I've signed up for tomorrows seminar "The impac... - Thyroid UK

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I've signed up for tomorrows seminar "The impact of stress on thyroid function and treatment"

TiggerMe profile image
40 Replies

Is there anything I need to know?.... Is it just a case of clicking the link at the right time?


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TiggerMe profile image
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40 Replies
Buddy195 profile image

I’m not able to attend, so hoping you will fill us in on what Nigel Abraham has to say Eeyore100…. It sounds intriguing! 🦋

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Buddy195

I've set a reminder 🤞

pennyannie profile image

I hope so - as that's the limit of my IT skills !!

Fizzwhizz profile image

Thanks to you I was there. It was very informative. Just trying to process key bits but my sound glitched at the key point doctors aren’t taught about T3/4 in medical school. Any chance you caught that bit? I’m guessing it might be conversion or the fact that levels in the bloodstream doesn’t equate with what’s in the tissue at a cellular level. I did ask in chat but I don’t think they saw that.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Fizzwhizz

Sorry, it was interesting but I struggled to concentrate... it is going to be edited and a link put up... perhaps pennyannie paid more attention?

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to TiggerMe

I found it interesting especially the reinforcing of how important the adrenals are-

I don't understand why he didn't mention glandular supplements as well as the known herbs - but there you go -

I have not heard of Target and a quick search leads me to a website selling just one product a Gaia herbal supplement.

I also think I heard him say Reverse T3 was excess T3 - rather than excess and unconverted T4 - but could have misunderstood.

It was a good turn out - some 80 people - and I hope Lyn was pleased and it was confirmed that an edited version will be available for all to view at a later date.

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Fizzwhizz

I watched - sorry, can't remember what exactly was said about that but we will all get sent the recording (I think that's what Lyn said) so you'll be able to watch back and find that bit.

Bertiepuss profile image

What did you think to the stress profile saliva test CNSLabs offer that Nigel talked about in the presentation? I thought it sounded pretty comprehensive.

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to Bertiepuss

Made a lot of sense to me. I’m waking more at night, I never used to, so interesting what he said about this upsetting cortisol patters. Someone said in a reply to a post of mine a CPAP machine helped their sleep and hence symptoms. So much to take in. Especially as we’re all biologically so different so what works for one might not for another. I can’t find the supplement he mentioned I’m sure he said ashwanga, Target1 (liquorice - which can help Adrenals) and rhodial. I’ve heard of the first and latter but can’t find the Target1 supplement.

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Fizzwhizz

I actually wrote that bit down! Ashwaganda 600mg per day, Rhodiola and Eleuthero root (aka Siberian Ginseng) but didn't say amounts for the last 2. Can't say I noted anything about Target 1 🤷🤷🤷

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to Bertiepuss

Well done. That was it. No idea where I heard Target1, I thought he said something about it containing liquorice which I do think helps the Adrenals. 🙈 Thanks. I wonder whether anyone has any tips on purchasing good quality supplements of any of those. I’m taking more stuff now than I ever imagined possible and I do think it’s helpful BUT I’m concerned about not adding in unhelpful things, especially when he was talking about toxins, toxic exposure to chemicals etc. That also made lots of sense if a not bit worrying.

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Fizzwhizz

Makes a change that I actually took something on board! 😁 There is so much to consider isn't there, it truly is a minefield. But, getting bogged down in every last detail is also not helpful behaviour...coming from a perfectionist!

The supplement companies I try to pick are ones that use GMP manufacturing facilities and also 3rd party test for impurities. Plus I try to find supplements that don't have fillers and excipients. Thorne research, Time Health, Metabolics are ones I tend to go to first.

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to Bertiepuss

That’s helpful. Thanks. So far I’ve only bought the things recommended by members on here. Otherwise it’s a minefield.

Ditto the perfectionist tendencies (apart from the odd hearing related blip 🤦‍♀️) must be where my stress comes from. Thorne do an Adrenal supplement I think but it contained several things. I only had a quick look. Ashwanga comes in various strengths so obviously that allows for titration.

I might have a rest and just see where I’m at rather than adding anything else in. Currently I’m on vitd and k spray, innegus b complex, jarrow methylated folare and magnesium and DHEA.

I’m just so keen to feel better and not as if I’m running on a permanently flat battery!

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Fizzwhizz

If you saw the amount of supplements I take🙄

Yes, just want to feel better, same here!🙏 I read some of your other posts, I think we are not too dissimilar, hope you find some answers too 😊

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to Bertiepuss

Yes, it’s tempting to go full pelt at the supplements etc but a stressed system can react quickly and oddly even to helpful things. No judgment here though, I’m acquiring quite a collection myself.

Thanks, I think lots of women especially hit difficulties around menopause. I think my thyroid has struggled for a while but the added stress of hormonal changes and adding in HRT might have just overwhelmed the system. I thought it was interesting that our Adrenals, although a stress protection system, just aren’t designed for the kind of modern day ongoing stress we encounter and so end up falling.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Fizzwhizz

I would be very careful and do your research if thinking of ashwaganda , liquorice root etc as they can work either way on adrenals 😕

I must admit I kind of tuned in at the questions stage and wasn't impressed by his answers or perhaps he just wasn't good at getting things across?

If this were an interview he wouldn't get my business 😐

The slideshow was informative, I should have watched with the sound off... 🤐

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to TiggerMe

Yes, after listing what I’m suddenly taking I think it’s enough for now. I did jump in and embrace the vits, though bloods did show low levels and now it’s best to give them time to see how effective they are with HRT already in the mix. I found it difficult to unpick the Q and A answers. They were long and the sound wasn’t brilliant. I thought it was generally very helpful info but I think I need to process. I found the info about cortisol being a 50/50 balance with DHEA interesting as I’m supplementing DHEA with my HRT and I know my levels are still low. Effective lifestyle stress management techniques seemed to be a very big message to take away!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Fizzwhizz

I'm a supplement junkie these days! My goodness they do the trick when you get what you need 😅 but I avoid the ones that can work for or against you as it is hard to know until the damage is done.

I've found my genetics lead to naturally low glutathione and CoQ10 so I take those on top of the basics

I'm on HRT too, wouldn't be without and DHEA for the last 4 months

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to TiggerMe

Have you had genetic testing then. That’s interesting if you have.

I have DUTCH urine tests with my HRT and get all those graphs but they’re a bit complicated. Interesting though that I only do 4 samples so not sure how accurate my cortisol is on those!

Now I have a bit more info I’m going to reread them. I tried glutathione as mine was flagged low at one stage but I didn’t feel any different.

HRT hasn’t really been the total answer for me I’ve been faffing around with different doses and still have symptoms but now I believe those are thyroid/adrenal related and not menopause ones. It’s complicated isn’t it?

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Fizzwhizz

Yes, I did the genetic test to check my DIO2 and it flagged some potential short comings and I have also done the Dutch test which backed up those findings

Have you tried testosterone or is the DHEA instead of?

I think everyone in this crazy world needs a bit of mindfulness time, too many stimulants constantly thrown at us 😵

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to TiggerMe

Ah, sounds like it was helpful.

No, we’ve only recently discussed testosterone. Mine’s always been low on testing but we were trying DHEA and I’ve always felt a bit reluctant to add anything else in. It just doesn’t seem to be the solution for me like some other women seem to find and it’s a faff, my prescriptions always being changed coz I often feel rubbish and I have to watch my energy even on HRT as I crash a lot but now I know it’s likely my adrenals/thyroid so I’m probably not even getting the best from my current treatment anyway.

I get why functional medicine is appealing as it’s holistic. Even with private HRT she doesn’t really deal with thyroid so off to another private GP with that. The NHS won’t accept there’s anything wrong based on my levels so they’re just sending me for more bloods and only requesting TSH. I did tell the GP I have a strong fam history of thyroid issues and I have autoimmune issues myself but still wouldn’t test for antibodies! 🤦‍♀️

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Fizzwhizz

I thought we had! 🤗

Yep, it's a real juggle trying to balance things up, as some changes have such a delayed reaction... don't underestimate your own ability to pick up the finer signals that your body gives that no medic is interested in and dive down that rabbit hole of learning... often it's a random comment on here that triggers a light bulb moment

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to TiggerMe

Thanks, sometimes we doubt our own bodies when challenged by doctors but ultimately we live in them and we know when we feel rubbish.

I suppose NHS GP’s are required to be gatekeepers more than ever so now and balance the budget.

I shall keep reading and learning. I picked up on the comment yesterday that on a cellular level every single cell in our bodies required everything they need to be functioning optimally so it’s not rocket science that a deficiency in something affects everything.

You’re definitely right about lightbulb moments. I’m having one realising we all made up of a huge collection of cells that needs certain things to function properly. I’d never really thought about that before.

FoggyThinker profile image
FoggyThinker in reply to Fizzwhizz

Be careful with liquorice, it can upset the potassium sodium balance I was told if you take it for too long. I registered for the talk but couldn't make it, looking forward to the recording!

Fizzwhizz profile image
Fizzwhizz in reply to FoggyThinker

Thanks. I’m going to hang fire and do my homework carefully before adding in anything else as I have low blood pressure, postural hypotension, low resting pulse etc and recently dizziness/fainting which was a new and alarming symptom. I quickly added in supplements generally recommended by members on here for deficiencies that showed up in my results. I definitely don’t want to make things worse.

It was an interesting talk and definitely worth watching when it’s released.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to FoggyThinker

Liquorice can also raise blood pressure - in some cases quite dramatically. The effect is caused by one of its constituents - glycyrrhizin.

There is a kind of liquorice available that is alleged not to raise blood pressure. It is called DGL liquorice = De-glycyrrhizinated Liquorice.

The problem is that there are no standards to say how much glycyrrhizin must be removed before it can be called DGL Liquorice. I have found that my blood pressure still goes up even with DGL.

FoggyThinker profile image
FoggyThinker in reply to humanbean

I actually used to take it partly for this: my blood pressure was always low, probably because of poor adrenal function and undiagnosed hypothyroidism. But I didn't realise it affected potassium sodium balance and probably took it for too long with no break. Or maybe that's why it helps in some cases, it counteracts the effect of the adrenal not working correctly? That's purely my supposition!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to FoggyThinker

I know that sodium / salt is supposed to be good for the adrenals. I can't remember whether the same is said of potassium, but since there is a strong relationship between sodium and potassium in the body I wouldn't be at all surprised if potassium affected the adrenals too.

You might find this post of interest on the subject of potassium - the comments are worth reading too :


FoggyThinker profile image
FoggyThinker in reply to humanbean

Thank you, bokmarked; I'm grateful for anything to do with adrenals because I still don't think I've quite got mine figured out. Really looking forward to the recording of the talk too, it should be a good listen

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Bertiepuss

I believe this man was speaking in general terms and to quantify an appropriate dose level - I think would be done on a one to one consultation basis.

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to pennyannie

Yes, it's got to be on an individual basis. Hopefully one consults with a nutritionist or functional medicine doctor first. Personally I've learnt that I have to build up supplements really slowly, often starting on the absolute minimum as I can react.

Guineapiggy profile image

I'm hoping there will be a replay available.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Guineapiggy

I think Lyn said to be posted on YouTube

Guineapiggy profile image
Guineapiggy in reply to TiggerMe


Fizzwhizz profile image

I’ll be looking at the replay too!

Bertiepuss profile image

In case any one is interested - I spoke with a lady at CNSLabs about the saliva cortisol/dhea test (Nigel spoke about this in the talk today). She kindly shared a sample report, it looks very comprehensive and easy to understand. I think it's a reasonable price, about £98 with the Thyroid UK discount. That includes a 5 point saliva test of which 3 are to measure the awakening response. She also mentioned that included in the the cost is help with next steps from their nutritionist if test results showed anything out of range. Hopefully I didn't miss-hear that bit but best if you're interested to double check that point!

Gruij profile image

I wasn’t aware this was going to run and out of curiosity I clicked the link. I can see that the webinar was run in Microsoft Teams. Is there a way to check with the organiser if it was recorded and if they can make the recording available on the same registration link as then others like myself can listen and everyone can go to bits which are more interesting for them. Event recording and republishing can be done in Teams but the event organiser must set that up.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Gruij

Yes, recorded and going to be edited and put on YouTube I believe?

FoggyThinker profile image
FoggyThinker in reply to TiggerMe

Yes I knew I wouldn't be able to make the event so asked and Lynn confirmed it will be sent then put on the ThyroidUK YouTube channel :)

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Gruij

It was definitely recorded. I think it will be uploaded to the Thyroid UK website under webinars in due course thyroiduk.org/get-support/t...

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