Has anyone tried silocolgel. I have been told it is good for ibs
Silicolgel: Has anyone tried silocolgel. I have... - IBS Network
Hi jasper l have used it an lt helped me lots with lbs d. I did reduce dose to only once a day before evening meal but you can work out what suits you best. I do always keep a bottle at home. I also ask company if l could try a sample bottle which they did send. Hope that helps
Hi thanks for replying. Did you feel nauseous with I s?
Should say ibs

Yes l darlin get nauseous. I also mixed gel with little bit juice to water it down
Thank you. Been taking it for two days and still the same. Nauseous, pain, a bit Of diarrhoea and loss of appetite. Worried about it so that probably isn’t helping.

Is this all the time or you got a flare up? I have anti sickness meds from gp. When l feel like this l steer clear of absolutely anything that could make a flare up worse l drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. An rest up. Have you been to gp to get it confirmed ibs? I have had it 20yrs an have had every test there is. I have a good gastro doc at hospital thst has tried to help me. I have done low god map have you tried it
I have had it years on and off. Haven’t had it for about three years but had heat stroke three weeks ago with sickness and I can’t get rid of the nauseous now and funny stomach. I had every test under the sun three years ago. Each time I wonder if it is something different and the anxiety then kicks in and I don’t feel hungry and hence lose weight. Just a worrier. Taken the gel for two days but not cleared yet.

Do you have a dizzy head? Have you been to pharmacy to ask for something for nausea? Personally ld go docs an get a prescription for anti nausea pills. I think we’re all very anxious when we get something that makes us feel ill. I recently had more tests as l felt my symptoms had changed all came back normal!! So why do l get ill will tum problems. Could be a number of things who knows.my diet is so restricted now l only drink water not even fizzy water lol. What have you tried so far after this last upset to help??
Mebeverine and gaverscin. Dr gave me Omperazole but had that about 15years ago and it gave me vertigo. Don’t know whether to try Colpermin. Dread having another endoscopy!

No l couldn’t have one to scared so had barium swallow instead. Google lowfod map diet an try it you will probably need a dietitian who your doc can refer you to. It is very good An helping you find out what foods upset you it took me about 6week on it to sort me out an l only get ill now if l eat wrong stuff. Which are quite a lot of foods. Trust me ho docs an get sorted out !