First Post - long running Tinnitus that has go... - Tinnitus UK

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First Post - long running Tinnitus that has got a lot worse

HearNAid profile image
8 Replies

Hi - My first post. Over many years I have had on/off ringing (high pitched noise) in my ears which 100% I could rely on disappearing after several days.

In the last 6+ months the high pinched noise has practically become a constant to the point it's the first thing I notice when I wake up and it's with me during the day (right now as I am typing).

I'm 55 and whilst I am concerned about the condition and even more concerned about knock on effects.

My mother had issues with her ears and needed a hearing aid and in her mid 70s contracted dementia and over a long 10 years declined in her health to her eventual passing.

I'm pretty sure my now constant ringing is linked to pressures of work (and at home) and generally not being as happy as I have been in the past but I am almost in a downward spiral as I am now starting to think it is effecting my concentration, focus and ability to recover from generally being down about most things :-(

I feel stuck to be honest and the tinnitus issue feels as if it is impeding my ability to pick myself up again.

Any words of support welcomed x

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HearNAid profile image
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8 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

it would be a great idea to see your doc and firstly check for wax (if you haven’t already) and tell the doc your concerns

Docs have a pathway they can follow (National Institute for Clinical Evidence). Look yourself on their website and put Tinnitus to their seat function

Also have a look at Tinnitus UK if you haven’t already

When you’ve absorbed this come back to us

Other posters might offer their take

HearNAid profile image
HearNAid in reply to Happyrosie

Thank you

Fridays_Child_62 profile image

Tinnitus can appear for apparently no reason, so I wouldn't spend too much effort analysing why you have it. Most of us don't know why we have it. I would also not dwell on your mother's case in comparison to yours. Lots of people need hearing aids as they get older. It is possible that your tinnitus results from a bit of hearing loss, but I don't think that would be unusual at 55, as some degree of hearing loss is normal as we get older. You could get your hearing tested. You may not need hearing aids, although some people find they help with their tinnitus, even if they don't need them to understand speech. Finally, you may have read about habituation with regard to tinnitus - this is the brain getting used to the tinnitus and learning to ignore it. It will still be there, but in the background. So, if your tinnitus is here to stay, you will very likely learn to live with it. In the meantime, try not to think about it and keep busy with other things that distract you from it. Don't let the tinnitus drag you down.

HearNAid profile image
HearNAid in reply to Fridays_Child_62

Thanks for the feedback.

Footballer58 profile image

similar story

First thing I would say is you will feel better at some point.

I was 60 nearly three years ago, huge pressure with business, then after a two years long struggle trying to cope and care with my elderly parents and the appalling struggles with care services, they both passed away within three weeks of each other over Christmas.

One day the big T hit me like a hurricane.

I thought it was something else, we all often do?

Gradually the fear of waking in the night again to the familiar screech caused me to become almost zombiefied… everything suffered.

Doctor GP no use, just get on witj it no cure shut up.

I paid pvt, saw am amazing Professor. He listened, read me like a book… knew more about me than I did! I was diagnosed with PTSD.

I was taught meditation, and read all I could on the illness at least two books and on line. I recommend you do the same. Understanding is the first big step towards Habituation!

You will get there

As other have said try to busy yourself when you feel it worst. I meditate before bed and in the afternoon, i have a sleep mask with piped in white noise for sleeping, i have audiobooks too in it. Set timer drift away.

No cure yet but habituation will come.

Daytime now unless its mentioned I can cope and live normally. It does get better then worse in a cycle, but im ok.

Good luck with it. Your journey

HearNAid profile image
HearNAid in reply to Footballer58

Thanks for sharing. I have just returned from the doctors who checked by ears and they look ok. I'm being referred to ENT. CBT and techniques were mentioned for controlling the T when I mentioned anxiety and stress amplifies the issue exponentially.

Doctor did concur that we have to be mindful that if a condition means you may become socially isolated then you have to be aware of this risk - I said more often than not - when in a pub - i',m looking at people thinking how on earth can you be having a conversation because I can't hear a thing with the amount of noise etc.

Cheers for the support and good health to yourself.

Footballer58 profile image


I don’t want to be too negative but ENT were of no use at all, once they established no significant age related hearing loss, it was, no cure for you, what do you expect us to do??

Do the CBT yourself is my opinion, save yourself the false dawn and endless waiting lists.

Best wishes

Bridiecat profile image

I’ve hearing loss high frequency related hissing T, I now wear mini hearing aids since December, with a Tinnitus pulse, there is some link to indicate that hearing loss with social isolation and reduced talking could nudge in dementia’s favour. I couldn’t hear in noisy environments, cafes, pubs and always asking ‘what?’ Get your hearing thoroughly checked.

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