Not coping with tinnitus : Hi I’m new to BTA and... - Tinnitus UK

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Not coping with tinnitus

Genesis2022 profile image
14 Replies

Hi I’m new to BTA and also tinnitus.

One morning in February this year I woke up with a sound in my left ear . It didn’t bother me at first but by the next day it was louder so I went to the doctors he examined my ears and told me I have a build up of wax and that was the cause of my tinnitus . So I made an appointment to get my ears syringed. But it made no this point it was getting me really down and not want to continue living as it was getting worse ,it was by then in my head the noise was like a thousand birds chirping at once .I couldn’t sleep or concentrate .in the mean time I bought a white noise pillow and that does help with sleeping and a small sound oasis which I use during the day to block this crap in my ears and head . I’ve also taken to drinking more then usual to help me sleep also ,only beer I don’t touch spirits but I no I shouldn’t.I’m scared if I don’t I’ll have a sleepless night

I went back to doctors and he will refer me to see a E.N.T specialist but I waited a for a few weeks for the appointment but they was a waiting list of over 6 months .I was desperate I just wanted this to end so I went privately ,what a waste of time and money he looked in ears found they were fine and hearing was too . He couldn’t help me and just told me to Google for help groups , bye £170 thank u very much get on with it attitude I felt deflated where do I go next

I received a phone call from hospital to see an audiologist next Saturday.which I didn’t expect so soon especially when I had to wait 6 months to see a E.N.T specialist.what it the difference between them , what will the audiologist do different from the E.N.T specialist? or are they the same ? Hope he can do something or am I destined to have this for the rest of my life I’m a 68 year old male got no other health issues and fairly fit

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Genesis2022 profile image
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14 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

I know when I went privately just over a year ago the specialist sat on the end of his desk and looked bored . However he did suggest a few scans just to check things out. You could ask for these scans too . Also go to audiology and they will check out your hearing and they will get rid of the wax . But definitely ask for the scans . There are various books on tinnitus too that might help . I do agree though that these private doctors are disgusting to take our money and offer nothing

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to rabbits65

Thank you so much for your reply and the advice Kind regards

Genesis 2020

msspinner profile image

I too sometimes feel down that the noise in my ears will be there for ever. At the same time, by and large the T does calm down if I feel more relaxed (about it).

I hope you get a resolution soon.

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to msspinner

Thank you so much for the reply and concern Kind regards

Genesis 2020

TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Genesis

An audiologist tests your hearing - for many people, changes in their hearing contribute to why they are experiencing tinnitus. Stress and anxiety are certainly part of the picture - they often make us pay more attention to tinnitus or can lead us to perceive it as being a threat.

You've mentioned in your post that you are drinking because you're worried that without it you will have sleepless nights. I think this illustrates why stress and anxiety can have such a role in making us pay attention to tinnitus or to create the belief that we can't ignore it. A lot of people with tinnitus sleep normally. In the case of people who struggle, some level of fear or stress is preventing that. Counsellors can help us to overcome those ideas.

If your audiologist diagnoses a hearing loss, have a discussion with them about what can be done to tackle that issue and try to view that as the key issue - tinnitus is likely to improve once underlying causes like hearing loss, stress and anxiety are being dealt with or supported.

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Thank you for your reply and advice Kind regards


Vershon profile image

At last! Someone else who experiences tinnitus as birdsong! But yes, it can be intrusive and unpleasant at times, so I appreciate your desperation. If you have a bit of a hearing deficit and are able to get hearing aids - perfectly good ones available for free on the NHS - they may help by amplifying real sounds that will help distract you from the tinnitus. Also, as others have said here, stress doesn’t help, and tinnitus can be stressful, so you get in a vicious loop. Best not to focus on it and try to distract yourself. When that’s not possible, I sometimes find I can “shape” the sounds into something more pleasant, but maybe I’m lucky in that.

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to Vershon

Thank you so much for your reply vershon and your advise Thanks

Kind regards

Genesis m2020

MOLKO1972 profile image

Hi Genesis2022,

Welcome to this forum :)

We are all here for the same issue, so you are not alone in this and there is always someone here to give you some friendly advice and reassurance.

I can sympathise with you regarding your appointment with an ENT Consultant. I nearly went down the private route, but then sat down and thought about it logically. Did I really want to fork out over £100 to be told there is nothing that can be done for T? I'm glad I didn't, cus that's exactly what I was told when I went for my NHS appointment. There was no help offered and I wasn't even asked how I was coping or even if I was coping. The only thing I was offered was an MRI Scan, which came back all clear. That was the good news, but then you get a slap in the chops and you get discharged. To say I felt deflated was an understatement. Some people on here have had a very positive outcome through their ENT Consultant, but I think the majority of people have come away disappointed and frustrated.

I think my next step is Audiology. I have already seen two Audiologists who both said my hearing was fine. When I went for my ENT appointment, they did a hearing test and they said I had slight hearing loss in my T ear, so on that basis I think I need to have that investigated further.

I used to dread bedtime in the early days and I couldn't sleep at all. Over the months I realised it was the fear of T that was stopping me from getting a decent nights sleep. I have managed to convince myself that there is nothing to fear and I sleep soundly now. I do have a fan on at night, but to be honest I don't really notice that either. My T can be very loud at times and I tend to struggle more during the day, so I wear a pair of Aftershokz Headphones. These have been a lifesaver for me. They are bone conduction headphones which use vibrations to transmit sound directly to your inner ear through the bones located in your upper cheek and jaw. If you have never heard of them before, go and visit the BTA Website and you will find them on there.

I think learning to accept T is hard in the beginning, but I have found acceptance has helped me to manage it the best way I can.

Let us know how you get on with the Audiologist. Hopefully you will have a more positive outcome.

Good luck in your journey :)

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to MOLKO1972

Thank you so much MOLKO1972 for your reply and best wishes .it is hard coping with T I just hope something can be done to alleviate this condition Thanks again

Kind regards


Grananne1 profile image

Oh - This sounds like me a year ago! I had a terrible few months - Audiologist found hearing loss not enough for any aids. I also paid to see someone privately and that was a waste of time! NHS has been good but not really found any cause or cure! But helped with habituating. It just takes time and try not to worry too much. I started doing Yoga using Utube Videos which has helped a lot. Working was almost impossible but getting much easier now. I also saw a private hypnologist/mindfulness professional who also helped with the relaxation. That was money well spent! Its still there but not impacting on my day to day life. Ask for an MRI just to ensure all is ok. Good luck with the appointment.

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to Grananne1

Thank you for your concern Grananne1 and your helpful things to try Genesis2020

Rickardo profile image

Hi dear Genesis2022Firstly, WELCOME. - don't dispare! Your in great hands already with the Audiology dept at your local Hospital. I am completely confident they will guide you in the right direction because I have gone through the same as you so indeed you can't be in better hands than you Hospital Audiologist.

You will receive a complete and comprehensive hearing test and upon those results you may be offered hearing aids. The hearing aids are a must (for me anyhow) as they have a built in sound generator to mask your symptoms and for me they are a god send. I have total trust in the NHS Audiology department I have here in East Anglia.

My Tinnitus was quite severe and painful on a daily basis. It's till there but much less obtrusive.

You may wish to consider asking your Doctor for a course of Cinnarazine. 30mg x3 per day. Thats what I'm on and they help a great deal. Google Cinnarazine and also check out the N.I.C.E web site for same. Some very interesting reading to be done for you.

The combination of the two have helped me tremendousy to date and although there is no cure this will surly go a long way in easing your symtoms.

Please let me know how you get on.

All the Best.

Kind Regard Richard.

Genesis2022 profile image
Genesis2022 in reply to Rickardo

Thank you so much Rickardo for your reassurance and will let u know how I get on .thanks again Kind regards John

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