Neuromod. Feedback from my official review - Tinnitus UK

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Neuromod. Feedback from my official review

ade-the-pade profile image
27 Replies

Hello folks, I have been back to Dublin for my official first review. I have to report that there has been no lessening in the level of noise or intrusiveness of my T. Also, in my left ear, the Hyperacusis has got slightly worse. That is the down side.

They enquired in relation to my use of the device. I reported that I had been doing more 30mins a day sessions rather than the higher 60mins. They suggested that I make more of an effort to maintain the higher usage. This I have been doing since last Friday.

My thoughts and feelings on the matter. A little disappointed as I had hoped that I would be one of the successes. Also, a little annoyed that my Hyperacusis in my left ear has deteriorated. It may well have been that this is nothing to do with the Neuromod but I have a nagging thought that it is.

Am I glad I am trying it? Definitely yes. I am showing no signs of habituating so need to try something. This is all about trying to get quality of life back. I'll continue to use it for the 60mins a day until the next review in 7weeks.

It is a bit concerning that I am not hearing or reading about any successes from "real" people. I mean by people using forums, chat rooms or support groups.

Would I recommend it? That is a difficult one. Everyone is different. Some people need "hope" and something to hold on to (Me). Other people need surety that this is a treatment with a high degree of success. To me, this is not it.

Is it about making money? I still don't think so. The science and research behind it seems solid enough. The brain is very complex and will respond in different ways for different people. I don't think the company would have passed all the trials with its fancy sound box with flashing lights.

Feelings. A bit disappointment but life goes on. Still hanging in. Keeping very busy all day then going to bed exhausted!! Now off to gym to do Body attack class.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Wishing you all peace and quiet.


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ade-the-pade profile image
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27 Replies
Jenjen12345 profile image


Thankyou for the feedback.

GOD bless you.



ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Jenjen12345

Thank you for you kind words.


Mikkijan profile image

I'm sorry to hear you're not experiencing any relief yet Ade, I've been following your posts and rooting for you. I hope that increasing to the longer sessions will produce some positive results. Thank you for keeping us updated and I'm wishing you all the best as you continue this treatment.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Mikkijan

Thank you for the positive words. My hope is just not for me. If it works for me then it could bring relief for lots of others. At some point this awful condition will me tamed!!


Scarlett2013 profile image

Hi Ade

Just wondering why you didn’t manage the 60 mins a day? Is it just hard to fit it in? I’m going to pick my device up on Friday. I hope you start to get some improvement soon.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Scarlett2013

Hello Scarlett. I have two young kids and my wife works full time. I work part time and do all the house stuff. Getting 60 a day is challenging. If i leave it too late at night then i am ready for sleeping. I take mirtazipine at night and if i take them too late then i am in a fog in the morning. Just juggling my time. Sitting reading a book for an hour for me feels a little selfish. However, i need to take more responsibility for this.

I am really excited to hear how it all works for you.

Good luck !!!


bridgeit profile image
bridgeit in reply to ade-the-pade

I'm new to the forum Ade, and don't know you're experience history so please forgive my ignorance about your full situation. I hope this post helps inform. I have read that Mirtazapine is ototoxic and can therefore exacerbate tinnitus. Did you know that there are over 450 drugs on the market that are known ototoxic? They might not affect 90% of the population not bothered by tinnitus, but as for the rest of us...…………...

Amitriptyline for migraine nearly drove me over the edge in 2018; it sent my tinnitus to screaming pitch within 3 weeks. That's when I did some investigation of my own and found out that the drug prescribed to help me was causing more problems than ever.

Here's a website reference for a comprehensive list of drugs that can affect tinnitus:

The very best of luck to you with your device.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to bridgeit

Thank you very much. All information is helpful with decision making. Welcome to the forum and i hope that you find it useful.

Kind regards


Scarlett2013 profile image

Thank you , will let you know. Wasn’t criticising you by the way, just interested if it was actually using the device for that long that made it uncomfortable to use for the full hour .

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Scarlett2013

A full hour at one go is a long time!!!

KingsHea profile image

Thanks so much for sharing. As you know I too went to Dublin at the same time, was accepted but told to try white noise first which also has done nothing for me so far. I have been told I can go back any time to get the device fitted but I am waiting to hear something good from a 'real' person.....I hope that will be you! Good luck, Mark

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to KingsHea

Thank you Mark


Scarlett2013 profile image
Scarlett2013 in reply to KingsHea

I went and picked up my device on Friday, and got talking to somebody who had been on the original trial and had their tinnitus reduced to very low level. They were now buying the device so that they could carry on using it. This gave me a boost as I too wanted to hear from a real person. He is actually the face in their promotional materIal.

Bellyboo profile image

Thanks for the update. I’ve been looking for relief for 20 + years and haven’t found it. I’m at the latter end of my life (67) so just one more ageing symptom. Your young so remember there’s always somebody worse off than yourself. Just don’t let it get you down (I don’t .

I had a debilitating fobia for many years which I cured with hypnosis or just grew out of it? I would rather keep my chronic tinnitus than swap back to my fobia by a mile.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Bellyboo

Hello Bellyboo.Glad that you are now in a better place.

Thank you.


jmallordturner51 profile image

Thanks so much for your updates. I am certainly rooting for your success. If you have time to answer; how intrusive is your tinnitus, does it bother you constantly? Thanks

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to jmallordturner51

Hello J. It is so hard to put scores and levels on T. My right ear has a high pitched steady whistle. i can hear it as soon as i stop doing anything. i can hear it over the radio and driving the car. My left hear has a super high pitched fluctuating sound similar to scraping nails down an old fashioned black board. It will sit on top of any ambient noise no matter how loud. On top of that i have hyperacusis. The sound of crisp bag or tearing paper causes pain and discomfort on the left side of my head.

Bloody nuisance. Hence my decision to try neuromod.



Jimmuck profile image

Thanks for your honest evaluation of your Neuromod journey so far. I am so disappointed that it hasn't really worked for you as you have put so much effort in but I sincerely hope, that upping the sessions to 60 minutes will make a difference. Wishing you quieter times soon. All the best.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Jimmuck

Thank you for your kind words.



Scarlett2013 profile image

Hi Ade

I picked my device up yesterday. In the waiting room I got talking to a gentleman who was filling in his details on a tablet. He told me he was one of the original trial members and his tinnitus had all but disappeared during the trial. He has now purchased the device and was back for his 6 week review. He also told me he is now the ‘poster’ man on The neuromod leaflets and posters ! I can’t tell you how reassuring I found this to actually talk to someone who had good results from the device. I hope this inspires a little confidence in you too.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Scarlett2013

Hello Scarlett. Good luck and hope it goes well.

I went up to the 1 hr a day everyday. As a result T and Hyperacusis has gone through the roof. At a bit of a crossroads as it has put me back. I know there are no guarantees but not expecting this.

Wishing you success.


Scarlett2013 profile image
Scarlett2013 in reply to ade-the-pade

So sorry that it has caused your t to increase. They told me this would probably happen but to try to keep going through it. Are you going to ask for their advice? I wish there wAs an easy answer. I hope you find the strength to carry on.

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Scarlett2013

Thank you. The increase in T i can handle. The hyperscusis is the thing that I am struggling with. I'll take a few days off and it might settle.

Regards and good luck.


Scarlett2013 profile image

Hi Ade

Just wondering how you are doing?

ade-the-pade profile image

Hello Scarlet. Not good I'm afraid. It clearly has adversely affected things. The hyperacusis remains very sensitive and the noise level of T increased a lot.

I took a break but as soon as I started again the symtoms returned.

I now suffer from nausea and struggling with insomnia.

I am due the second review in four weeks. There is something that is not working for me and I can only think that the neurmod is linked with the changes in my head.

How are things with you?


Scarlett2013 profile image
Scarlett2013 in reply to ade-the-pade

Morning Ade,

I am sorry to hear this has not worked for you. Has your t stayed louder as well? You must be really disappointed. I have been using it two weeks and haven’t noticed any real change. Have had a lot of headaches this week but that isn’t unusual. Not sure what to do now. Have you heard from Rudd boy? Hw was trying the device as well wasn’t he?

ade-the-pade profile image
ade-the-pade in reply to Scarlett2013

Hello Scarlett. Last update from Ruudboy was that he had no change.

My T has gone up a notch. It is also a bit hard to judge. Intrusiveness is always worse when you are not mentally in a good place.

I used to sleep really well with a small 7.5mg if mirtazipine. Not sleeping sucks the life out of you. Nausea is a new one for me.

All in all, not the most positive experiences. I know that it could be all coincidental but something in my head has changed.

I am hoping that things will settle down.

Kind regards


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