes available, but many ailing and poorly patients desperately require a transplant to give them the opportunity of a reasonably normal life. I would urge everyone to support the opt out system

Methusala profile image

I do not under the opposition to the 'opt out' scheme. There would be far more organs available for donation, and people with religious objections etc. would be the ones' to carry a card warning in death they do not want to donate any of their organs. Why is it such a problem to change to opting out? Obviously hospitals would need to develop doctors who, on the death of a person, would immediately start delicate discussions promoting the advantages to many patients, who might receive the deceased donors', organs, as is practised by renal teams in Spanish hospitals.

. As a cadaveric transplant patient myself, I bless the family, loved ones, of my donor, who gave me the opportunity to return to a 'normal' healthy life, and hope they get comfort knowing her kidney lives on benifiting my body, though she died.

Good for Wales! We all need to adopt the opt out scheme.

mrspick profile image

Is the structure in place if we had the opt out scheme? I mean do we have enough surgeons to carry out more operations, enough theatre time enough intensive care beds? the list goes on I know in a perfect world we would have, but be don't live in a perfect world do we?

NKFCEO profile image

You are assuming that opt out will definitely lead to more opportunities for transplants, however there is a body of opinion that fears that the current system that relies on the altruism of its donors may be harmed by donors backing off if they think that the state have assumed the right to take organs. There are no clear examples in other countries that prove the issue one way or the other. The NKF have voted to want a change to opt out, however I suspect that they are rather relieved to see Wales taking the lead - it is an interesting experiment - a pilot if you like. If it does go the wrong way and operations reduce you can bet that the rest of the UK will not follow this path.

moggie64 profile image

I think the whole of the UK should do this........ too many people die waiting for a transplant......

is it the Government that's stopping it?

mikeb profile image

Good for Wales I say but it does raise some interesting issues such as......... will organs only be available for those born and currently living in Wales ? or if a person is English or Scottish (or any other nationality come to that) but living in Wales, will their consent be automatically assumed ? I'm sure these are only just a couple of issues that will be debated by the Welsh Assembly before going down this road but if they do, and it successfully results in more organs for donation, it would be great to see this "rolled out" nationally.

NKFT profile image

I do, as currently the refusal rate from bedside stands at 43% nationally and I feel having opt out in the mindset of families when approached could make the decision an easier one? than the present situation?

miniclio profile image

It is easy for England to sit back and watch as Wales takes the brave move to Opt Out, with Scotland and Northern Ireland continuing to discuss this. Why is it such a problem? Finally someone who is against organ donation (for whatever reason - I can not judge) can officially say no. Whilst in Belgium it was shown the refusal rate dropped to 10 - 15% with the introduction of a Soft Opt Out system rather than the worrying 43% it stands at now.

Ok it is not a final solution to the waiting list problem but it is another bullet in the arsenal.

Themaples profile image

I hope and pray this will happen for the entire uk, something needs to be done ASAP. I have been waiting 13 years for a kidney and I wonder if it's ever going to happen:(

kidneykid profile image

I agree with the opt out I think there are a lot of people who die have all the intentions in the world to get on the donor list but don't get round to doing it the thing is you ask a lot of people would they accept an organ should they need one and they would say yes therefore I think they should give if they they die surely it's only fair isn't it iv recently received a kidney and very grateful I am I'm on the doner list they are more than welcome to anything I got that's working if it an help anybody else I don't need it when I'm dead so why take it with me .

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