Dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus, what a horri... - Tinnitus UK

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Dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus, what a horrible trio!

mally1982 profile image
12 Replies

Hi. I'm new to this forum and thought I would post and see if I get any advice or tips.

8 weeks ago I had an episode of vertigo which was pretty much out of the blue and quite terrifying to be honest.

Since that I have been dizzy or I would better describe as light headed and spaced out! Actually feel like I'm drunk or on medication if that makes sense. To someone who doesn't drink alcohol or tries to avoid any medication that does affect me that way it is totally depressing. I have had tinnitus in my right ear for the duration as well. Also a feeling of fullness in my right ear and ear ache.

This has affected my mental health in such a massive way. I'm having panic attacks because of it and my anxiety is off the scale. It is affecting my daily life immeasurably. I'm avoiding situations , I no longer feel confident to pick my 11 month old daughter up from nursery as I feel I may collapse or fall over at any moment. I no this isn't going to happen but my anxiety is so high that it progresses into a major panic attack.

I have paid to see a ENT consultant privately this week for £200 to hopefully get some answers although I know I may be disappointed. I was told I would wait at least 6 months to see one on the NHS....... isn't that appalling. 😪

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mally1982 profile image
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12 Replies
TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Mally. Balance issues which can originate from the inner ear are reasonably common - the Meniere's Society has a lot of information about them, their diagnosis and treatment. An audio-vestibular specialist is worth consulting if you do go on to be identified as having a balance disorder.


baap.org.uk - the 'find a physician' section may be worth looking into

Happyrosie profile image

Mally, I know this is hard. You've asked for some tips and here they are:I suspect you are suffering either from Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV) or Labyrinthitis. Either way, the treatment is the same, and if I am right you WILL better in a few weeks.

Firstly, if the world seems to be moving around you - the path in front of you seems to swing up and down or sideways - you should not be driving.

Your doctor should have given you some tablets to help with the vertigo. Personally I take Perchlorperazine and there are others - if the doc doesn't help, your pharmacist will sell you something suitable.

Your brain relies on information from your ears and your body to let it know where things are, but your brain is being deceived by your ears. There are exercises to train your brain to believe your eyes rather than your ears. I have found by personal experience that the best ones are found on the website of The Brain & Spine Foundation, search for "vestibular rehabilitation exercises". Only do the ones where you sit and move your eyes then your head, to start with. There are other exercises on that site, for you to do when you feel less nauseous.

Lastly, you are doing well to even be able to use a computer - when I first had this condition even looking at the screen made me sick!

Please do come back to me on this site if you think I can help further.

Belpoppy profile image

Hi Mally. Sorry to hear you are suffering. I started with vertigo and tinnitus a year ago first told Labyrinthitis then Menieres, docs don't have clue to be honest, all they have is their go to drugs and in my case Betahistine and Cinizarine, neither worked for me.So I too paid my £200 to see ent consultant he said Vestibular Migraine Unfortunately didn't get answers was hoping for just syringed my ears, another £50 and said basically caused by stress and learn to habituate. Which I have done, I took matters into my own hands, it was ruining my life and I refused to be a victim anymore. SO I read everything I could changed my diet and do eye/head exercises but the biggest result has come from finding out about Eft emotional freedom technique Tapping. I still have tinnitus and full ears and am hearing impaired my vertigo is always hovering there in the background but the difference is I don't think about it all anymore, it's a shit friend I could do without but can't get rid of I've learned to live with it, it's part of me. So Mally I hope some of my experience may help you. The mind is very powerful it controls everything. I talk to my vertigo and tell it to*#&off and laugh and do some tapping.... It works.... Good luck... Xx

mally1982 profile image
mally1982 in reply to Belpoppy

It's really frustrating isn't it. I just don't think they understand the condition themselves! I'm trying to have the same attitude as you and try to accept that the illness is here and may never go. But, I'm still able to do pretty much everything I used to enjoy. Yes things will be different and will need managed but at least I still can. I have an 11 month daughter now so i can't give up as she needs me . She won't care if I can't drive or go rock climbing! she just needs me there for her to give her a cuddle.

Hope you continue to be happy and keep telling the vertigo to f**k off


Beagleears profile image

Hi so sorry to hear you are struggling with this. I know how you feel as 2 years ago during first lockdown I started getting vertigo and couldn't hear properly ears felt awful blocked and itchy. Igot my ears unblocked once things opened up which didn't solve anything did rehab exercises I was given and I have been in a vicious cycle of vertigo tinnitus blocked itchy ears ever since. I tried prochlorperazine which didn't work for me now I'm on betahistine which has worked wonderfully and vertigo is gone but as I've had it for so long I can't quite believe its gone and I'm scared it might come back but very relieved so far so good but I'm taking things slowly. Tinnitus hasn't gone but I'm living with that. I found the vertigo terrifying as you have mentioned it makes you very anxious about your own ability to walk about. However walking as much as you can is one of the many things that can help you regain your sense of balance as well as the exercises your GP can recommend. As others have mentioned there are other ways to cope meditation or relaxation techniques. There is a lot of information out there you need to try the things that appeal to you. I was diagnosed with BPPV initially but I'm convinced I have menieres because of all the problems I have with my ears. I will be discussing this with my GP on my next review. Your ENT should be able to give you exercises and advice and a possible diagnosis. Don't buy any daft medication that claims to cure you off the internet there is a lot of daft claims out there go with your GP or specialist advice on medication. Look at recommended websites by people on this site. As others have said different medications suit different people and it is try it and see what happens unfortunately. I hope your ENT appointment gives you some clarity and helpful advice. Good Luck and take care.

mally1982 profile image
mally1982 in reply to Beagleears

I'm really pleased to hear that you're feeling better and that the betahistine has worked for you. So I had my ENT appointment yesterday. He believes I have Meniere's disease from his initial assessment although I do need to go back for 2 different audiology tests which he says will properly diagnose it (or not)

What dose Betahistine do you take ? I was first prescribed 16mg 3 x a day but I think the made feel ill ( although I don't know if that was the illness!). So he has put me on 8mg instead and told me to try it for 2 months. I'm glad to hear that you feel the medication has worked as I mostly just hear on this forum the negative stories.

I practice mindfulness everyday as I have suffered with my mental health for a long time. It certainly helps, however it is a lifetime commitment and there is no quick fix for any of this. I think a lot come down to acceptance of the illness, If you can do that you can learn to live with it. Unfortunately it is going to be a long hard journey.

I hope you stay well and try not to think about it coming back , you never know you may be free from it


Beagleears profile image
Beagleears in reply to mally1982

I was prescribed 8mg 3 times a day and it has worked really well for me although it did make me nauseous and I had diarrhoea and a bit of a headache for the first couple of weeks but I was warned this might happen and that these reactions should wear off. I noticed my balance getting better within the first week which helped me to stick with it. Hopefully it will work for you too. I practice mindfulness and walk in the countryside everyday as much as I can it helps as you say you just have to accept and learn to live with it. I'm hoping to get referred to NHS audiology to double check my hearing assessment from boots which I was dubious of. Thanks for your reply take care

Gregoria profile image

Hi Mally, I've been going through the same thing as you but in Spain. I got a cold and sore throat, then pressure in my left ear and hot flashes for about a week, then vertigo and nausea . There was one day when I couldn't walk. I don't know what the root cause is: if it's a side effect of covid or the vaccines, a sinus infection or something else. The GP prescribed betahistina and dogmatil but was reluctant to let me see an ENT specialist. In the end I saw an ENT doctor at a private clinic as I wasn't keen on the idea of antipsychotic drugs. The specialist told me not to take the medicines and do the Brandt Daroff Exercise instead. (There are videos on the internet.) It was uncomfortable to do at first as it brought on dizziness but it got rid of the vertigo very quickly.

mally1982 profile image
mally1982 in reply to Gregoria

Hi Gregoria. Sorry to hear you're unwell. I don't know what caused mine. I actually believe the theory that it can be caused by stress. I have lived a very stressful and anxious life for most of my adult life and childhood so I think it is that that has done it to me. My ENT consultant has preliminary diagnosed me with Meniere's disease unfortunately. I am waiting for a further hearing test to properly diagnose. I am in the stage of trying to accept that my life is changing and that I need to adapt to it as there is no cure. I have a young daughter so I need to be here for her . Have a nice day and I hope you feel better 😀

ArtyPants46 profile image

Dear Malloy, I have had very similar to you and just want you to know, it does get easier. You learn to manage your symptoms. I have been seeing a private vestibular doctor in London who is very helpful. And you’ll need to be checked out by an audio-vestibular dept where the do tons of tests in an aim to work out exactly what it is you have - you neve know, it may be vestibular migraine, like me. Not sure where you live but happy to recommend my resources (I’m London based)

mally1982 profile image
mally1982 in reply to ArtyPants46

Hi. I live in Cumbria so I'm way up north but thanks for the offer. I'm actually finding now that my symptoms fluctuate from feeling terrible to actually feeling quite normal. I'm hopeful that the betahistine I have been prescribed are helping and that I am adapting the illness. I have 2 audio tests booked at Blackpool Hospital and then a follow up with the consultant to discuss. He said once he has the results he will diagnose or not. If I don't have the relevant result for Meniere's he said we would explore other illnesses including vestibular migraine. Do you do exercises for your symptoms? I wondered whether it is worth me trying any as I seen some on the Internet but didn't know if they would help me. Cheers

ArtyPants46 profile image
ArtyPants46 in reply to mally1982

Yes, my vestibular doctor gave me some vestibular exercises - you start off gently then build them up. They definitely helped. As does healthy lifestyle - getting lots of sleep, eating well, drinking lots of water, vitamins (in my case high dose B2 and magnesium were recommended) and exercise (I can’t run at the moment with gentle lane swimming helps). Good luck and keep us posted!

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