Until today, I didn't think it necessary to blog about my recent withdrawal of my Citalopram tablets... I was on 40mg for over 7 years and I have been slowly withdrawing it down. I am now on 10mg. Today I noticed my mood is extremely low, I can't think beyond right NOW, I feel helpless and like I just want to curl up under my cover and never come out... Basically how I felt when I wasn't on the Citalopram. Apparently though, I have been like this since about last week when I dropped down to 20mg, but it's only now that I've noticed
My carers have all noticed a decline in my moods (snapping faster, quick anger and generally cocooning myself away in my room) and tonight even my Mum said she had noticed (over the phone) that I have been much more negative than I have in recent months. I don't know if it's just coincidence but my tics seem to have increased quite a bit as well. Not the loud, in yer face tics for once, but the painful thigh slapping, head banging, wheezing until I go blue in the face and chest punching to name a few.
I'm hoping this is all just withdrawal effects, which my psychiatrist did warn about, and not how I am going to be when I have completely come off the darned meds... Apparently I will have to wait about 2 weeks after the full withdrawal to know how my mood has stablized (or not...).
On the other hand, muggins here has decided to try aripiprazole again on a lower dose... this is the last time though, I mean it!