Self Medicating/Doctors: Hi so i have just... - Thyroid UK

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Self Medicating/Doctors

plumber53 profile image
34 Replies

Hi so i have just started self medicating sensible and slowly until i start to feel more human i hope My question is my GP refused to help and denied my symptoms and results i feel i should tell her that I'm self medicating as she is my GP and i feel she should know so what do you think on this. Have others done the same the response they had from there Doctors Ive got an appointment tomorrow and just wondered how others have said or done.

Im not worried as i feel really strongly on what I'm doing also i believe i should tell her

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plumber53 profile image
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34 Replies
fibrolinda profile image

Hmmm, I told my GP and his response was that he couldn't support my decision but he understood why I chose to self medicate. He won't do blood tests so I do private via thyroid UK. He does follow my progress with interest and I feel better knowing that I self medicate with NDT is on my medical records. Good luck whatever you decide

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to fibrolinda

Thanks i expect my GP will be the same but sometimes you know your own body how you feel and GP just brushes it off so as long as I'm careful Believe me i was drugged up on steroids by the same GP a few years ago to a point that i was admitted to hospital and was informed i shouldn't of been on steroids so a lot of Doctors miss diagnose So I've done my homework on this and doing this sensibly Could i ask you how often do you get your bloods check privately i thought about every 3 mths to start.

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to plumber53

I hear where you are coming from. I almost decided to self medicate but instead searched forever to find an Endo who would support T3 treatment. Perhaps in UK this may be easier than it was for me in Saudi Arabia where I work.

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to Baobabs

Ive swapped GP but over here they insist on suffering there are probably some understanding GP somewhere but I've been like this for sometime and I have not got the energy to keep fighting with them and feeling like I'm stupid every time i leave the surgery so my only hope is to self medicate and hope

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to plumber53

I’m so sorry, how can this be? How can medics be so short sighted as to allow patients to remain ill when there are real solutions.

fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to plumber53

Did every couple of months at first then six monthly when I seemed to be on the right dose. It's a struggle often with money being tight but you do what you have to do... Somehow

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to fibrolinda

Thats for sure money will be tight but can't carry on like this Are be getting a part time job as well to support this but health is important especially when you can't function day to day

MaisieGray profile image

When I swapped to self-medicating NDT, and eventually back again, I certainly didn't tell my GPs, it didn't ever occur to me to do so. I once asked one of them if he'd prescribe me LDN should I want it, and he said no, (yet was perfectly happy to use full dose naltrexone should any of the drug addicts he worked with, overdose on their illegal drugs) so I immediately decided that if I went down the route of self-sourcing that too, they'd not know about it. I keep volunteered information to a minimum, and share it only if advantageous to do so.

SeasideSusie profile image

I wouldn't wish to send my GP into a state of apoplexy, so I haven't told her that I've added T3 to my Levo.

She is a slave to the god TSH, she thinks FT4 and FT3 don't matter. Fortunately for me, when I have a rare thyroid test at the surgery, because of where I need FT4 and FT3 to be, the result looks like I'm on just Levo (however, my TSH is suppressed so that causes enough problems.)

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to SeasideSusie

Doctor obsession with suppressed thy stim hormone. I wish I could blow this myth to kingdom come. Good, bad and ugly, they all seem to quote this little ditty and totally unsubstantiated.

plumber53 profile image

So i think my decision now is not to inform my GP for the following reason 1. For what good it will do. 2 Its actually none of her business 3 I'm doing it to help me not her. 4 it will be all over my medical records that i self medicate probably in capitals.

Can understand your frustration with getting tests - that is where this website is helpful because you can ask the administrators which tests you should ask for. Routine tests may not show up thyroid problems as the tests have been cut. People are suffering as T3 has been removed from prescriptions. Even sources of NTD are slowly drying up - so there is no guarantee of the food standards as there are no checks. It took me several years to get tests for skin cancer and it caused such anxiety as no one seemed to notice or care. It was a pharmacist scanning service which redirected me to the NHS for a proper scan. With the

thyroid problems many other body systems may be affected leading to a shut down, so it is important to get access to an ENT department, as well as an endocrinologist. If you have an enlarged thyroid, you may be able to get ultrasound tests to see if their are affected nodes which can be treated. There are problems going it alone as you never know if there are other autoimmune diseases which may be affecting you such as pernicious anaemia,

fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, and rheumatic conditions. It is getting the right tests to show where your difficulties lie which may be helped by this website so you persist to find the answers. If you don't know what to ask then you won't ever be able to find out what is wrong.

Baobabs profile image

If I hadn’t fought tooth and nail for what I thought I needed, I would not feel fantastic now. Doctors do not always know best, you are so right! Unfortunately not everyone has that fight in them for very understandable reasons.

Baobabs profile image

They are never wrong, they have a built in, dare I say it, backstop.

Naomi8 profile image

I relocated from Cumbria to Sussex a year ago.My previous GP was happy to provide blood tests & trusted my intelligent control of my condition with thyroxine & T3,after my NHS T3 was withdrawn.

My new GP is "old school" & has refused any concept except I go back on thyroxine-only.

I have been on NDT for 18 months.When I told him I was on NDT he acted as if my blood results were in Chinese.

My evaluation of my NHS & Medicheck results is that they are good,though I am upping my NDT,as my energy levels & weight gain are telling me my dose needs tweaking.

Baobabs profile image

Are there any dedicated, creative, moral doctors left?

Baobabs profile image

The fact that we know more than them sets alarm bells ringing.

Baobabs profile image

One is better than none.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Baobabs

Sadly she is private and has been for years and her patient list is massive, she closed her list years ago and there's probably very little hope of her being able to take on new patients.

I consulted with her many years ago and she told me she left the NHS due to the restrictions applied to doctors. She knew she could help some of her patients with vitamins, etc, rather than prescribed medication but was not allowed to.

She has a fabulous website which is a wealth of information freely available to everyone

Yet she was still hounded by the GMC and suspended at one point

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to SeasideSusie

Oh good for you SS! I have so much time for those medics who function outside the box, are proactive regarding patients and are willing to stand up and be counted for what we all know is right, good and the truth!

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Baobabs

Sadly, I no longer see her, I only saw her for a few consultations. She is too far away to travel and I have no transport now my husband has passed away. I wish there were more doctors like her, she is totally dedicated and I get the impression that she never stops looking for answers.

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to SeasideSusie

We so need more like her.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Baobabs

Definitely. She was the one who diagnosed my daughter-in-law who had multiple miscarriages (4 babies lost) and put her on Levo. It was only after having a baby and the hospital notes saying "TSH acceptable for someone on Levothyroxine" that the GP said "I suppose I'll have to give you an official diagnosis now and prescribe your Levothyroxine on the NHS".

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to SeasideSusie

How terribly sad for your daughter in law and a totally unnecessary situation could have been avoided. Why is there an epidemic of ignorant medics when it comes to thyroid disease? And, and we are meant to be effectively treated by GPs rather than Endos.😱

Do you actually need to see your GP for anything? I'd just wait until it comes up in an appointment.

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Really wish i did not so now I'm going to sort myself out some Doctors are complete waste of time they really do not listen

plumber53 profile image

You guys are brilliant Well i did see a GP today and what a complete load of old horse ++++ Firstly my normal GP was on sick so i had a retired gentleman locum first question from him Do you go out much replied not really now and again GP Do you see your family replied yes a lot GP are you in a relationship I replied Why would you what to know all theses things So can i interrupted you before you ask on my life history and please can i tell you why I'm here today.

I explained that i was asked to come down as my Thyroid results was a concern GP replied that was nonsense my results where splendid i replied i think your mistaken GP replied you still have hair I replied yes thank you GP if you got hair then your Thyroid is working perfectly

So to cut along appointment short i ended up with referral for Endo but looks like it be end of July according to the GP so i think are try to get well myself and self medicate and stop the stress of the Doctors as its really not worth the hassle in going and expect the Endo appointment will probably be the same waste of time

WHY O WHY did i bother

plumber53 profile image

Well not telling them nothing its will be a complete waste of time

Baobabs profile image

Sorry to be so superficial but I love your attitude!

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to Baobabs

Its the new me in trying to feel better i hope one day but without this site i would be totally lost like i was not knowing what was wrong with me and Doctors making me feel more worst than i was and even crazy but I'm not just things not working properly as they did

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to plumber53

You will get there, where you need to be. With that fight you really will. With the support of this, well words fail me, forum, I have succeeded and feel better than I have in years. Two wonderful Endos I have managed to find have said many Hashi patients never feel absolutely well again but I do, I absolutely do and it is achievable. I am living proof! 😀

plumber53 profile image
plumber53 in reply to Baobabs

Thank you Baobabs, I really feel that there will be good health at the end of this and wonder why GP and Endo don't help in any way really feel they just what you to feel bad and blame the patient by either saying your over weight its that time of life "i really hate that saying" or you got depression and last of all whats your family situation like.

It makes me so angry.

But you and others on here are living proof that things can improve and lead a normal enjoyable life there must be hundreds of folk on here that without support and guidance would be in a terrible place right now

Baobabs profile image
Baobabs in reply to plumber53

To be reasonably fair, their hands are tied regarding treatment but most do not look outside the box or anywhere really. Answers can only be found if they look, search, challenge the known, authodox, conventional. As a teacher I am forced to do this daily otherwise my children may not learn, be happy or discover their gift or talent. Why do so many medics never ask why? Perhaps a prerequisite of all medical practitioners should be ongoing research. That pathway to need to discover, find out, resolve the unknown, may then remain fresh in their minds?

Baobabs profile image

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