New to this and would really appreciate advice ... - Thyroid UK

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New to this and would really appreciate advice on anything I can start doing to feel better while waiting to see consultant.

Davnic profile image
9 Replies

GP diagnosed overactive 2 weeks ago and am seeing consultant in 3 weeks. Hopefully at that time he will start some kind of treatment. But ever since I got diagnosed my body seems to have decided it can 'stop pretending' if that makes sense and the sweats, breathlessness, palpitations and shakes are almost constant. I have pretty much every other symptom of hyper too and any kind of exertion has me needing a rest. Would really welcome any suggestions.

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Davnic profile image
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9 Replies
Clutter profile image

Welcome to the forum, Davnic.

Can you post your thyroid results with the lab ref ranges as it helps members to advise. Ask your GP receptionist for a printout if you don't have them.

I'm surprised your GP hasn't started you on Carbimazole while you wait for your endocrinologist consultation. If you think the symptoms are getting worse you need to go back to your GP as soon as possible and ask for Carbimazole and beta blockers to help with the palpitations as long as you aren't asthmatic.

Your metabolism is in overdrive which is why you're experiencing all these symptoms. Try not to overexert and rest as much as you can until you're medicated and your metabolism is regulated.

Davnic profile image

Thank you. I will ask for results. Was in a bit of shock when she told me but think I remember she said I was 34 and the normal range was 5-23 but no idea what test that was. Reading afterwards about it I was surprised she didn't prescribe anything but although she spoke to me about meds and surgery she said the Endo would decide on treatment. I have a 7 yr old, school runs etc, work and study, so rest is hard to come by but I will rest when I can.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Davnic

Davnic, use the yellow Reply to this button when you respond to a post and the member will get an email alert that you've responded.

34 is probably your free thyroxine (FT4) which converts to the active hormone FT3 which is probably also elevated.

Your levels may have got higher in the past two weeks so don't be shy about going back and asking for medication to see you through until your endo appointment. GP can always call the endo to ask what dose to start you on if she isn't sure.

Davnic profile image
Davnic in reply to Clutter

Thank you Clutter for your comments. Got my print out from GP.

TSH <0.05 (0.25-5.0)

Free T4 34.0 (9.0-23.0)

Free triiodothyronine 14.3 (3.5-6.5)

They don't make much sense to me but I can see they are outside range

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Davnic

Davnic, yes they're considerably out of range.

TSH is usually comfortable around 0.5-1.0 and FT4 and FT3 ideal in the top 75% of range.

So, see your GP for Carbimazole if you can't bear the symptoms AND have hubby wait on you until you're feeling better.

ATG007 profile image

I feel for you. It took 8 weeks for me to have an appointment with an endocrinologist & in that time I felt dreadful. Once I started the carbimazole it took a while for that to kick in. In retrospect I wish I'd asked the GP to start me on some carbimazole but I thought the endo needed to see me as I was. The local protocol is to refer to an endo but the GP can start prescribing carbimazole if necessary. I just rested as much as possible whenever possible & have to confess I thought my whole life was changing. Can I reassure you that several months down the line the treatment has been really effective & I'm feeling so much better than I have for a long, long time. Be kind to yourself & if the symptoms are too bad get back to your GP.

Davnic profile image
Davnic in reply to ATG007

Thank you ATG007. Good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel and I'm not alone in how I am feeling. Now I know what the symptoms are in retrospect I probably started getting them a year ago, it's just only in the last few months have I felt really bad and went to GP thinking early menopause. Will just have to get hubby to wait on me a bit more!

ATG007 profile image
ATG007 in reply to Davnic

Sounds like my scenario exactly! Assumed it was hormonal and was very surprised to find out about the hyperthyroid diagnosis. I felt dreadful for a while but for me there was definitely light at the end if the tunnel. In addition to medication I have also worked to simplify my life and find more peace, joy and pleasure ... Good luck x

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Hi Davnic, your results are very similar to what mine were when I started out with Graves - my TSH was lower and my FT4 slightly higher. Have you been checked for antibodies too? Can't believe you have not been given anything to tide you over until you can see the endocrinologist.

I was given a 'holding' dose of Carbimazole then after a month had more blood tests and got a letter from my consultant ( who I still hadn't seen - three month waiting list where I live!) saying I was to double my dose.

It is also quite usual for people who are hyper to be given beta blockers or something to calm down the palpitations - I have asthma so I skipped on the beta blockers but later on the palps came back and I was given amitriptyline instead.

Try to do as little as you can - I know I was lucky my kids are long gone so I could indulge.

You are actually pretty poorly even though you might not look too bad on the outside. I lost so much weight I looked better than I had in a long time - made it difficult fir people to understand just how rubbish I was really feeling and how little I could do.

Like clutter says - definitely go back to your doctor if you still don't feel good, if your GP doesn't want to do anything she can always call your consultant and ask what she can prescribe for you. Good luck :-)

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