Hi, I’ve suffered with minor tinnitus in my left year for a year or two, mainly due I think to the use of teleconference headsets for an extended period of time. Recently, it worsened and my GP suggested I have an MRI of my inner ear to identify any potential structural problems. The MRI experience was very loud and lasted 10 to 15 minutes and despite wearing ear protection I’m finding that both ears are now ringing much worse than before. I’m hoping that my ears will recover to their previous state over the coming days and will be consulting my GP to get her perspective on things imminently. Wondered if anyone has experienced similar circumstances on here and what was the outcome? At the time of writing, my MRI was 4 days ago and I’ve experienced some improvement, but I’m not fully back to where I was the beginning of last week just yet. Thanks, Richard.
Tinnitus determination following Inner ear MRI - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus determination following Inner ear MRI
Hi Richard,
I had the same experience at UCSF . I complained and they opened a case to investigate.
They found that the brain scan did create my hyperacusis and severely increased my T. They first expressed that they aimed to help me. They were actually circling the wagons to fend off a malpractice suit.
Once they realized I understood the legal implications, they sent me letters dismissing my claim as a known risk. Sorry, but this dose happen to some patients. We wish you the best of luck.
I’ve been investigating the subject since it happened and have dug deep into what proves to be a multifaceted wring of corruption. Anytime there are billions of dollars at stake, evil rears it’s head.
The standards of safety are established by the manufacturer GE and 3M in this case. The FDA simply puts their seal on it. So no independent studies are conducted.
I have the charts they go by.
I’m looking for comparable cases like yours to build a case for awareness. I started with the universities department heads, warning them of the dangers. Now I’m on my own, deciding how to help myself and help protect other unsuspecting victims.
Through this network, we could compare different MRI operations and their practices.
The simple solution is to reengineer the scanners to host metal free earmuffs instead of the 50 cent 3m earplugs they call for which 3m claims reduce by 33decibles. 3m dosnt acount for the various frequencies and the multiple angles they are being resonated from.
Many lower resolution scanners are at 80 decibels and host earmuffs. The closed scanners are at 120-130 and use foam earplugs.
The head audiologist at UCSF told me that if I didn’t improve within 24 hours, it’s likely to become permanent and worsen.
I’ve considered a lawsuit but that won’t fix my ears.
Hello Richard,
I'm following up on my reply from earlier.
I was wondering if you've had any improvement since your MRI.
My symptoms are still getting worse.
Hi there,
Having good days and pretty average days at the moment where “T” perception has been quite changeable, though on balance 17 days on from the MRI, I’m in a much better place than I at first feared I’d be in during the first week. My main enemy was the anxiety and hopelessness I was feeling when faced with the prospect of prolonged symptoms, which is hard to deal with in the early days. Hoping to see some more improvement over the next couple of weeks and seeing the Doc again in early December to discuss .
All the very best.
Do keep in touch.
I had an MRI scan on my wrist 4 weeks ago and been suffering from a constant headache and Tinnitus in both ears since. I was sent for a hearing test that showed a normal outcome and the GP simply maintains that its a temporary condition and it should resolve with time. Doesnt seem that temporary to me after 4 weeks and not much improvement.
Hi there, your doctor's advice is probably accurate, the only critical variable is the time factor. It's an easy conclusion to draw if you don't have to live with it, but there's not much a doctor can prescribe other than anti-anxiety drugs and/or a referral to a tinnitus clinic for advice/help in coping. It took me around 3 months to feel anything like my old self again and I still have the tinnitus in both ears, but so much reduced I don't notice it unless I focus on hearing it. Hopefully, yours will clear up sooner than mine. Richard.