Do anyone suffer from dizziness with their IBS,
Dizzy: Do anyone suffer from dizziness with... - IBS Network

No sorry, I don't, but then again I suppose if you have a bad attack your blood sugar level may fall. See what other answers you get😉
I do sometimes, which I put down to the body diverting the blood supply to the bowel, and away from the upper body and head. This could make you feel light-headed for a time and perhaps, as Linley says, you might recover more quickly if you drink something sweet to replenish energy stocks.
Yes, I have suffered with dizziness for years and have had various investigations with no resolution. I had never put it down to the IBS but I suppose it could be possible. I often feel as though my blood sugar might be low and feel a bit better when I have eaten something. Thank you Linley and Superzob for that suggestion. It had never occurred to me.
Yes, I have suffered dizziness and it has increased as I get older. I have also had it investigated without any explanation as to what it is linked to. As I have IBS, GERD and take medication for prevention of reflux it could be a combination of these.
You can always carry a tube of glucose tablets in your pocket. One tab will raise blood sugar within seconds and they taste nice too. Con amore Bx
It is horrible when the room spins and even closing your eyes don’t help, it’s the same feeling I had when in my youth I drank way to much rum and blackcurrent
I have it on and off. It's definitely linked to my IBS. I tends to be if I have not eaten very much or don't eat for a long time. I remember years ago when we had taken our son to Chessington when he was young. I had gone several hours without anything to eat or drink and the went to a Little Chef for a big fry-up on the way home. I came over very dizzy that night trying to get him to bed. I think it was the food rushing through me! But funnily enough I felt okay IBS wise!
Yes I have it and have severe bouts of it. I have never linked it with IBS but then I don't know everything either. I know it is worse when I used to have certain medications. I cope with it by moving the eyes and not the head. When I forget and dive down to pick up something I have dropped, wham, I suddenly remember I shouldn't have done that. Had to jump off the house roof last time I had a nasty attack. It went away when I hit the ground and shattered my ankle. Maybe that's a cure! I'm a little reluctant to try that again, easier to just put up with it I'm sure. Tried all manner of "cures" and just settled with ignoring it as best I can. It seems to me there are many causes with few cures but many ideas. If anyone asks me if I'm OK I just tell them I'm intoxicated on life!
Yes, for sure. I have IBS C and this is sometimes present. I take a medicine called Zofran( in the US) if needed or may Pepto Bismol. Good luck
I definitely get it, and it's definitely tied to "going." I also get very fatigued. Anyone else have that? That's called "bowel-triggered myalgia." In fact, there used to be a foundation & online support group for that (but has since disappeared).