i have been wondering for a while if i can get any benefits for having tinnitus and loss of hearing. Also can members of the forum maybe help me with a little information i am looking for something to block out the whistling in my head hearing aids only damp it down a bit any help much appreciated
Hi are there any benefits that can be claimed ... - Tinnitus UK
Hi are there any benefits that can be claimed due to tinnitus and loss of hearing
The only”benefit” you can get is an unwanted lodger in your head rent free!!!!
Hi Sweeper.
At the present time tinnitus isn't regarded as a condition in its own right. Hearing loss is, however, a condition which is acknowledged and tinnitus might be seen as a significant symptom likely to negatively impact people who are hard of hearing by occupational health assessors or during benefit assessments.
Our third sector colleagues at Action on Hearing Loss have more information on their website regarding the claims process which you might find helpful - actiononhearingloss.org.uk/...
I hope that you are able to continue using your hearing aids and notice some improvement in how much you notice your tinnitus as a result.
Best wishes
I think you would need to have profound hearing loss affecting your ability to work in order to claim benefits.
If your tinnitus can be proven to be occupational you may have a claim on your employers.