Hi guys, I developed tinitus on the 10th Of July 2017. It appeared to come out of the blue and I thought I was having a stroke. It's been almost 3 months of madness - the sound started as a screech and now I have two noises pounding and hissing . With the pounding I get heart pulpatations, I have been to A & E they said my heart was a little Fast and I was low on potassium - I have had weeks when I feel that I am on a boat or just fuzzy in the head .Some days are worse than others . Attack days when the sounds get louder and you feel more yucky .I run my own business and usually work through any illness today I feel totally exhausted and have spent most of it sleeping. It's been a very anxious and scary 3 months. Tomorrow I get my results of the MRI scan. The audiologist says my hearing is fine. I am expecting my scan to come back clear and to be told that it's all stress related and their is nothing wrong with me. Can anyone advice me of questions I should ask the ENT guy ? Many thanks
Jam-1: Hi guys, I developed tinitus on the 10th... - Tinnitus UK
Hi Jam, welcome to this forum where you will find that you are not alone and will find help and support. If you read through the previous posts, especially michaelee's, you will I think find most of your questions answered. The one positive I got out of my ENT appointment was a referral to an audiologist, when I was given a hearing aid and a white noise masker for the other ear. If you have no hearing loss, I would suggest that you ask for white noise masker hearing aids, which will help to push the tinnitus to the back of your brain. Over time, you will realise that you haven't heard your tinnitus - this took about 6 months for it to happen to me. Perhaps ask the ENT about medication to help with your anxiety, as a calm mind is vital in quietening tinnitus.
Best wishes,
Angela xx
Thanks Angela, I will ask the ENT guy that tomorrow .Really appreciate your advise never thought in a million years I would ever end up with tinitus - it's a funny old life full of surprises 😀
No, nor me Jam, thought it was only the military veterans and rock stars! So unfair when you have taken care of your hearing isn't it? You will find good advice on the BTA website too, and I can recommend joining the BTA as not only will you get discount on the products, you will also receive through the snail mail a quarterly magazine QUIET, which has all the latest information and, more importantly, stories from real folk and how they cope and live their lives with tinnitus. Keep your chin up Jam, when I first got it, I was in that very dark place ........ it does get better ....... I didn't believe those who told me that, but it does. Love and best wishes, Angela xx ps my tinnitus had a pounding in my head, as well as other noises, when I first got it
Hi Jam , the advice from Angela is spot on, the hearing aids are a godsend, For sound therapy try a site called "MY Noise" clever guy who has developed what is probably the best masking systems on the web best of luck, Jeff
Thanks Jeff, just arrived back from seeing the ENT guy was was a waste of space - He thought the hearing aid was a bad idea . Had no appreciation of the anxiety caused by the noise and was very dismissive and had no empathy whatsoever. Coming back to your response was fantastic and Angela yesterday thank you both .
Hi Jam, sorry the ENT was of no help - as you will see from all the posts on this forum, we all suffer the same inconsiderate treatment from them. I paid privately as I was so desperate - as we all are when it happens to us - and it was a waste of £170. The vital link in my NHS treatment was the audiologist who helped me to survive the initial agony. And yes, hearing aids DO help to quieten the T so I would suggest that you think of asking for a referral to the audiologist. It will all settle down over time - and, no, I didn't believe my audiologist when she said that it would, but it did. Love Angela xx
Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.
Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.
We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:
Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9933
Warmest wishes
Nic (BTA Communications Manager and Forum Administrator)