I've joined this forum because I am interested to find out what other people have to say about tinnitus. I have pulsatile tinnitus. I had tinnitus for years with buzzes and humming, I have also had glue ear for years & have had grommets. The most recent grommet was fitted almost 2 years ago, and over time I developed pulsatile tinnitus, which has become progressively worse. A recent MRI scan did not pick up any abnormalities. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with.
Hello, I'm new to this forum: I've joined this... - Tinnitus UK
Hello, I'm new to this forum
Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.
Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.
We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:
tinnitus.org.uk (information and support details)
takeontinnitus.co.uk (free tinnitus management programme)
Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)
Kind regards
Hi Emfy, I'm also new to this forum and find it interesting to read like minded people with this awful affliction.
I first noticed my Tinnitus 25 years ago when my husband died of cancer. I've had a very stressful life with one thing and another but I find it does get louder under stress. I put my radio on every day in the house and the car....I love music as a bonus to this problem. I'm intrigued to read that some people can tell which ear its coming from....for years its been both ears because I cant differentiate. I had a hearing test recently (at 67 I was told the result was age related deafness and only slightly affected, to my relief) and the technician said Tinnitus isn't an ear problem its a noise the brain makes when you are stressed, unfortunately it never goes away at times when unstressed!! Have you heard this? I've never been to a Dr about it because they cant hear it anyway so how can they prescribe drugs for it, unless I'm wrongly informed. Fortunately I have always been able to sleep at night. When I'm on holiday in the sun and reading a good book and thinking about nothing it is a lot less....so the answer is one permanent holiday in the sun! So I must always be stressed!
How were you tested for Pulsatile Tinnitus, did they hear anything, are you on antidepressants?
Hi Emfy, I have had Tinnitus for 3 years now, after a grommet was put in my ear. I then had it taken out and put in 3 times, a bone removed, a Cochlear Implant put in and out and now have a Cochlear. Each time it’s made the Tinnitus worse. I have pulsating Tinnitus but take a beta blocker 4 times a day.. it helps a bit. Taurine seems to be the in thing, but haven’t tried that. Good luck ,!
Hi Emily, the technician was quite right, my consultant said it could be a mild inflammation of the tissues in the hearing cortex. I have simple musical hallucinations and pulsatile tinnitus mixed, and the MH swells and fades over about an 11-hour cycle. There doesn't seem to be anything you can do about it apart from ignoring it and thinking about other things! Try not thinking about camouflage-pattern elephants...