Does Reverse Triiodothyronine Testing Have Clin... - Thyroid UK

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Does Reverse Triiodothyronine Testing Have Clinical Utility? An Analysis of Practice Variation Based on Data from a National Reference Lab

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK
4 Replies

This abstract says little or nothing about the utility of rT3 testing - despite its title. All it appears to do is identify test numbers and, to some extent, who is doing the ordering.

Maybe the full text would actually fulfil the promise of the title? (No, I really don't believe it will, either.)

Thyroid. 2018 May 14. doi: 10.1089/thy.2017.0645. [Epub ahead of print]

Does Reverse Triiodothyronine Testing Have Clinical Utility? An Analysis of Practice Variation Based on Data from a National Reference Laboratory.

Schmidt RL1,2, LoPresti J3,4, McDermott MT MD5, Zick SM6, Straseski JA7.

Author information

1 University of Utah, Pathology , 15 N Medical Drive East , Salt Lake City, Utah, United States , 84112.

2 ARUP Laboratories, 33294, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States ;

3 USC School of Medicine , 1200 N State St , # 18415 , Los Angeles, United States , 90033.

4 United States ;

5 University of Colorado Hospital, Endocrinology , 1635 N Ursula Street , Rm OP-6620 , Aurora, Colorado, United States , 80010 ;

6 University of Michigan, Department of Family Medicine and Department of Nutritional Sciences, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States ;

7 University of Utah, Department of Pathology , 500 Chipeta Way , Mail Code 115 , Salt Lake City, Utah, United States , 84108 ;



Clinical laboratories are under pressure to increase value by improving test utilization. The clinical utility of reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) is controversial. We conducted a study to identify order patterns that might suggest inappropriate utilization of reverse triiodothyronine.


We reviewed all orders for thyroid tests placed over a period of one year at a national reference laboratory. We analyzed order patterns by client (hospital) and by provider. We conducted a Pareto analysis to determine the percentage of orders placed as a function of the percentage of providers. We conducted a systematic review of the indexed literature and an informal review of the web to identify indications for rT3 testing.


There were 402,386 orders for 447,664 thyroid tests including 91,767 orders for rT3. These orders were placed by 60,733 providers located at 1139 different organizations. Only 20 percent of providers who ordered thyroid tests placed an order for rT3. Of those who placed an order for rT3, 95% placed two or less orders for rT3. One hundred providers (0.1% of the 60,733 providers who placed orders for thyroid tests) accounted for 29.5% of the orders for rT3. Sixty of the 100 providers with the highest order volumes for rT3 were classified as practitioners of functional medicine. A systematic review of Medline found little evidence to support the high volumes of orders for rT3. A survey of web sites for functional medicine suggest that rT3 is useful for the diagnosis of rT3 dominance and can be used to direct triiodothyronine replacement therapy.


There is wide practice variation in rT3 testing. A high proportion of tests are ordered by a relatively small proportion of providers. There is little evidence to support high volumes of rT3 testing placed by some practitioners.

PMID: 29756541

DOI: 10.1089/thy.2017.0645

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4 Replies
shaws profile image

This excerpt is also about RT3 I looked at earlier today. I cannot find link at present but this is an excerpt:

"Dr. Lowe: Some readers will not be familiar with reverse-T3, and I know from experience that many others harbor misconceptions about the molecule. Because of this, I have summarized in the box below what we know about reverse-T3. I've answered your question below the summary.

Conversion of T4 to T3 and Reverse-T3: A Summary

The thyroid gland secretes mostly T4 and very little T3. Most of the T3 that drives cell metabolism is produced by action of the enzyme named 5'-deiodinase, which converts T4 to T3. (We pronounce the "5'-" as "five-prime.")

Without this conversion of T4 to T3, cells have too little T3 to maintain normal metabolism; metabolism then slows down. T3, therefore, is the metabolically active thyroid hormone. For the most part, T4 is metabolically inactive. T4 "drives" metabolism only after the deiodinase enzyme converts it to T3.

Another enzyme called 5-deiodinase continually converts some T4 to reverse-T3. Reverse-T3 does not stimulate metabolism. It is produced as a way to help clear some T4 from the body.

Under normal conditions, cells continually convert about 40% of T4 to T3. They convert about 60% of T4 to reverse-T3. Hour-by-hour, conversion of T4 continues with slight shifts in the percentage of T4 converted to T3 and reverse-T3. Under normal conditions, the body eliminates reverse-T3 rapidly. Other enzymes quickly convert reverse-T3 to T2 and T2 to T1, and the body eliminates these molecules within roughly 24-hours. (The process of deiodination in the body is a bit more complicated than I can explain in this short summary.) The point is that the process of deiodination is dynamic and constantly changing, depending on the body's needs."

greygoose profile image

Well, that sounds like time well spent. I don't think! I think they'd be better off asking the same question about FT3, and giving the answer 'yes'!

diogenes profile image

If anyone's interested I got hold of the paper and print below the Discussion which is the only worthwhile bit. Sorry it's a bit drawn-out:


We found that orders for rT3 are concentrated among relatively few providers and

clients. Among providers who ordered thyroid-related tests, one tenth of a percent (0.1%)

of providers account for 29% of rT3 orders. Similarly, approximately one percent of clients

accounted for 56% of orders for rT3. Further, we found that providers who order high

volumes of rT3 tend to be clustered within clients. We found that results from providers

who order high volumes of rT3 tend to have a lower clinical yield (i.e., a lower rate of

abnormal findings) than orders from providers who placed relatively few orders for rT3.

Finally, we found that specialists in functional medicine are highly represented among the

providers who order the highest volumes of rT3.

The highly skewed distribution of rT3 test utilization suggests that there is

significant practice variation with respect to rT3 measurements. The wide practice

variation suggests misutilization. Given the lack of evidence to support the usefulness of

high volumes of rT3 testing, our data suggests that rT3 testing is over-utilized by a small

proportion of practitioners.

In conventional practice, rT3 is considered an inactive metabolite of the thyroid

hormone thyroxine (T4), as opposed to the conversion of T4 into the active T3. The

inability of rT3 to exert the same energy and metabolism-related effects as T3 supports its

definition as an inactive hormone representative of the catabolic state. It has been

proposed that favoring the alternative rT3 metabolic pathway may serve as a mechanism

to conserve energy in times of severe illness or starvation(19-21). Elevated

concentrations of rT3 are the norm in nonthyroidal illness (NTI or sick euthyroid syndrome)

and “low T3 syndrome” (decreased T3 and elevated rT3 concentrations); therefore, its

measurement is rarely useful in hospitalized patients (22). In most laboratories, rT3 is sent

to a referral testing site and the long turnaround time may further limits its utility,

particularly in inpatient settings. The indications for rT3 testing in ambulatory care are

very limited. For example, rT3 measurements can be helpful in the diagnosis of thyroid

hormone cell membrane transport defects (THCMTD), thyroid hormone metabolism

defects, and consumptive hypothyroidism(23-25).

It has been reported that rT3 concentrations increase with age, proposedly due to

diminished renal metabolism and eventual degradation of rT3 in the liver (26, 27). This rise

in rT3 may, in part, reflect underlying illness or malnutrition in the aging population,

similar to that described in hospitalized patients. Elevations in free T4 and rT3 hormone

concentrations have been associated with lower physical and mental functionality scores

in elderly men (28), but the strong correlation between the T4 and rT3 values is consistent

with the notion of concurrent illness which may explain these lower scores.

One situation where rT3 testing may be helpful is to distinguish central

hypothyroidism from non-thyroidal illness (NTI) in hospitalized patients; while other

thyroid tests, like TSH and free T4, may be similarly low in these two conditions, rT3 is

usually also low in central hypothyroidism and high in patients with NTI. Even here,

however, a good clinical evaluation by an experienced clinician will usually provide the

accurate diagnosis in the absence of a rT3 measurement. The distinction between primary

hypothyroidism and NTI is much more straightforward since the serum TSH is elevated in

primary hypothyroidism and usually low in NTI until the recovery phase when it is

transiently mildly elevated. A seasoned clinician and even less experienced providers

usually have no problem making this distinction without the added expense of a rT3

measurement. There are also some rare conditions such as consumptive hypothyroidism,

MCT8 mutations, and SBP2 mutations where rT3 measurements can be helpful in

characterizing the phenotype and the underlying mechanism of disease (23, 29, 30).

Therefore, for the conventional medical community, the clinical indications for use of rT3

testing are very limited, and it remains an unusual request. Its use is not referred to or

supported in routine clinical practice guidelines related to thyroid disease testing or

management (31). This is presumably due to minimal evidence of rT3 utility found in the

primary literature.

The functional medicine community believes that tissue concentrations of T3 are

the key determinant of thyroid function and that serum concentrations of T3 are sometimes a poor indicator of thyroid hormone concentrations at the tissue level (32, 33).

Functional medicine hypothesizes that rT3 competes with T3 at binding sites so that

elevated rT3 can cause hypothyroid symptoms when T3 concentrations are normal (34,

35). This is known as rT3 dominance. It is proposed that a number of conditions such as

liver disease, kidney disease, stress, chronic alcohol abuse or other drug abuse, and simple

aging can lead to increases in rT3 which, in turn, leads to rT3 dominance. These

practitioners recommend the use of the rT3/T3 ratio to diagnose rT3 dominance. When

the rT3/T3 ratio is elevated in the setting of hypothyroid symptoms and normal TSH, T3

and FT4, these practitioners suggest therapy with thyroid hormone supplementation (34).

However, the affinity of T3 for the T3 receptor is 100 fold higher than the affinity of rT3;

therefore the notion that rT3 can compete with T3 for occupancy of the T3 receptor is not

consistent with current scientific data (36). Moreover, we found no studies in the

conventional literature that recommend interventions based on rT3 concentrations.

Functional medicine practitioners treat patients with a rT3 dominance profile

(hypothyroid symptoms, elevated rT3 and normal T4) with hormone supplementation

(liothyronine or dessicated thyroid hormone preparations). Functional medicine

practitioners sometimes prescribe co-factors for enzymes involved in thyroid metabolism

or nutrients that are considered important for thyroid health such as selenium, zinc, iron,

iodide, and vitamins C, D and E. These nutrients are thought to enhance the conversion of

T4 to T3 rather than rT3 and provide an alternative to T3 supplementation (37); however,

according to conventional medicine, the only known intervention that increases T4 to rT3

conversion is the administration of glucocorticoids (38). There is little or no published

evidence to support the rT3 dominance hypothesis or the interventions based on the


Is the rT3 dominance hypothesis plausible? There is evidence that many diseases

and medications lead to changes in thyroid hormone concentrations (39, 40). It is

theoretically possible that rT3 might compete for T3 receptors; however, the evidence

suggests that this is not case. One study, from almost 30 years ago suggested that rT3

had an had an affinity for placental nuclear binding sites that was 40 times greater than

thyroxine and 63 times greater than triiodothyronine (41). Another study suggested that

rT3 represses thyroid-regulated genes in mice (42). However, in contrast, another study

showed that the relative affinity of rT3 to T3 for solubilized nuclear T3 receptors was 0.01

(36). In addition, T3 is present in much higher concentrations than rT3. The reference

range for the T3/rT3 ratio is 4.2 – 11.0 (43). The T3/rT3 ratio remains above 1.0 even in

illness (3). Because of the transient function of the placenta and its unique deiodinase

profile, it is certainly questionable whether T3 receptor binding in this tissue is

representative of the rest of the body’s tissues. In contrast, studies of T3 receptors in

human liver and kidney have demonstrated that the affinity of T3 for the T3 receptor is

100 fold higher than that for rT3 (34). This certainly casts doubt on the ability of rT3 to

compete with T3 for receptor occupancy and therefore of the validity of the concept of rT3


Much of the evidence from the functional medicine practitioners appears to be

based on anecdotal evidence that patients with symptoms and laboratory values

consistent with rT3 dominance experience symptom relief with T3 therapy. From the

perspective of conventional medicine, such evidence is suggestive, but could also be

explained by a placebo effect. Also, some of the effect of T3 supplementation might be

explained by the fact that supra-physiologic doses of T3 can work as a mood-enhancer in

depressed patients (44). The symptoms of hypothyroidism (fatigue, trouble thinking, and

weight gain) are very nonspecific and are frequently experienced by healthy people. rT3

concentrations are also elevated in chronic illness/malnutrition. The T4/rT3 ratio generally

remains constant and glucocorticoids are the only factors know to alter this ratio (38).

Thus, nutritional interventions are unlikely to be effective. Overall, it appears that there is

no published evidence to support the rT3 dominance theory; however, it is important to

bear in mind that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”(45).

What types of studies are needed to determine whether measurement of rT3 has

clinical utility? Functional medicine believes that patients with an rT3 dominance profile

(hypothyroid symptoms, elevated rT3, and normal T4) can be treated with thyroid

hormone supplementation; however, to our knowledge this hypothesis has never been

tested in a clinical trial. Therefore, a double-blinded randomized trial with patients fitting

the rT3 dominance profile (arm 1) and patients with normal rT3 profile (arm 2) and

treatment with placebo or T3 supplementation could verify the claims that patients with

an rT3 dominance profile benefit from T3 supplementation. Similarly, double-blinded

placebo-controlled randomized trials to determine whether nutritional interventions

provide symptomatic relief for patients with an rT3 dominance profile might be

illuminating. Studies on competitive binding of rT3 and T3 could rule out the rT3

dominance theory if rT3 did not interfere with T3 binding. Results showing that rT3

competes with T3 would be consistent with the rT3 dominance theory but would not be

conclusive. Experimental studies showing that exogenous rT3 has an impact on basal

temperature and other physiological parameters mediated by T3 would also support the

rT3 dominance theory; however, it has been shown that administration of rT3 does not

change serum TSH concentrations (46). If rT3 were active, it would be expected to alter

TSH concentrations. These studies would be relatively inexpensive and could provide data

to guide the use of rT3 testing.

Our study found that our laboratory received approximately 91,000 orders for rT3

in one year. On a national basis, we suspect that the order volume for rT3 is at least 1

million. Each rT3 test costs about $20 (average list price of commercial laboratories, range:

$7.00 to $46.25). It is unclear whether these orders provide value. If rT3 measurement

provides no value, there could be an opportunity for significant savings at sites with high

order rates for rT3. Given the current emphasis on laboratory utilization, it seems that

studies on the utility of rT3 are warranted and would most likely be cost-effective. Since

the evidence suggests no utility for rT3, the burden of proof is on the functional medicine

community to design scientific studies that support its clinical utility.

Our study has several limitations. Practice variation suggests misutilization but is

not conclusive. Our study only identified order patterns but did not determine the reason

why individual orders were placed. A survey or interviews of users might identify the

reasons for test orders and identify hypotheses that could be tested. rT3 is generally

performed by reference laboratories, but routine thyroid tests are performed at most

hospitals. Thus, our estimate of the percentage of physicians who order rT3 is likely to be high because most thyroid testing would be performed locally. Our review of the

conventional literature was systematic; however, our review of the web literature was informal. Finally, our study found a lack of evidence to support rT3 testing; however, a

lack of evidence does not prove a lack of effect. Additional studies are needed to

determine the clinical utility of rT3.

In summary, our study shows significant practice variation in rT3 testing. A high

proportion of tests are ordered by a relatively small proportion of providers and much of

the use of rT3 testing appears to be driven by functional medicine. At present, there is

little evidence to support the high volume of rT3 testing requested by this community.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to diogenes

That is so much more interesting and useful than the abstract. Thank you.

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