Is their another alternative to treat hyperthyr... - Thyroid UK

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Is their another alternative to treat hyperthyroidism naturally I also have Graves' disease don't like idea od medicating for 18 months even

Amyjo321 profile image
16 Replies

Though my levels are normal after two months

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Amyjo321 profile image
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16 Replies
marram profile image

I have Graves' but had a total thyroidectomy 33 years ago. Many people end up having Radioactive Iodine to destroy the thyroid, but there are some who disagree with killing the thyroid in this way or by surgical removal, since the thyroid in Graves' is still healthy but is being overstimulated by the Graves'.

Further, destroying the thyroid is not a cure for graves' since it can still attack the eyes, and I can attest to that fact because 33 years after my total thyroidectomy I have suddenly had a recurrence of raves' Eye disease, and when tested my antibodies were raised. I have been prescribed selenium to reduce the antibodies, but I don't think it is appropriate when the thyroid is still intact because Selenium also improves conversion of T4 to T3, so it could possibly make the symptoms to hyperthyroidism worse, I'm not sure. It would be worth asking about that.

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Silver_Fairy profile image
Silver_Fairy in reply to marram

I didn't know that about Selenium. I have Graves and TED and was advised to supplement with Selenium by the ophthalmologist.

Hennerton profile image

I was trawling through Google recently, looking at iodine use, as I had just had a scan where it was injected into me and I had a bad reaction. In the course of my trawling I came across a site talking about a very old method of dealing with overactive thyroid. It was using iodine and another product. Sorry I cannot remember it as it was not relevant to me but I read it out of curiosity, as I have had TT for Graves. If you go on a search you may find it. Worth a try. I would definitely have researched more if I had known about it before my TT.

Hennerton profile image

Ps I am not talking about radioactive iodine treatment. This was something else completely.

CharlS28 profile image

I'm not sure if it's natural but hopefully there will be soon!

slakin57 profile image

I presume you are on carbimazole which is the first line treatment for newly diagnosed Graves. And it seems to be working for you. Have you had any side effects? I am in a similar situation to you and have been on it since 14/4/14. Just had my first bloods done since then and awaiting results. If you are tolerating carbimazole well I would carry on - they will want to reduce the dose down to a maintenance one if they haven't already. At the moment you need carbimazole to stop the damage that high levels of T3 will do to your body. After 18mths they will take you off it and see if you relapse. If you do the options they will offer will usually be RAI or surgery. Both of these damage what is essentially a healthy organ (your thyroid) - it is the auto-antibodies which are driving the thyroid to produce too much hormone. Use this time to read about Graves and to make adjustments to your life-style. Reduce stress, find better ways to manage it, get plenty of sleep (you should be sleeping better now), take some exercise and make changes to your diet (get enough protein, eat good quality healthy foods including lean meat, fish, lots of fresh veg, fruit, nuts, seeds and water and take supplements of vit B complex, vit D and others - read about what is best in Graves on this site and others), cut out the bad things such as smoking, alcohol, stress, poor quality processed foods. Your goal should be to develop a healthy body and mind and a strong immune system. Then in 12-18mths time you will give yourself the best chance of staying in remission. I am doing this at the moment - and if I relapse hope to persuade them that I can restart carbimazole as I would prefer that option to RAI or surgery - but also understand that I may have to make a decision to have one or the other if the hyper state and antibodies return and are damaging my body.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to slakin57

Totally agree with what slakin57 has said. if you are tolerating Carbimazole well then stick with it like she says, the alternatives are TT or RAI and as a fellow Graves sufferer - also now in remission - should I relapse I want to continue with Carbimazole or in my case it was Carbimazole and levothyroxine (B&R)

At the moment I'm doing exactly what slakin advises you to do - I'm reading everything I can find about Graves, de stressing my life, exercising, eating good healthy food and supplementing with vitamins and minerals to keep all my levels at the right place.

Like someone else said, unless you are on a B&R regime where they will stop all your drugs quite abruptly one day, you should find they are likely to start gradually reducing your Carbimazole until you are only on a tiny amount.

When I think back to how ill I was in the beginning - I was grateful for the drugs I was taking - they were all that was holding me together.

Alvena-Lesley profile image
Alvena-Lesley in reply to slakin57

Dear slakin57, My son is in a very similar situation to you. He was recently rushed into hospital with what subsequently got diagnosed as a "Thyroid Storm". He also had double pneumonia and for two days it was touch and go whether he would make it. However, that was a month ago and he is now on Carbimizole 40 mg reducing down to 20 mg this week. he seems to be tolerating it well and is doing all the things you suggest regarding eating and sleeping. As we had no previous notion that he was in any way hyperactive, although with hindsight the symptoms were there, we have been reading up everything we can on how to go forward. He as been told, like you, that surgery may be on the cards if in eighteen months time he has not settled. So we are living with fingers crossed that once he comes off Carbimizole he will not have a relapse. At least if he did we would pick up on it sooner.

Good luck with your medication, it is good to read someone who is in the same situation.

slakin57 profile image
slakin57 in reply to Alvena-Lesley

I'm pleased he seems to be doing well on carbimazole. My starting dose was 20mg and I see my endo on Monday 30th to review blood results and hopefully adjust dose for the first time. I'm also on propranolol and I hope to come off that as it is interfering with my running. I too had no idea I was hyper until I realised that my weight loss was unintentional (and not due to running!) and went to my GP. Interestingly I had already been referred to a colorectal surgeon as I was having bowel problems when running - about 15 mins in needed to "go" and sometimes incontinent. I am pleased to say that since starting the carbimazole this has stopped so it seems that the bowel problems were caused by high T3 levels. The colorectal surgeon agrees it is likely they are linked. This will be a useful "indicator" for me that things are going awry again after I stop carbimazole as the bowel problems pre-dated my hyper diagnosis by about 5-6 months. So far I have been well - didn't really feel unwell before diagnosis and certainly never suffered thyroid storm like your unfortunate son. I feel really well at the moment and am doing everything I can to stay that way - including taking some tough decisions about lifestyle, work and stress. Graves can be really tough on some people and I count myself lucky (so far) that it has been more of a warning to stop burning the candle at both ends and acting like super woman. I'm 57 and before this I thought I could do anything (regardless of the toll on my body and mind) and had the time to do it. Now I know I can't and don't! I wish your son well in his journey and hope that he like me can see it as a blessing in disguise (my ability to see the positive in everything will be my life saver!)

tilly83 profile image

Agree with all above. I did not do block and replace, I chose to reduce according to blood results which I had monthly (insisted on T4 and T3 as well as THS), went from 40mg daily to 5mg every two days, due to see if I can cut completely this summer...... I feel so much better, did a 10 k in 64 minutes in May. Changed diet - no glutin at all, cut down dairy, eat lots of fruit and veg, little caffeine, have monthly massage, do yoga and for a year had monthly acupuncture. Take a few supplements, selenium, good oils, Vit D, Vit B complex, Vit C, Royal Jelly, probiotics, if I have trouble sleeping then Melatonin (not often) aim if I recur is to go back on minimum carb to keep under control Get on v well with endo's, it helps to take notes and keep records of your blood tests. All the best, - oh and I read a lot of books on condition...

slakin57 profile image
slakin57 in reply to tilly83

You are doing so well tilly83. It's good that you have good doctors and have kept up the running. I also run and was reduced to run 1 min, walk 1 min in April/May due to fatigue, breathlessness and warnings from my endo to "take it easy" or risk heart failure. I am now up to run 4 mins, walk 1 min and completed the Pennine 10k on Sunday in 1:05:32 using this pacing strategy. My fastest 10k time was 58:52 back in Feb this year and I'm hoping to get back to that level of performance through Leeds and York 10ks over the next few months. I have learned a lot about my body and running over the last few months, for which knowledge I am very grateful. I have learned, for example, to make sure I get lots of protein, to run to heart rate and that taking propranolol before a run is not a good idea (pegs my heart rate below 120 and makes running feel like hard work!) I absolutely loved the Pennine 10k last Sunday and could not keep a huge grin off my face at one point when I realised that I was getting back into the euphoria of running and loving every minute - think that was one of the downhill stretches but it felt really good! I'm interested in your comment about melatonin. My sleep quality is improving but still isn't good sometimes. Where do you get melatonin from?

tilly83 profile image
tilly83 in reply to slakin57

sorry taken so long to reply, been very busy and in place where I can't access this site. ...I got the Melatonin online - it's called Eurovital 180 capsules 3mg, works a treat for me...... interesting what you were saying about superwoman, that's how I've felt and still do, I know I would hate to feel that lethargy described by people who are hypo and could do if have RI or surgery....but I know I have to be careful and watchful of my body. Went for acupuncture session today as felt a bit hyper and will have siesta in a bit then get going again! x

lizmag profile image

I took PTU for years and years to deal with Graves. I also tried tinkering around with my diet, stress-reducing methods, went down the homeopathic route, had blood tests to check for just about everything the doc could think of etc etc. Sometimes these methods work for people and I have to say that I'm glad I tried them all. However I ended up having RAI but at least I felt that I had informed myself before I took the plunge. At the moment I feel okay-ish.

Clutter profile image

Amyjo, this article may be interest

slakin57 profile image

Got blood results yesterday after 5 weeks on 20mg carbimazole and I am euthyroid (T4 19 (10-20) and T3 1.3 (0.9-2.5)). See endocrinologist on Monday so hope to reduce carbimazole down to 10mg and start titrating down to 5mg. Also looks line supplements are working as folate, B12 and ferritin also up and other blood results improved.

Binkynoo profile image

Hi Amy , it's binky noo I have been on Carbi 5mg since jan, due to fast rate heart , shaking , insomnia , I was on propanol , but said could come off after 2months has Carbi had kicked in , brill cos felt bloated on it , got to April then my body bit gel like my own ended up in A&e due to not understanding this change I felt to my body shaking so bad , was a water infection, just got well to go on holiday. GPS gave me Diaz to help relax not so keen , just in a mess since got back off holiday it's getting worse tingly arms legs but I feeling , digestive problems , muscle joint ache , yet full blood count done @ I'm in normal range !! What's normal about feeling shocking everyday , bruising easily , now feeling dizzy then ever before Iv had to beg docs to do Fbc again , hope get results this week , Soo down feel too dizzy to sleep it's awful. 7 months in cant take another 5 months of this tjought I would be sleeping I'm in a bit if a mess.gonna start vit b complex this week & vit d. Good to talk with you any advice would help.

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