Can someone give me the link to the data base that lists all the binders and fillers in the different brands and generics of Thyroid meds. I saw it once but cannot find it now. Thanks very much.
Link: Can someone give me the link to the data... - Thyroid UK

This is the list on ThyroidUK's main website, if you're not in the UK then it may not cover the brands/generics where you are
Thanks for the link! I will find it useful. I've got to say that after all I've been reading about food additives, leaky gut issues generating antibody reactions and then looking at the list of additives in the thyroid meds, its really seems to me that patients were better off in the old days when they were simply given animal thyroids.

As SeasideSusie implies, if you tell us where you are, we might be able to help more.
Thank you, I am in the US.
The site linked below has every medicine registered with the FDA. That includes repackaged medicines (so you sometimes see the same actual product several times) and, quite often, products which are no longer available (e.g. withdrawn or sold to another company).
Full details, including all ingredients, labels, etc. are there.
Would be interested in finding that myself..all my tests come back perfect but i am still having horrendous effects from the fogginess/ feeling faint/dizziness.balance probs and aching all over...Endo sys he cannot treat what he cannot see...want to slal him!!!tried switching brands and seem to feel better on Wockhardt brand of levo..try your pharacist they seem to know more than doctors abou whats in pills..
Regards and good luck..