Struggling to accept my T: It sounds childish I... - Tinnitus UK

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Struggling to accept my T

SB7516 profile image
21 Replies

It sounds childish I know but I just want to go back to the time before Tinnitus. I developed it in June and have being trying extremely hard to find a way to cope. I’ve taken up regular meditation and yoga but nothing seems to help. It started in my left ear following a viral infection which was a constant boiler noise which changed to a hissing/high pitched ringing. I was beginning to manage ok but the last week has seen the volume increase where I can hear it over the TV or radio and the roaring noise has now started in my right ear. I don’t think I can live like this. I love silence and suffer from noise sensitivity so this is my worse nightmare (which I’m sure others feel like this too). I really cannot see a way of coping and no one around me seems to understand as it is not visible. I’ve got an audiologist appointment today at spec savers but I’m dreading the prospect that they won’t be able to help.

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SB7516 profile image
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21 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

Hello SB.

Everyone reading your post sympathises with you. Your audiologists may be able to find something to help you.

You say you suffer from noise sensitivity. Please read the portion of the Tinnitus Association website that deals with this issue.

My tinnitus is certainly louder than a car engine if I’m inside a car, and audible over the radio or TV and this has been the case for at least fifteen years. I put up with it. If outside, I listen instead to my footsteps, the rain, the birds ....

my hearing isn’t too good, so hearing aids helps me hear the real world rather than the imaginary noises in my head.

I wish you well.

Vuelta1 profile image

Hi, I truly understand what you're going through. I've been suffering from tinnitus since Feb last year after a loud concert. I have it in both ears constantly, but please believe me when I say there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. The first few months were horrendous and I too thought I not going to get through this, so I made an appointment with an ENT surgeon who was wonderfully understanding and tinnitus was one of his special interests. He talked me through my fears and checked my ears, then referred to me his recommended Audiologist for TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) which basically is CBT but the reason I chose TRT is because I wanted someone who was familiar with tinnitus and who knew about ears. Whilst waiting for these appointments at night time I'd use a masker that played music and during the day I'd have my phone next me playing music from apps that I'd find for free to help mask the Tinnitus. I could still hear it all the time but it gave me something to focus on plus I started breathing exercises.... This did help... . I honestly thought it wouldn't but it's a well known fact that Tinnitus gets worse the more anxious we are and by doing breathing exercises helped regain some of my composure. I also went out every evening after work for a walk, rain or shine... Again to help my mind focus on other things... Look up Jasterboff retraining therapy. I printed off some information regarding this and again it helped me understand the way my mind is working regarding the tinnitus and there is light at the end of this tunnel. I'm now a year and half in and I'm pretty much back to my old self.. I have days when it's louder then usual, I hear it every night still when I go to bed but I don't use a masker anymore, I just lie there, tell it shove off and focus my mind on happy thoughts like winning the lottery (this I do most nights) and before I know it I'm asleep and I always wake up in the night but were before tinnitus would be the first thing I hear, it's not and I find myself being able to drift back off. During the day, I barely hear it unless the room is exceptionally quiet so I put the TV on or play some music. What I will say, is that in the first few months the doctor put me on anxiety tablets and this did help me but now I don't take them anymore. I know it feels like you'll never be yourself again and I thought the same for months but you'll get there and remember you're not on your own. You're right no one understands what you're going through apart from the people that have been through it but you have all of us on here and the British Tinnitus Society are very supportive too.

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to Vuelta1

Thank you so much Vuelta1 for your kind and supportive words. I really do want to be myself again and I live in the hope I can learn to live with it but at the moment it doesn’t feel like I will. I will look up Jasterboff and I will try to remain positive.

Eleanor1989 profile image
Eleanor1989 in reply to Vuelta1

Hello Could I ask what anxiety tablets were you put on x

TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi SB - a lot of people want to jump back to a time before tinnitus, so you are by no means alone in that goal.

I think the other posts here are fantastic pieces of advice and I hope that you're able to see some positivity in them - tinnitus can improve and there is always the distinct possibility that it will get to a point for you where you find yourself wondering if it is even still there, as you notice it so infrequently.

Still early days - it does get better.

Joeb17 profile image

You do not sound childish there are a lot of people out there who have T I have now forgotten when mine started it seem so long ago.i have It loud in both ears 24/7.there are a lot of ways that you can manage T I try every thing to help with my T but have had no luck every body’s T can be different so what works for some people doesn’t work for others.i no it sounds hard but try to be positive and strong.keep posting on here and reading there are people who will listen and hopefully give you advice.

Good luck be safe.


I have had it for just over two months. It is in both ears and I have high pitched hearing loss. I am still very low and depressed by it but not as bad as I was. I have good days and bad days. I have been talking to a psychologist who has been very helpful. Although it will probably not go away completely , I understand that it does ease over time. I have not tried Tinnitus retraining therapy yet, but may do so. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is effectively counselling is according to the British Tinnitus Association safe and has the best efficacy for treating Tinnitus.

I have spoken to many people about it and quite a number of people have it. In many cases for a long time, but they all seem to cope with it. I think that it takes quite a long time to adjust to it, but in most cases it does apparently ease over time.

Good luck

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to

Thanks. I live in hope it will ease but it seems to be getting worse and it’s as if the doctors don’t care. I’m trying to get a referral to a tinnitus clinic to see if I can get TRT but in the current climate even getting an appointment with the GP is problematic. I am living in hope it will ease and reading others posts and replies like yours gives me something positive to hold on to.

Masses of people have it talk to your friends, some will have it. The psychologist has really helped me.

Hello, i can completely understand how you feel I've been struggling to cope since the beginning of October. After a really stressful year its been the last straw for me. Mine is a constant ring in my left ear and a fluctuating high pitch dog whistle noice in my right ear. I have tried sleeping pills and prescription sleepers which work but the doctor wont prescribe any more. I too am waiting for a referal. And yea like u feel like my worlds been shifted and itsca daily nightly struggle. Ive been prescribed anti depressants. Which i have now started. But hardest part is im not depressed im just struggling to cope with a costant fluctuating dog whistle in my ear...

I wish you love and light and strengh hun ur not alone..x

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to

Hi thanks for your message. It’s the not knowing as to why it started and how to manage it. I feel for you too. The ringing is awful and I also have this vibrating noise that gets worse with noise. I feel so alone as no one can hear what you can. We have to try to remain optimistic as there is no other good option. I’ve signed up for the online support group with the BTA just so I can talk to others that have some idea of the condition. I have been putting off antidepressants as I used to be on them and they made me into a zombie, and like you it’s not depression that I’m particularly suffering is more like PTSD as im constantly waiting for the vibrating to start again. I have read that the ringing can be habituated in time so fingers crossed for the both of us on that one. Let me know how you get on x

in reply to SB7516

Bless you you aren't alone.

Im early days with the meds hes prescribed me mirtazapine. I can let you know if they help. Im pretty much trying anything right now. If it stopped id just crack on with my day..its just seemed to have stopped me functioning right now. And with 2 children its a bit of a nitemare.

Like you its hard to explain to people just how it makes you feel.

But keep in touch and i will too if i find anything thathelps i will let you know.


gem39 profile image
gem39 in reply to

has the mirtazapine worked? I'm a new sufferer and its causing me so much anxiety so have been prescribed a low dose of citalopram but abit scared about starting it but something has to give as im struggling an with being a mum if 3 and it nearly being Christmas it's really ruling my life at the min

in reply to gem39

Hi gem, aw i feel for you its horrid i know. I have been pn mirtazapine now for 7 weeks nearly. And yes they have helped me calm down a bit. My anxiety is no where near as bad as it was 6 weeks ago. My t is still loud and gets louder as day goes on. But ive started to sleep better with the help of the antidepressants and 2.5 mg of diazipan before bed. Ive stopped drinking as i was to try to escape it. Im having a few more better days now so my advise is take the antidepressants hun they will help you calm down they take a few weeks to gett used to but if you are having trouble sleepin then ask your gp to consider mirtazapine as at 15mg they have a sedative effect. I hope that helps a bit. I use essential oils too to put in my bath most evenings and relax. Lavender is good and tea trea oil..keep your chin up i no its hard im still early days too and i feel your pain but dont put to much stress on your shoulders. Im going to acupuncturist on monday as i think rhey will help with anxiety. I let u know if it helps. Take care hun..x

Dneuf profile image
Dneuf in reply to SB7516

How are things for you now? I also have a vibrating noise that gets worse with noise. It’s hell. It takes over my head.

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to Dneuf

Hi, I’m learning to live with the T. It still gets me down but I also know anxiety makes it worse so I’m trying not to let it win. I’ve moved house recently next to a busy main road which helps me to not focus so much on it. How are you?

Hi SB7516

Sorry to hear you too have tinnitus

I had it since my early 30's - 71 now, after very noisy discos in the 70's

Did fine with it, till 4 years ago, when it ramped up to a level that stopped me sleeping - so took Benzos

However, 6 months ago, I had success with my Redefining the T, as NOT a NOISE or SOUND at all (which it isn't) but an ILLUSION/DELUSION that the brain has created, for whatever reason

Worked for me and I haven't needed Benzos for 6 months now!

If interested, please see my Post

All the Best!


SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to

Thanks for your reply Alps. I’ll take a look at your post. I agree I have to start viewing my T in a different way and not as a noise that started from nowhere. All the best and glad to hear you have found a way to habituate it.

_Barnabas profile image


Please don’t lose hope. You will get used to it and life will get better. Once you able to accept the T you will notice it less and less. Like you I developed T in June and it has got louder since. I have had a really hard time up to now but am beginning to habituate and move on. Please just keep going and don’t despair. Life is so much more than T.

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to _Barnabas


Thanks for your support. I’m trying to learn to ignore it but that’s easier said than done at times. However some days are better than others and I hope that good start to outnumber the bad. I never appreciated how distressing it is to have T until now.

All the best.

Hello, how are you doing?X

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