Are IBS flareups and eye inflammation common?
IBS and eye inflammation. : Are IBS flareups... - IBS Network
IBS and eye inflammation.
There might be some kind of connection. That's the best I can say. Just before my IBS started properly, I hadn't been feeling too good (2018) and I got a broken blood vessel in my right eye. Nowadays, I find my eyes get a bit itchy sometimes. I often wonder about a possible histamine connection, but I am not obviously allergic to anything that I know of.
The slightly itchy eyes might just be plain tiredness with me though. I don't always get a long enough sleep. And my eyes always used to itch all my life if I was sleep deprived.
There is a link between your bowels & your eyesight especially if u have inflammatory bowel disease, use natural organic foods to calm your bowel & your eyes will stop misbehaving
Thankyou,will look into it again (I dont eat processed foods , esp the gf foodstuffs ,too many additives. I eat mainly organic,
Ok that is good so you need to make sure you are eating relevant organic foods depending on your symptoms or condition & make sure you are preparing these organic foods in the healthiest possible way, avoid frying using vegetables oils eg sunflower or nut oils, take smoothies of particular fruits eat anything organic that has anti inflammatory. Look out for 1 of my posts on using natural remedies to ease ibs & ibd symptoms. I had all those symptoms you have mentioned and more
You could investigate the histamine connection perhaps, ibsperson? See if the symptoms fit or if they are made worse by anything that elevates your histamine levels, Foods, especially.
Warning...the low histamine diet isn't much fun.
I did think I might have that some time last year, but then wasn't so sure, as I deliberately ate lots of high histamine foods when going through a normal-ish phase, and doing that didn't make me flare, And now I can eat many of those foods and be fine (chocolate, tinned fish, spinach, etc.)
Thanks Luisa,good advice.My old doc said no, but I was new doc said yes,as I had been unbeknown to me I was exposed to black mould.I come out in welts and itch really badly some nights,noticed plain tea can do it.
Im still learning.
Have many allergies.
There is a family link to Ankylosing spondylitis which I have
I dont mind sharing my symptoms on here,
as It just might help someone else.
As in something like Blepharitis (blef-uh-RYE-tis) is inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis usually affects both eyes along the edges of the eyelids. Blepharitis commonly occurs when tiny oil glands near the base of the eyelashes become clogged, causing irritation and redness
There is a connection - relative to flares.... sore eyes as in itchiness and redness is quite common and can happen in IBS as well as IBD (in which it is more common). I have both; IBS flare ups cause my eyes to itch but since diagnosis of IBD and in a flare at the time, my eyes were really sore and itchy for a good few weeks. Out of a flare now and still some soreness but manageable. Anti histamines will help but diet as in low histamine has not been proven. Histamine regulates physiological functions in the gut so it makes sense that anyone with gut issues can have eye inflammation (and other other skin issues).
I had the same problem. My eyes were really sore and itchy for weeks and I had 3 lots of antibiotic drops as was treated for an eye infection. Out of pure coincidence I was due an eye test and mentioned it to the optician. He put dye in my eyes etc., and told me I didn't have an infection it was severe dry eyes. He told me it is common with IBS and any auto immune disease. He recommended some artificial tears which I have to use daily. My eyes are much better with these. I was surprised as my eyes were watering a lot so no idea. Not sure I would have known if not for the optician, he was great and a lot more help than the GP. Worth getting checked if they don't clear up.
OMG I'm so glad I noticed your post this morning! I have had sore, inflammed eyes for a week. Pharmacist said try a warm flannel 4 times a day. If that doesnt work she will dispense ointment. My optician advised drops for dry eyes but I hadnt used these for a while. I have been getting what I call a stitch in my left side, between ribs and hip at 4am and then not able to get back to sleep. Am assuming this is trapped wind and presume it is typical of IBS. When I had this before I also had sore eyes at the same time. Also losing weight. So it is useful to learn there is a link.Its taught me to take better care of my eyes if it prevents the stitch like symptoms. I hope, perhaps naively that the stitch will get better when my eyes are better? I do try and eat healthily.
Just to add when I had the stitch and eyes soreness before the Dr gave me Omeprazole. I think the stitch eventually went away. Little reluctant to ask for that drug again as I am now on other drugs following a big operation.
I have had an eye problem for over a year. My right eye runs a lot. It’s usually manageable with dry eye drops but sometimes I have asked the doctor for antibiotic drops. I never associated it with my IBS so this is enlightening.
Ibsperson, hard to say if they manifest themselves together but they may share a common deficiency of activated thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine requires magnesium to become activated but stress, pain, caffeine and medications, to name a few, cause loss of magnesium leaving a possible inadequate level. Also, there are anti thiamine factors that diminish or destroy thiamine. A comprehensive list is in the stuttersence link. Thiamine plays an important role in the brain, vagus nerve and gut for digestion. A deficiency in one of them may lead to IBS and other health and mental issues. You'll find the B vitamins work better together. I encourage you to investigate thiamine further. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
My use of my new iPad has caused severe. Eye inflammation. Use it sparingly. But, have to do banking and medical daily
Thanks to all of you and all advise,its nice to know not alone with all varying symptoms
I also bought an eye mask that you can heat in the microwave and use that. After using it, it's recommended to give your eyes a massage, also helped.