Has anyone had a thyroid FNA at the CEDAR centr... - Thyroid UK

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Has anyone had a thyroid FNA at the CEDAR centre in Guildford? Was it painful and what did it lead to?Did you see Prof Russell-Jones? Thanks

meromano profile image
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Amathyst profile image

I didn’t have my FNA at the Cedar Centre but thought I would share my experience with you.

My 1st FNA was done at the Walsall Manor Hospital in July 2013 as nodules were found on right side of Thyroid. This was done by using Ultra Sound scan to ensure they got accurate location of nodule. This was not painful but was a little uncomfortable and it only took around 2 minutes to complete, I was asked to sit still for a few moments after before leaving. I felt a little sore and achy for a day or so but it soon went.

My results came back as Thy2 which is basically an ‘All Clear’ – it is standard practice at the Manor to do the FNA again after 3 months which was done but the results came back Thy3f which means something had changed but they could not discount the possibility of something more serious being present. My consultant had a lengthy discussion with me and we both agreed the best way forward was to remove the right side of my thyroid which was done in December 2013. My results came back showing a Micro Papillary Carcinoma (very tiny amount of cancer) which was completely removed. It was decided at the Multi Disciplinary Team meeting that they were satisfied no further treatment or medication was needed however I will need to have blood tests and scans on the remainder of my Thyroid for the rest of my life. I would like to say that my Consultant also informed that in my case if I had not had a swelling on my neck which instigated the referral I could have lived the rest of my life normally and if it wasn’t removed it may have never had a any impact on my life, but knowing I had the Thy3f result I felt more at ease with it removed rather than playing the waiting game.

I hope my experience has helped and good luck with your FNA.


meromano profile image

Hi Amathyst

Thank you for replying. I had an ultrasound last year in which they found some nodules including one about 1 cm wide and they wanted to do the FNA but I just couldn't cope with the idea. I think I'm worried about the pain as a number of people on this site have had FNA and found it very painful. Also, if there is no cancer there and they do the FNA I worry that they might disturb something and cause a problem; or that they might decide to remove part or all of my thyroid whether it's malignant or not, and then I'd have the issue again about dosage of T4/T3. Not sure if that makes sense. My appointment is in just over a week and I'm really worried, and I know it's a little silly but I can't help it.

Amathyst profile image
Amathyst in reply to meromano

Hi Meromana,

It’s not silly I fully understand what you are going through. I felt safe and confident with the medical staff and my consultant when going through all the testing and the decision to remove half of my Thyroid. When I got the results from my 2nd FNA I did think was the change due to some ‘disturbance’ during the 1st FNA (hope that makes sense) but having had half of the Thyroid removed I now know that wasn’t the case and I am glad I made the decision to go ahead and have it removed and I now carry on my life as normal until my next scan which will be done in June (6 months) and then yearly. If I made the decision to leave alone then I know a day would not pass without me worrying.

I too have read posts on this site where members feel that their FNA was painful but again I was ok. Try and remember that if you do feel some pain it will be over within a minute or two - I would rather have an FNA than go to the Dentist lol.

Good luck for next week and keep us posted.


meromano profile image

Thanks Amathyst. I've sort of decided that I'd like to monitor the nodule (or nodules) via ultrasound and if there is no change then leave it alone. If the staff are willing to do that, I don't mind having regular ultrasounds.

I don't mind going to the dentist (altough haven't been for over a year due to change in financial circumstances) as you can't feel a thing with the anaesthetic but I don't like the thought of a needle poking about in my throat! Also, my mother had a TT a while ago in Spain and she had terrible trouble getting her calcium levels under control (my guess is that her parathyroid were removed too). Anyway, I'm really glad it's worked for you and I hope you won't have any more problems. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my posts - it's nice to hear from someone who's had a positive experience. Take care.

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