Hello all,
It's been a while since I posted last time.
I am always trying to keep a positive attitude about this weird condition that IBS is. When I look back at my life, I am not really surprised that IBS has been diagnosed to me as I have been through a really anxious and stressful upbringing, lots of traumas and mistreatment etc etc that lead me to be pretty much an anxious person.
That, I only discovered at the age of 33 (I am now 35, male) when I had to take a harder stance on my mental and started a therapy. All of this is IBS thing is still fairly new to me. I do believe there is a strong connection between guts and mind as researches show that IBS is triggered by the nervous system (or so they say). Not sure 100% of the credibility of this information but I do believe our minds can heavily influence are bodies, anxiety being is a strong factor of it, lots of people having anxiety issues complain about digestive troubles.
So to try to have a normal life, (whats really normal at this point), I do sport, I try new things, I use Headspace app, I meditate, I am careful with food, I try to just go with the flow. My symptoms would be a lots of bloating, too much gas (trying peppermint capsules, drinking so much ginger and turmeric herbal tea thankfully I like it) and lots of growling (taking probiotics Alflorex first and now switching to Bio kult to give it a try) when I wake up or a couple of hours after I eat. Not suffering from constipation or contrary, even though I can go to toilets two to four times per day depending the day. IBS is a rollercoaster, sometimes the mood is like damn I am so sick of it and sometimes the mood is like, ok, dont care today.
But I feel I reached a stage where nothing is really changing or improving. So it is time to try something new again. I noticed that a treatment that really helped me with IBS, was Reflexology. I have been doing it for a year now and my symptoms really slowed down. I had to stop when I moved to the UK 3month ago and IBS flared up immediately, along the new work, the new life, finding a flat etc, all those events made me be really anxious. Now that I am settled, I am about to give a try to Hypnotherapy.
I am wondering if anyone gave it a try, or if anyone gave a try to any other alternative therapy? Did it worked/helped or not? Anything you feel like sharing today, I ll read. Your story interests me.
Thanks you all
love and patience