I've suffered from constant IBS symptoms for many years, it never gets any better and never goes away. It's mostly in my upper abdomen but does move around. My abdomen always feels tight tense bloated and full of wind. My symptoms always feel at there worst when I'm lying down in bed. Any one else gave these awful constant symptoms?
Ibs symptoms : I've suffered from constant IBS... - IBS Network
Ibs symptoms

Mine are more or less every day - and as soon as I lie down at night it gets worse immediately. I can't suggest anything but you are not the only one experiencing this X
What are you doing for it - meds, food, exercise, therapy ...?
That's why I don't think I have ibs. My pain is always below my belly button and in my rectum. Rectal spasms because of mucosal internal prolapse which mimics ibs. Doctors just don't want to believe me even though they know what I have.
I had that syndrome for about 2 years. The almost daily bloating in the upper abdomen increased when I lay down, even with elevated shoulders and upper back. Everything, even a glass of water, seemed to produce gas. As it got worse, it began to frequently trigger Afib. I finally went to a GI and was diagnosed with celiac disease and subsequently cut out all gluten.
I also avoid gas-producing or hard to digest vegetables and fruits, eat smaller meals and do not eat after about 7:30 pm. I do not drink alcohol or fizzy drinks. I was able to cut out some blood pressure meds that I suspected were causing constipation and started exercising every day. With the elimination of constipation , (no pun intended) I felt immediate improvement. (I used prune juice with a mixed-tablespoon of flax and chia seed for a while, but soon did not need it.) I try to stay hydrated, though. Losing 30 lbs also helped.
I take pepcid 10 mg before lunch and dinner and take a dose or two of Pepto Bismol an hour or so before bedtime. If I still feel some gassiness, I take Gas-X as needed.
I have had much less problems with this regimen and consequently very few Afib events over the past 13 months. It has eliminated most of the gas, except for occasions where I eat the wrong thing or too much.
I am sure you have tried many of these things, but I wanted to try to detail what worked for me. Avoiding constipation and learning what not to eat are key, I believe.
I don't know which these measures might be helpful to you, and I am not a doctor.
I wish you well in finding some improvement,
Thank you for your reply Fibnum, I have tried cutting out gluten from my diet but maybe I need to try again. I've tried many antacids but they don't help. I find it hard trying to work out what could be causing it, I drink lots of water and try to eat healthily. I don't get constipation but I often get diarrhea.
It sounds as though it is a different problem from mine. If you have checked out all food allergies and been examined physically, it must be very frustrating to not come up with any answers. It is clear that the digestive process is interrupted or malfunctioning somewhere. I hope better testing and an experienced doctor can help you.
Same here. I'm in constant pain, worse when sitting and lying down. don'r sleep much because of it
Hi Edwangy sounds like exactly the same as me. How long have you had it? Have you found anything that helps at all?
Nothing seems to help with the pain. If I eat a very small meal in the evening, sometimes it's not so bad. I have been told that I have an exremely loopy colon, a rectoceleand severe narrowing plus telescoping of the sigmoid . It feels like permanent trpped gas but passing wind only relieves it for a few seconds. I suufer with constipation and have to take linoclotide to ' go'. I take alverine which is supposed to relax the colon, it helps a bit sometrimes but not at night for some reason. I take a very low dose of sleeping tablet most nights, this also seems to help sometimes as they relax your nervous system, I think they dampen down the pain a bit. Can't take them all the time as they are addictive and you can become tolerant and they won't work anymore.
I can only suggest making some adjustments to help the wind/gas. In my case I drink peppermint tea and there are peppermint capsules you can but too. If you look online, you will find gas producing foods and ones that are more helpful. A blood test can tell you if you are coeliac; then for sure cut out all gluten. However, if you are not then the evidence is not conclusive that you 100% have to cut out gluten (although many still do). I hope this may help.
yes I am in my seventies and the same as you I get it every ruddy single day and to add to my misery I have started to get stomach type panic attacks which drain me completely, I am weaning off my medication which I have taken for some years,Amitryptiline which appears to have stopped working a few years ago, I am now only taking a very low dose, I am going for it after new year and coming off completely. I don’t no about you but nothing seems to help with my IBS at all, I have tried everything, I don’t have no quality of life I used to be so lively bubbly and outgoing before ibs, it really gets me down at times.
I,ve had ibs symptoms for years , I,ve had pain from my shoulder down to my hip, but don,t think that’s to do with my ibs think that might be from a fall I had when I was younger.
Yes same, night worst. I have tried most things to no avail!
I did an allergy elimination diet and i feel ok most days now. Dairy is the most common food allergy.
Hi, sorry to hear of your suffering, have you heard of The low FODMAP diet, if not if you google 'Monash low fodmap' they are a university who have done alot of research into IBS and foods which make it worse. It has really helped me. once you get on their website have a good search arround there is lots of info. good luck, happy new year. x