Heart palpitations I’ve been getting them a lot I’m 66 suffer from pain from ibs c and slow track bowel . Anyway when it pain gets bad. I have heart palpitations and some times have to sit down or hold on to something else I will fall . Plus I get cramp in my feet when I’m trying to pass bm . Which doesn’t come . But can’t see doctor as he is closed till Wednesday . Just such a weird feeling . It makes me breathless as well .
Heart palpations : Heart palpitations I’ve been... - IBS Network
Heart palpations

Believe it or not, palpitations are usually not a big deal. I know - they certainly don't feel like that, right? I've had them before, over a number of years and for a variety of different conditions. Right now, I'm seeing a cardiologist regularly, and palpitations are never a big deal for him. See a cardiologist of your own if you want to make sure it's nothing serious or if you need reinsurance.
If you have no history of anxiety or similar... you need to rule out A-fib or other similar threats to people your age. You need an interventional cardiologist. If you have a history of panic attacks, etc. I think it is equally likely that is the issue. I'm not a doctor--you need one--and you need your blood pressure to be well under 140/90 at rest, at home, measured by you. If it isn't, consider this book: How Not to Die by Doctor Michael Greger. No politics, just facts.
I take the odd panic attack but usually it’s because of something major happening in my life . But sometimes I blame the pain for my palpations . . And I get anxious when my bowelplays up but I don’t take anything for it unless it’s really bad . I take 2mls dimazipan but got the box of 28 in February and still got 20 left so not on them regular . Happy new year and I hope it’s a good one 😊