Big Pharma strikes again!
Binge-Eating Is The Latest Mental Health “Threat” - Thyroid UK
Binge-Eating Is The Latest Mental Health “Threat”

Surely (real) binge eating wouldn't be a mental health problem anyway, but a physical problem - perhaps insufficient CCK or something like that.
Shire is a very successful pharma which just fought off an American takeover,or maybe it was Obama not liking the tax loss .
GSK not being doing well ,relatively, but I think that will change.Some small biotechs have gone bust, but big pharma has lots of irons in the fire.
Shire made a fortune on that drug for kiddie bad behaviour which is probably from too much pop ( additives/ colouring) and poor parenting.
Thanks for posting. I have no idea what triggers binges but I do believe craving mean your body is lacking in something it needs. When I was pregnant I wondered who on earth would want to suck coal! Thankfully I never experienced this but I had trouble eating anything. Morning sickness was my problem and it got worse with each pregnancy-told that was be ause I was getting older! The one thing I wanted though was ginger beer, that stayed inside me but then I read that ginger settles the stomach and so my body was helping me to protect myself and my unborn baby. I've always tended to listen to my body and regular readers will have seen a few weeks back that I couldn't eat enough chocolate but it stopped as soon as it began so presumably that isn't true binging but throughout the last few years I e looked further into why. Some time ago I had craving for chocolate and something else, can't remember what now but both showed that I was short of magnesium so that was added to my supplements. so should we be listening to our body more to prevent binging? I suspect yes.
I quite agree with you! When I was pregnent I also suffered with terrible sickness, which got worse with each pregnancy. With the first one, I craved grapefruit, mashed potatoes and custard creams - I normally hate custard creams! I was so hungry all through that pregnancy and couldn't get enough to eat - especially not with the doctors and my ex going on and on about 'keeping your figure'! Never had much of a figure, anyway, but I put on exactly 2 stone, and lost the lot the day the baby was born! With the second, I didn't crave anything. But with the third, I was so sick, it was miserable, couldn't eat anything but oranges - and I could eat a crate of them in two days! I lost weight, rather than putting it on, and got nagged about that! You can't win! lol
I think there can be lots of reasons for binge eating, stress for example, but I certainly don't think it requires yet another drug!
I don`t know about this Binge Eating Disorder but ADHD does exist. It may possibly be over diagnosed but it does exist and it is not fair to say it is down to poor parenting and bad diets.
ADHD is very often due to un-diagnosed/Under-treated hypo. No, I don't think it's due to bad parenting, but a lot of those nasty additives - artificial colouring and flavouring - that creep in everywhere could have something to do with it, I'm sure.
Binge eating is part of an addictive scenario, cravings are a result of a brain imbalance as a result of neurotransmitters being out of sync. Unwittingly people are trying to self-medicate their neurotransmitters but end up damaging them further. Most mental health problems are in fact imbalanced neurotransmitters.