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Hello! Does anyone of you experience left lowe... - IBS Network
Hello! Does anyone of you experience left lower abdomen pain? I have ibs few years ago.. but when my ibs is flared up i experience left pain

When I get the pain, at its worst, I normally go to bed, keep my tummy warm and cuddle a pillow. I only drink water and tea, and eat one of two slices of toast. I will always contact my IBS/IBD team, (I don't know why, they can' t, generally, do anything), but I tend not to bother my GP until after it's all over, and I go to see him about something else.
Hi rojina, The pain you describe could be Diverticulitis. I've had it in the past and it does settle down. I had several courses of antibiotics as (I think) it's little pockets where stuff gets trapped and probably gets a bit infected and causes the pain. I'm not an expert and don't know much about it.
Yes, I get lower pain that is more on left, but like period pains. Being investigated further next week, ct scan results were all ok
I’ve had chronic IBS for 30+ years. It def sounds like IBS pain on the left side. I’ve had every test and taken to hospital to explore the pain on numerous occasions but tests always come back normal. The best advise I can give is a hot water bottle, gentle massage and keep food and drink real simple for a few days eg water and toast. But if pain is really level 9+ then phone out of hours.
Hi rojina.
Ive suffered with this condition for over 20 years and in that time ive had 16 colonoscopys which thank fully were all negative.
ive been advised to keep away from brocolli ,nuts,carbonated drinks and also limit my caffeine intake.
Over the years I have found that the most important thing is to drink plenty of water.
The drug of choice here for ibs and diverticular problems is metronidazole which seems to
help the situation after 7 days, but have found it really needs 10 days.
At one point I was admitted to er with suspected Giardia for 11 days and they suspected Chrones disease after a ct scan-which cleared up after 11 days in hospital .
The only thing I an eat is soup and crackers during a flare up, it is worth mentioning also that stress can bring ibs/diverticulitis on.
best wishes.
Hi this sounds like diverticular disease to me .I had these symptoms for several months I went into hospital and had a CT scan it found extensive diverticular disease so ask your gp to refer you for a colonoscopy or a CT scan