Seems likely.
How Welsh TV farming show 'helped mum conceive'
Thanks for posting and it has been mentioned on the forum quite often that maybe vets would diagnose/treat us quicker than conventional doctors who rely solely (it would appear) on the blood test results whilst ignoring all clinical symptoms. Pregnancy and monthly problems can occur due to hypothyroidism but I doubt many doctors are aware of this. None appear know any clinical symptoms in these 'modern' times and before blood test and levo were introduced we were diagnosed solely on symptoms and given a trial of NDT (natural dessicated thyroid hormones).
Many doctors are completely clueless and more frustratingly completely incompetent even when they are faced with all the guidelines and expert advice from fertility clinics !
They still don't manage it properly
It's well known that thyroid issues cause fertility problems and early miscarriages but they won't ever think of it themselves.
I'm lucky I have a fairly clued up supportive GP but even he is concerned that my TSH is quite low although he realises I know a bit more about what I'm doing and as I feel well he's semi happy to just agree with me.
Thankfully I'm now pregnant - after having done all my own research and formulating a plan with the clinic- if left to them I probably would have had a few more failed cycles!
I do need advice however on my levels so will be posting soon 🙃
As for the OP's original question - yep I believe farmers and vets and a multitude of other naturpaths and health professionals understand the complex woman's body and systems better than the western model ATM.
I wish you a healthy pregnancy but am aware you may well be apprehensive but many have normal preganancies and healthy babies. The fact is you'll have to double-check what is suggested to you by te medical personnel.
You can read what this expert on Hormones states about TSH and it would be good if doctors return to symptoms being the priority rather than a TSH and FT4.
Vets rely on blood tests as well, animals can't tell them their symptoms 😉
Well, I do hope they 'read' the test results properly and I wonder if they lower the dose if TSH is very low.
Can you imagine what a farmer would say if his animal wasn't improving? or appeared to be worse?
Most hypothyroidism is autoimmune and if that's the case, extra iodine is not recommended
If on Levothyroxine, this has iodine in it anyway
Do farmers know more about thyroid and fertility than doctors? I don't know; but I do know that I definitely wouldn't take the advice of someone who routinely and mechanically rapes animals for profit.
Blimey! I know what that they say about Rothbury/(insert name of nearby rural town) men, but really ...