Tested for graves antibodies and nurse said she got the results but has to discuss with doctor to see what he wants to do. The thing is my endo is out of town and the nurse wont tell me whether I have graves or not. Wouldnt she have told me its negative if I have didnt have graves or would she still have to run it by the endo to tell me that there are no graves antibodies.
Nurse wont give results until doctor sees them - Thyroid UK
Nurse wont give results until doctor sees them

It's normal practice that results are seen by the doctor before being given to the patient.
If the doctor ordered the tests then it's the doctor who controls access to that sub-set of data. So the nurse isn't at liberty to give you the test information until the doctor gives her the go ahead to do so.
if you are forced to do a Data Subject Access Request - and some hospitals and GP practices make you do them because the medical professionals in them are bloody minded - then it will take you far longer than waiting for the doctor to come back.
In UK you are entitled to see your test results online. You have to arrange this with your GP surgery with regard to identity and passwords etc. but the dead line for surgeries to do this was March/April 2015. If your surgery does not have this facility you should report them to: england.patient-online@nhs.net My surgery was messing around trying to avoid this and when the receptionist said they would not give me my results without filling in a form and charging me (she was wrong of course), I sent an email informing them that my surgery had not yet put this in place. Two weeks later it was all done. I get now access my test results immediately the doctor gets it (and maybe even before she gets to read it).
The online access facility at a lot of GP practices in England will only let you book appointments and order repeat prescriptions, seeing test results is probably still a few years away for many of us
Actually NO it is not a few years away they should ALL have put it in place by last March/April. Mine did not so I reported them to the address I gave. Just a nice little note to say that my practice (giving name and address) has not yet implemented this. It was done within a few weeks. They are in breach of the law if they do not.
I think it is normal practice for a doctor to see the results first.I suspect in case there is something serious that needs careful discussion with the patient.
Online access to results from a GP is only available in England. It has not yet been in introduced in Scotland.
I use online access through my GP surgery for results (PatientAccess app) for thyroid, diabetic and other tests. I did spot that one set of results weren't mine. The GP practise agreed and removed them from their records, but I can still see them online. Comment from the nurse, "the laboratory put the results up", so yes, you can see them, but beware of the lab making a similar error!