Hi All,
I'm new and want to start by thanking everyone for sharing their journey. I can connect with both the concerns and struggled shared, even if I'm not officially diagnosed.
For a long time I think in absolute silience I had some form of ringing with it never really bothering me. Over the past 2-3 months it has become more noticeable and irritable within my right ear! perhaps a 3/4 out of ten on the spectrum.
I visited the GP and they confirmed no blockage or signs of infection which surprised me given it felt blocked, felt uncomfortable months before and the fact it all got worse during this time. From reading about it, it does seem to just start with many triggers. If I crook my jaw the ring in my right ear gets worse in a certain position (Frequency change). if I try popping my ears water comes through my tear duck etc. Maybe its false hope can I can't help that think its more than simply tinnitus. The aspect is the fact I play rain sounds when I sleep and perhaps when not hearing the masking sound, I notice it more?
Anyway the GP said return in 3 months if it doesn't improve however she warned due to the pandenmic getting specialised treatment is unlikely. I used the NHS UK however I am considering using my private healthcare insurance to fully investigate this.
Any advice or comments would be appreciated? I certainly will be doing all I can to diagnose and improve the issue. Just hope it doesn't get worse.