Another worry - rapid gut transit digesting / ... - IBS Network

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Another worry - rapid gut transit digesting / undigested food

Tokai335 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all, I can't shake this stress and anxiety which is accompanying my most recent flare, and potentially a bought of gastritis. My stools were all over the shop last week, mostly loose, some very runny - up to 3 times a day. Just to add, I had normal bloods and stools back 6 weeks ago.

But I've been feeling ok the past 4 days. Been taking mebeverine like clockwork, as well as eating 3 meals a day - sticking to LOWFODMAP foods. Only one bowel movements per day and solid / formed.

However last night I had a jacket potato and salad - raw carrots, some lettuce.

Within 3 hours I started getting cramps, and after passing a formed stool, out came a mushy stool with the carrots! Passing food eaten only a few hours prior is very abnormal right?! This happened last week when my flare was bad, but I thought it may have been a one off. I've had undigested food many times before, but never this quick.

I'm so upset. I hardly slept last night worrying why this had happened. We did have a phonecall with some worrying news about my daughters health just after dinner last night. If you've seen the news stories about hepatitis in kids, she's one of the children who had hepatitis back in Jan/Fab - she was very, very ill. Something is still not within the normal range, so they need to retest her bloods again. I have severe anxiety and health worries, so this made me panic, and dunno if that triggered the cramps and loose stools a few hours later.

I've rang the docs about myself this morning. I only spoke to someone last week about my IBS and the GP said to keep a food diary. However I'm in a major panic. Is this undiagnosed IBD? Could I have pancreas issues? Liver issues? (my uncle (pancreatic) and dad (liver) died from cancer last year, so cancer is a huge worry of mine)

Can someone reassure me that this is ok, or have experience that themselves? I'm beside myself right now. Crohn's is my biggest fear, and I've seen a lot of stuff online about undigested food and the condition.

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Tokai335 profile image
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8 Replies
rustydog profile image

Hi there. I have had IBS for 24 years and often get this when I am really stressed (which sadly is most days atm). You are going through a lot of stress and it has probably speeded up your digestive system as a result. It’s the adrenaline and the fight or flight system clearing out your guts incase you need to flee (you know how a wild animal will often poop when cornered/trapped etc). It’s so worrying isn’t it? I totally understand, my mother in law passed recently from liver cancer too. Have you tried going on YouTube and listening to some gut direct hypnotherapy on there, it really helps. Also, if you are on FB there is a great support group called IBS (official) they offer science backed support and advice which I find really reassuring when I’m in flare and feeling horrible. Good luck and I hope all is ok with your daughter x

Tokai335 profile image
Tokai335 in reply to rustydog

Hiya rusty, many thanks for the reply. Maybe I've had this rapid transit thing before, but only just noticed as I'm hyper aware of everything bowel related at the moment. But I am in a constant state of anxiety and stress at the moment and have been for months.

I've just come back from a doctors appointment who said I'm definitely dealing with IBS, and theres no need to refer me for anymore tests or scans. She was very good and reassuring so I need to believe her, it was nice having a doctor who listens and engages instead of giving you handouts and sending for blood tests.

She said if I treat my anxiety and stress then more then likely my IBS would improve, so something to work at. I was prescribed anti-depressants a few months ago, but didn't take them. Maybe I should and they will help me, who knows.

As it happens, I am in the middle of a hypnotherapy course with a local gentleman now. I like listening to the tracks and do find myself calmer after doing so.

rustydog profile image
rustydog in reply to Tokai335

I totally and completely understand as I am exactly the same. I’ve become obsessed and stressed over my digestive system, it’s so stressful and then obviously that in itself becomes a vicious cycle.

Lamly profile image
Lamly in reply to rustydog

That is just how I feel. Getting obsessed with my Ibs symptoms it is because we are suffering that bad and looking for a way out of it, it is very debilitating and stressful causing depression also.

rustydog profile image
rustydog in reply to Lamly

I totally understand, I am exactly the same, it’s a complete obsession for me. The more symptoms I suffer from the more I obsess over them and then seem to be hyper aware. It’s beyond draining.

Luisa22 profile image

My bet is that whatever happened to your dinner last night is definitely connected to the extreme stress and worry you are going through. I hope all will be well with your daughter. It is worrying for you and I send you a kind hug.

I remember once when I was a kid (I never told my mum!) I went for a #2 in the morning and all my dinner from the evening before came out undigested like food, not stool! I could see everything I had eaten in it, coloured exactly as it was when I had eaten it, and no, it wasn't corn. I kept it secret. Maybe I was about 9 or 10.. I remember feeling fine otherwise, not even a bit sick or anything.

I remember being worried and waiting for the next morning to see what happened. Next day everything was completely normal so I forgot it as kids and dogs are inclined to do!

But I was being bullied at school around that time.

Eventually I laid into the bullies, fists flying and it never happened again.

I was a strong healthy kid and didn't have gut problems or any other illness apart from colds.

So it seems I was super stressed and upset (though I don't remember that connected to that morning) That thing never ever happened again all my life and I'm over 69 now.

We hear that it's literally impossible for food to go through from one end to the other in only 4 or 5 hours. But I don't doubt that it did for you. And if you are 100% sure you didn't eat carrots in anything the day before or something, then it is what it looks like. Dinner that went through way too fast because you were terribly upset just after eating dinner.

Doctors are likely to be stumped by that!

It's incredible how a stress response can affect the body and break all the rules of "what should usually happen.".

If it never does that usually and hasn't happened before, then maybe it might not again. You could take a look at "dumping syndrome" (when the stomach empties way too fast, but there are other symptoms with it which you didn't mention.)

If your bloods are all fine then it doesn't seem likely to be liver or pancreas issues, but of course check with your doctor.

Karendeena profile image

Hi Tokai335, I am so with you on this one. Last year I went through all the tests they could do including a CT colonoscopy as I was absolutely convinced I had pancreatic cancer (I had an aunt and uncle who died from this within 6 months of each other). I developed health anxiety as a result of this.My stools, bowel issues are always on my mind and my gastroenterologist has diagnosed me with IBS and said I need to break the gut brain cycle of stress. All of this started with me when I was under immense stress so I empathise with you

I too pass undigested food very quickly on some occasions and my stools are nearly always light brown. This is because the transit time is too fast due to the 'panic'. Don't worry to much you are creating the very problem you are worrying about.

penelope2 profile image

Definitely agree with other comments about stress. The gut brain axis is so powerful and try relaxation and hypnotherapy every day. Whatever works best for you.Also the jacket on potatoes is high fibre and did you have butter or marg with it. Were the carrots grated? Did you chew them well? It's obvious I know but our digestive systems don't chew, this only happens in the mouth.

You say you are on FODMAPDIET but have you considered food intolerance. I was on FODMAPDIET for years, avoided onion family etc but it never was really helpful for me. Now testing and gluten and dairy are a real problem for me. Cut these out and now able to eat most things. The FODMAPDIET is not very balanced and does not provide a wide spectrum of foods to feed the gut biomone. This alone will affect the gut microbione and the levels of good bacteria So:

Get those stress levels down. Very important.

May take some time but stick with it.

Cut out gluten for 2/3 weeks.

The same for dairy.

While sticking to FODMAPDIET.

This should give you a clearer picture of what is happening to you and being in control also helps.

All can be done, the gluten and dairy free, for a short time on your own, my experience is that generally health professionals know very little and just waiting to get to a knowledgeable doctor is in itself stressful.

Best wishes.

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