Hi all,
I was diagnosed with an underactive in April with TSH of 11ish and have gradually increased the dose of Levo from 50mg to 100mg.
In August I started losing a lot of hair, so I'm really keen to get my levels sorted ASAP before it becomes very noticeable. I know there are delayed reactions due to hair life cycles, etc., but it's been going on for three months now and doesn't seem to be slowing down.
My iron levels are ok and ferritin is 53 - low-ish but my GP insists that this is fine. I'm taking supplements and am mostly vegan. No other noticeable deficiencies as far as I can tell
My most recent test results were 4.8 (slightly above the normal range) and my GP said they don't want to increase my dosage of Levo to 125 even though my symptoms haven't really improved (still tired, still cold, and of course the haaaair).
I've read here a lot that people feel better when TSH is much lower, and as my TSH is still elevated, I'm really confused as to why my GP wouldn't increase my dosage?
What have others experienced in terms of getting to their right dosage and TSH levels?