Radio Frequency Ablation. Has anyone had this? RFA may be my best option instead of removal. hoping NHS will start treating Goitres w RFA.
Radio Frequency Ablation. Has anyone had this? ... - Thyroid UK
Radio Frequency Ablation. Has anyone had this? RFA may be my best option instead of removal. hoping NHS will start treating Goitres w RFA.

I had this done just yesterday. I've written a post on it just now. Any questions, ask away.
Hi there
Did the radio frequency abalation affect your voice in anyway? I am a singer and am very worried about vocal change.
Any info would be greatly appreciated!

Hi I have Just come from the UCHL in London and cannot praise them enough. My goitres are mostly a 2 but one they thought maybe a 3 was tested and not. This means I can go in on a Wednesday afternoon to have RFA. Dr Susan Jawad was very knowledgeable and told me this would be much safer than op. They have done over 1500 RFA’s there and none so far has touched the voice box nerve. My RFA will happen end of May. Can’t wait to tell unhelpful so called specialist who wanted to give me an unnecessary op.
Will be able to get Train home straight after too.
Thank you for your reply!
I would love to know how your RFA turns out. I have a 7cm benign nodule on one side and do not want surgery. the NHS specialist wants to operate but I am against it.
I wish you all the best for your treatment and hope you can let me know the results later on...especially the effect on your voice/singing voice

Hi if you email me on <personal email address> I will send you the pdf the hospital gave me about the treatment. It takes about 30 mins to 1 hour. I will be awake and it will be just like having a needle biopsy in my thyroid. I’ve had 3 or 4 of those so I’m not worried and it will be brill not to have to have a scar and 5 days in hospital. I have been lucky because my nodules are a 2. One of them they thought had become a 3 proved with biopsy to still be a 2. If it hadn’t been I wouldn’t be able to have the RFA. So don’t leave it too long like my Endo did giving me annual appointments etc. They have been doing it for 18 months now and have successfully done 1500. I asked my Dr to refer me to UCHL.
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Hi, how did the procedure go? I will have mine in three days from now with the UCLH team just like you did and I am super excited. I there anything that I should prepare/know in advance other than what they provide in the letters they send for the patient? Thank you, wishing you all the best!
PS I wrote a complaint about my ENT that almost put me through the knife, just to make him/them aware of the fact that better treatments are there and it shouldn't be our duty, as patients to be the ones informing them on it but the other way around.
I go in on 27th for RFA. might see you there. Rachel
Do you have 2 different accounts here? Another user has replied to me on another thread just earlier saying they're having their second round of RFA at UCLH today, haha! Good luck with your procedure, mine should happen around noon time.
Thank you will email you now.
I have a multinodular thyroid goitre on one side. I wonder if I will be eligible for RFA? It says that my left lobe has largely been replaced with a mix of nodules...part cystic/part nodule. Measuring around 7cm.
The right side is normal. -also I have had fna's too

I would definitely tell my Dr to refer me to UCHL. BEST thing I ever did. And so easy to get here from St Pancras or Kings Cross Station.
How did your RFA go? I’m interested on an update. Thanks

It all went very well and I’m very pleased with the results. Next week I will know the full extent of the RFA results. I’m feeling I have much more air in my lungs so much more energy and a chance at last to exercise. No longer chocking on my food either. The whole treatment on two goitres took less than an hour during which time I was able to talk to the Dr doing the treatment. I am very pleased that I escaped full thyroid surgery. Cannot recommend it enough.
Thank you and brilliant news. Please update me with your results. I’m very interested.

Seeing your post 3 years later...but was wondering if you managed to get RFA on your nodule?
Hi Rachel vcI was wondering how you are getting on after the radio frequency ablation?
I’m due to have mine very soon and am a little nervous about after effects. Have made a post about it.
Wishing you all the best in health
Many thanks in advance
Hi, I've been trying so hard to push for RFA for my nodule. What was your nodule size and do u know what classification? I am a U3, which basically means unclassified, on the fence. But i'm still holding on for a glimmer of hope for RFA.