is anyone else sick of vibrating feelings,tingl... - Thyroid UK

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is anyone else sick of vibrating feelings,tingling,palps,blurred vision ,black floaters dizzy turns ,forgetfulness after years of treatment

fion profile image
9 Replies
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fion profile image
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Yes! That is exactly what I had until i started managing my own health: switched to ndt, self diagnosed pernicious anaemia and coeliac (after nhs said nothing was wrong). I now self inject a range of vitamins, determine my own NDT dose : ditching levo was the best thing i ever did.

The most recent thing i did for myself was have all my mercury fillings removed and have an asymptomatic root canal extracted: my residual brain fog and fatigue disappeared within days.

Hele profile image
Hele in reply to

Ive got two mercury fillings, and i've been thinking to get them removed. is it hard to get them replaced with white ones or is the full tooth extraction preferred? I think it may help with my symptoms too once removed. I have eye irritation with my hypo and visual disturbances and the extreme fatigue so youre not alone there.

fion profile image

did any of the other symptoms go away bluedaffodil,im at my witts end and getting worse x

Have you had your vits and minerals tested? Sounds like B12 deficiency to me but you should get B12, folate, iron/ferritin and vit D tested. H x

kimbo profile image

yes i get all of the above too have had it for years :-(

The symptoms that disappeared on NDT and with B12 injections: vertigo, CF to a degree

The symptoms that disappeared after extraction of asymptomatic root canal filled with mercury: CF gone almost instantly, brain fog gone instantly, large white flecks on nails gone

After that i had my mercury filling removed over 1 month. Metallic taste gone. For the rest it's too early to say, as i obviously still have mercury lodged in every cell, organ and gland and it will take years to chelate out, but at least i don't have a constant supply of mercury leaking from my fillings into my body

You could also try Vit D - as a shortage will lead to fatigue.

Hele, you can quite easily get the fillings replaced with composite, just make sure you go to a holistic dentist and NOT a traditional one as they use a tooth coloured filling that has phyto-oestrogenic properties, not to mention using fluoride, which affects your thyroid.

Fion, I did alot of things to feel better and it took a long time, nearly a year: some of what i can remember:

1. ditched levo and went on ndt (took a while to find right dose). Mantain negative tsh and NOT elevated tsh which the nhs had kept me on for years without telling me it was too high : always check a copy of the results yourself, do not believe what they tell you

2. went gluten free

3. stopped cooking with tap water; bottled water only

4. regular b12 and vit c injections (as often as i need them, not as often as the nhs says i need them)

5. started a range of high quality vitamins and minerals as i had serious absorption issues due to undiagnosed coeliac - liquid calc, zinc,mag mix, vitamin D, selenium (which brought my thyroid antibodies down in about 5 months)

6. weekly bath in epsom salts

7. drink more water

8. researched health risks of root canals and mercury fillings; had them out

In a nutshell, i think that's it

Angel_of_the_North profile image

Bluedaffodil, where did you get your fillings replaced and how long did it take?

Vivante profile image

Floaters, I have had them for years, my husband has them, he does not take any medication at all. I had them before I started taking medication. This is common. Look for floaters on web. I contacted another person some time ago, they did not know what floaters are. Bits of black, small flashes of squiggly lines. If you wear specs ask your optician about them.

zeberdee2468 profile image

I have this too have had my eyes tested at the opticians and had new glasses but makes no difference at all I just can't get my eyes to stay in focus for long and the floaters are chronic. I get loads of other symptoms too including the joint pain etc. Hope you get it sorted out

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