It's a full moon tomorrow and I heard on the radio today and discussion about people's eccentric behaviours when it's a full moon
I think a lot of people highly exaggerate all this stuff but health professionals in particular will tell you that those in mental health units have vastly increased behavioural problems (hence the word lunatic from the greek lunar), police will say there's lots of fights and suicide attempts as will paramadedics and publicans will often say there's an abnormal amount of drunkeness and fights when it's a full moon too
Apart from the liars, trhere are lots of peoplle who just feel down, depressed or are just feeling blue because of the full moon and it can last for days and menstruations can be much worse
Anyway, I did learn something to day that a lot of people had emailed/text/rang the prog to say that people with conditions that come under the Autistic Spectrum disorder are more likely to show challenging and inappropriate behaviour during a full moon
I wondered if it might affect TS/ADHD/OCD
I'm going to monitor my tics over the next couple of days (as these affects can start before and last for a few days afterwards
Or is it all just a load of poppycock