So I am bored. I am also procrastinating which is annoying because I am this close *strains fingers* to finishing my auto biography. Okay it needs more work even when it is done to get rid of the spelling/grammatical errors and to give it better chapter names, but hopefully it will be finished soon and possibly on a Waterstones shelf near you... that is if they don't go into administration...
Anyway I was recalling something the other day on the coach going to Cambridge. Me and a good friend had to go on this AWFUL trip to Yorkshire to 'boost our self-esteem' which involved being thrown off a cliff (abseiling), climbing a wall and *gagging* team building exercises One night, I got my tape player (yes boys and girls, no MP3s in those days!) and for no apparent reason decided to stick the headphones up my nose. When I opened my mouth the friend could hear the music so for about 5 minutes I stood there opening and shutting my mouth with the music coming out! Yeah I was a weird kid!
Talking of music, I remembered something last night. From about the age of 10 until the age of Citalopram, I used to hear entire orchestrations in my head. Not ones that had already been done but new ones. Sadly, as beautiful as they are, that's all you will be able to hear about them because I never did find out a way of getting them from my head to paper. I can't write music, heck I can only just read the stuff! Due to stubby fingers and the fact that I can't play every instrument in an orchestra at the same time, I can't perform the music either. It was always so frustrating, but thankfully the Citalopram seems to have numbed my ability to hear music and I no longer worry about it.
My tics have calmed down A LOT the last few weeks which surprised me because they usually get worse around Christmas/new year. I have noticed a link between feeling angry and ticcing more though and since I have been on the fluoxetene (higher dose) I have been less angry and therefore ticcing less. I don't know if there is a definite link, I suppose I will find out eventually though because they might just be waning for a while. The only tic that has REALLY been getting to me is the one which makes my whole body jerk me when I am in bed... oh wait I already mentioned that...
There you go.
I haven't made any new years resolutions really because I don't ever stick to them. I decided before new year that I was going to be more careful with my diet because the dietician told me to cut out milk. Now I will be making a 'few weeks resolution' not to drink Coke, Pepsi or Dr Pepper because I had to go to the emergency dentist a couple of days ago because my tooth is in AGONY. Apparently my Coke habit (don't read that the wrong way please!) has not helped with my tooth and neither has my obsessive need to brush the little beggar, so I have lost all the enamel on it. The dentist did an x-ray as well and discovered a small hole in the side which explains why I found a bit of tooth in my mouth a while back but no one could see where it came from! Unfortunately, despite my generally waning tics, they have all decided to centre on my poor tooth, clacking my jaw and pushing at it with my tongue, plus I have the urge to punch it. Thankfully that has remained an urge so far and hopefully I will not actually punch it. If I do and knock it out, then the 'pets look like their owners' thing might come true and me and my toothless rabbit will have something in common!
Anyway that's enough procrastinating for now. I will be watching the first Narnia film later because I missed it the first 8 times they showed it over Christmas (exaggerating there) plus I might pop some CDs on and try not to sing because it irritates the tooth. Now I am going to go before my urge to type various dirty curse words happens because I have narrowly avoided it so far!
Peace out y'all (why do I keep saying that?)