My tinnitus of late is getting louder and driving me crazy. I often feel dizzy and has this happened to anybody else ? Thanks In advance
Hello, my name is Joan. I’m a team leader in a... - Tinnitus UK
Hello, my name is Joan. I’m a team leader in a reablment Hub
hi, best thing you can do is have a lie down and do some breathing techniques breathe in for the count of 4 and out for the count of 8. If this symptom persists please see GP
yes I get a bit dizzy too sometimes and wobbly balance when I get up from a chair, think it must be a part of tinnitus , it doesn’t happen all the time, I do worry about it sometimes.
Yes , I have experienced louder continuous high pitched sounds with no breaks of peace. I also have noticed dizziness and unsteadiness when walking. It is awful when night comes I am often up until four in the morning as I can not fall asleep until i basically pass out from fatigue.
We need a break for sure as it is many times unbearable.
search for “vestibular rehabilitation exercises “ for the dizzyness, just doing the ones where you are seated. This trains the brain to believe what your eyes are telling it and not your brain. Drink plenty of water.
I don’t know why T and dizziness seem to be associated but they are, somehow, experienced by many of us together.
Thank you all for your comments it’s appreciated. It makes me realise I’m not on my own.
my partner is really struggling since having tests with the ENT specialists, it seems to have made it worse. I’ve managed to get a cancellation appointment next week back at ENT to speak to them. He is always very nauseous too (he has been diagnosed with vestibular migraine) all the symptoms seem to stack on top of each other.
Has anyone had medication that is effective?
I agree with Jimbo453 give you self time to breathe. If lying down does not work attempt a supported "Monk walk" breathing in/out over slow counted steps, this will help you rediscover confidence in managing dizziness , dont push too hard though. Aim to bring the self into the body out of the head. Utilising natural soft sound via phone apps or white noise device can help focus the ear away from the sound. I recommend searching "Julian Cower-Hill" and "Treble Health" on youtube. Both focus on tinnitus management through proven CBT and Sound therapy methods and provide positive and hopeful stories of habituation . Life throws us all sort of curve balls that can spike the limbic system causing increase in the tinnitus. See the spikes as bad weather days. Find shelter with your support networks and folks on here.
ahoj ahoj, chci se podělit o tinnitus, mám ho sedm let a zatím se ho žádný doktor nezbavil, jeden doktor říkal, že to může být příčina zánětu v těle, kterých jsem si prošel hodně časů, hodně stresu a Vyčerpání, na začátku když jsem usnul, slyšel jsem divné zvuky, jako když za mnou jedoucí auto nebo podobné šustění motoru, pak se rychlost zvýšila a postupně mi začalo hučet vlevo Ear and it gradually got worse over the course of seven years to two whistling humming sounds and now it's been 7 years and I'm in the hospital because I can't get out of bed my head is spinning so bad I'm waiting for magnetic Resonance gave me prochlorperazine headache pills and the drops and pills don't work just for an hour I have a bit of a headache like a rock is pushing me forward and to the left like I'm falling I looked at various information about tinnitus and a lot of things put it down to the thyroid not working well or multiple sclerosis thanks for the reply something new that works
if your ears aren't regulating pressure correctly that can cause dizziness. It can be caused by Eustachian tube disfunction. I get it a lot especially when I stand up. Also fluid in the ear can cause this. Explain your symptoms to your doctor and say you want a referral to the ENT department of your local hospital. All the best.
same here but I don’t get dissiness
If with dizzy would it be meniere disease
yes been diagnosed with that. Spoke to GP on Friday and I am awaiting appointment for ENT. Thanks Joan