Since this started nearly 4 months ago it effects me everyday, some worse than others but find it hard as seems to be no rhythm or reason to it, can go from being constipated then bout of diarrhea in some day. I miss my old life being able to exercise, having more energy and not being in persistent pain. Does it get easier to cope with...sorry feel like I'm having massive whinge 🙁
Struggling to stay positive : Since this started... - IBS Network
Struggling to stay positive
Hi, a good cry never hurt anyone as does a bit of moaning on this forum. We're here to 'listen' too.
Thanks for reply yes I've had a good cry and it has helped.. just feeling bit frustrated with it all
It's frustrating because we are told there isn't a simple solution/cure for what we experience. We can take medication/supplements to somewhat relieve the symptoms but in the end it's something that we have to deal with for the rest of our life and that's not a nice perspective. Have you seen a gastroenterologist?
How long have you been dealing with this feel bit scared about having to handle this forever. I have an appointment with gastroenterologist in couple of weeks I'm hoping having a chat about my symptoms and how it's effecting me might help. Appreciate you taking the time to reply x
Diagnosed with IBS two years ago but probably have had it since my childhood. But wasn't aware till 2019 that it's my gut, probably dysbiosis, that is causing a lot of my health issues. It varies from problems with my intestines (bloating, visceral pain, constipation, overflow diarrhea) to 'burn out', MDD, panic attacks, GAD and skin problems and a lot of other all over the body symptoms. But I still can ride on my motorbike occasionally and enjoy the ride🙂. Wasn't able to do this between 2014-2019 because I was very ill.
IBS varies from person to person. There is not one fits all solution unfortunately. Overtime you will learn to handle the symptoms better as you understand what effects you. It can be anything from food to stress to gut bacteria. The guy brain connection is very strong. I would recommend since you are going to see a gastroenterologist you can ask him a few things.
Elimination diet. Mainly FODMAP.
Food intolerances test.
Celiac test.
Sibo test.
Hope this helps. As I said IBS is very specific to every person. Mine is a combination of gut dysbiosis and stress. In the beginning I was scared to come off my FODMAP diet. Now I have learnt how to handle my triggers. It takes time. But for most people it gets manageable.
Thanks for your reply good to know it is manageable and hopefully less of a struggle in time. Helpful to know things to ask gastroenterologist about 🙂 x
IBS is mainly a diagnosis of elimination. There is no specific test to diagnose it. So make sure your gastroenterologist is eliminating all possibilities before giving you a IBS diagnosis. IBS symptoms are similar to a lot of symptoms of other illnesses. Better to be sure. I have heard of a lot of people who have been told they have IBS but actually it turns out to be something else later on. So ask a lot of questions. Most gastroenterologist don’t like answering these questions as they don’t see IBS as a life threatening syndrome. But you have to live with it. So ask away.
Not sure what you’re dealing with but if it’s gut related please consider the GAPS protocol. You can find the lecture here: - it’s best to read her book but this video would be a good start. Just know that if you do start the program it could take a year or more of ups and downs (steady stair step up though) to get 100%. It’s taken me about a year but it does work, just need patience.
Well like you I'm the same miss the day when everything was normal I'm floated all the time .got a phone call from the gastroentorlogist at 1700 for the 2nd time advice and referral of my GP. I'm going to be more forceful this time as told by my GP & WIFE .SISTER , THE CATS .