Kidney Transplant Patient Support

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Damigi28 profile image
23 Replies

Hi guys, hope everyone is doing well. I just read the other day that the COVID vaccine provides little if any protection for immunocompromised people such as us.The article said that the vaccine was never tested on transplant/immunosuppressed people. Has anyone heard from their doctor regarding the effect of the vaccine on transplant patients?

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Damigi28 profile image
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23 Replies
Roadrunner1954 profile image

I heard the same. Not good. Don’t know why I bothered getting both jabs

Damigi28 profile image
Damigi28 in reply to Roadrunner1954

I know, this is very concerning.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Roadrunner1954

Because of this

Santaponsa1 profile image

Hi. I asked my nuphrologist outright re same and her response was, there is some concerns surrounding how much people like us thats immunesupressed get from the vaccine, however as it probably reads, very little protection or none.I did read in the quarterly transplant magazine that there researching into a nasal spray for aforementioned above which could be available soon to help reduce the strain of same. We'll all need to hope n spray we get something from it, however they do need to look at a better and more suitable one to protect us. As someone said earlier on tv we're like the forgotton people as no one immunesupressef was involved in tbe trials ...Research into a vaccine for people immunesupressed is def needed ...Its a case of, continue to remain complacement at all times...Look after yourself and stay very safe and herer's hoping they get a suitable vaccine for us all...🙏Take Care...

Damigi28 profile image
Damigi28 in reply to Santaponsa1

Thank you so much

CNeb profile image

Have your transplant center and nephrologist review the Johns Hopkins study. Here is the link to their findings after a second dose:

Damigi28 profile image

Thank you. This is really appreciated. Can't wait to read it.

Falkenhayn profile image

One study showed a transplant patient had almost no immune antibodies after the second vaccination. However, there are now experiments with giving immunosuppressed patients three vaccines which anecdotal shows to be beneficial.

Red-mode2020 profile image

Hi all, I had my 3rd kidney transplant last November.I feel so lucky to be feeling so much better than i did before November and i have my garden to get some outside time with family and friends (at a distance) when i feel safe to do so.

I also had a chat with my consultant this week - there is a study in Oxford at the moment re the AZ vaccine in transplant patients and antibody count.

The Johns Hopkins study was Pfizer and Moderna only, I had to have the AZ due to drug allergies.

There will be further research into different ways to vaccinate transplant patients that may get around our valuable meds (MMF) issue🤞

It is disappointing but not wholly unsurprising, I wish there were more representation in the press/media about the many immunocompromised patients this effects and the impact for us of unvaccinated/non mask wearing people as restrictions are lifted.

The more people vaccinated the safer we all are however i am now looking for a more personally protective mask as well as protecting others to wear when out and about.

At the moment it's feeling as if we will become 'the left behind' to carry on with the rules and restrictions whilst the world moves on and wonders why we still need to distance or wear masks etc...

But we have platforms like this for support and i'm really grateful to be here x

charlen24 profile image

From what I heard, they did a testing to a transplant person that already got the covid shots and they didn't developed any antibodies at all, which means we are not protected from the covid and the shots will.not protect us. Keep your mask on at any times. Goodluck

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to charlen24

That's not correct. More than half of the patients DO develop antibodies after the second dose. Even in those that don't, vaccine still offers protection.

Everyone varies, so this does not just apply to transplant patients. I am a fit and healthy kidney donor and tested negative for antibodies after my vaccine (so did my husband, the recipient). We were told that antibodies are not the only consideration. It is well worthwhile having the vaccine even if it does not give 100% protection. I do know some transplant patients who have developed antibodies.

HSP1965 profile image

Hoi, ik heb vorig jaar een niertransplantatie gehad en moderna vaccinatie.Drie weken geleden corona gekregen maar echt veel minder ziek geweest. Verkouden en geen geur en smaak.

Nu alles weer oké, ben blij dat ik de vaccinatie heb genomen anders was ik veel zieker geweest!

ferous profile image

I live in a country that takes health very seriously and was very strict about which vaccines they provided to the public and in particular, made sure that the extremely vulnerable particularly transplant patients were given exactly what they needed and monitored super close after the vaccination. I personally spent a few days in hospital after the vaccine where they monitored my immune levels and adjusted medications whilst the vaccine was doing its job.

Each citizen and resident of the country was given the vaccine that was appropriate for them, other vaccines could be obtained freely from private companies paid for by the government if you were willing to take one of the less popular vaccines rather than wait your turn for the recommend vaccine for your health situation.

There are always plenty of rumours circulating the world particularly regarding covid, you trusted the medics to put you to sleep and switch your organs for ones that worked, it got you this far, why doubt your medical team now?

I am not prepared to waste my time arguing with sceptics and anti vaxxers, I trust my medical team and the scientific research around the world that has kept me alive to date and allowed me to continue my career.

I wish you health and happiness.


Damigi28 profile image
Damigi28 in reply to ferous

Thank you for that but in the US, we were not given any options. We were not watched afterwards. Elderly people were first. We were in the 3rd group to get vaxxed.

stevewhite profile image
stevewhite in reply to Damigi28

I left the UK in early November and would have had the vaccine in December if I had remained in the UK, In Scandinavia, they were much more cautious and because Infections remained low the country was much more cautious than the others around. They only prescribed Pfizer to the transplanted and Moderna to the majority of everyone else, it was late February when my turn came around as it was age-based and transplanted were in the 6th group so I was eligible then due to age and condition.

I heard that in the US, money talked and you could actually get what you wanted if you had the right connections, but hearsay is dangerous and it is possibly another stupid rumour.

I didn't realize that this site was for US patients only, I guess that leaves me in a lonely old world not speaking and reading the local language with its origins in the Viking rulers of the land. A transplant is a transplant and a patient is a patient, I used to live in the USA so I am well aware of the chaotic health system which has different rules and strategies from state to state.

As I stated before I would trust your doctors they spent years studying to become experts in their field, have saved your life once and will continue to care for you for as long as you keep looking after yourself.

These rumours and speculation do not do anybody any good they create fear and doubt, the USA is the main source of these rumours and the country has a very high ratio of anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists who jump at the chance to stand on a pedestal and spread ill devised theories which cause people like us great concern.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to stevewhite

Hi this site is sponsored by a highly respectful US based kidney health organization but participation is not for US patients only.And no you cannot "buy" your vaccine here so what you just shared was indeed a rumor.

ferous profile image
ferous in reply to LisaSnow

So as a kidney and liver recipient do I need to be concerned that my vaccine may be totally redundant or should I simply trust my medical team's in the UK and Denmark?

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to ferous

Our vaccines are scientifically justified and overall safe and efficacious. I think you have been given great care.

ferous profile image
ferous in reply to LisaSnow

This has been my point all along, Trust the science, not speculation. If you thought for once that I am not 100% behind the science and medicine then you are gravely mistaken.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to ferous


Falkenhayn profile image

It is simple logic that if your immune system is suppressed to permit a transplanted organ from another person to function without rejection in your body then your suppressed immune system will not respond to the stimulation of a vaccine as strongly as it would in an ordinary person whose immune system was not suppressed. That is why studies have found few or no antibodies being produced from a successful vaccination pair in transplant recipients. There is some indication, now being explored, that a third vaccination may produce sufficient resistance to the virus in immunosuppressed patients, and that is our best hope. It seems prudent to continue living as though there had been no vaccine until then.

Leekee profile image

I have heard that not all transplant recipients develop antibodies with the vaccine but some do.

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