Anyone tried this?
Amitriptyline For IBS: Anyone tried this? - IBS Network
Amitriptyline For IBS

No sorry. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you.
Didn't want to have seen your post and ignored you.
Hey lovely, yes I tried it. It was great for a little while and I had the best nights sleep ever for a bit, but the side effects were horrid after a couple of months... Sweats, itchy skin that drove me mad so had to stop. Worked, but I couldn't tolerate it.
Hope you have better luck xxx
I have been on Amitriptyline for about 4 years for my IBS, they put me on it for the pain. It's really helped me& keeps the pain under control. I think it's good on a low dose, I'm currently on 25mg, but it dose have slight side effects of feeling tired, bit spacey, but everyone is different& some may not get side effects.
Good luck if you decide to try it X x
Thanks for your reply AEL1989, I was prescribed this a couple of days ago and at this point, I'll try anything! I've seen a lot of good reviews online but nothing on this network so thought I'd ask. Good to see it has worked for some people My doctor said 'take one or two pills before you go to sleep' so I'm starting with 10mg and then will see how I feel in a few weeks! Did it help you in any other ways other than relieving your pain? Do you still have to cut certain foods for example? Xxx
It also helped with my anxiety, which has also contributed to my IBS, it takes up to a month to feel the benefit, so stick with it. I'm also on Omeprazole for acid& heartburn, that really helps. I've tried different diets, none worked for me, but that doesn't mean they won't work for you? I know FODMAPS has helped a lot of people.
Hope you get on ok with it, fingers crossed it helps. X X x
I think I'm the same, it's a vicious circle! Stress and anxiety won't be helping IBS matters, so I'm hoping I'll start to feel less worried about it all after a while. Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely stick with it. I've tried giving up dairy and bread, taking probiotics and avoiding onions and spicy foods but I don't feel like it's making a difference. Will see how I get on with Amitriptyline. Hope your IBS is manageable now xxx
Never heard of it what is it
Yes i have.made no difference! Made me sick..irritated & gave me nightmares!! Hope you have better luck with it!!
I've been in amitrriptyline for about 8 months now. I started in 10mg at night and after a couple of weeks upped my dose to 20mg on the advice of my consultant. It's helped alot but it can make you really tired. Take them about an hour before bed and try not to drink alcohol with them as it can make you more drowsy. Taking them at night should lesson any side effects and your body will get used to them once they're in your system properly.
Thanks for your advice! My doctors instructions were 'take one or two tablets before you go to sleep' so I'm starting off with 10mg then will see what happens! It's so nice to hear it has worked for some people though, would you say your IBS is manageable now? Like you can go out a long walk and not worry about where the toilets are? Haha that's one of the things I miss most, just going places and not worrying about bathrooms! Xx
I too have been prescribe amitripyline 10mg and find that 10mg 2 hours b4 helps but early days yet.only been taking them for 1 month so far but things are certainly not any worse.will keep you posted am also going to a facing your fears group 3 sessions starting september fingers crossed
Hi I've been on them for about 18 years first 25mg then 35mg which I'm on. My bowel is very bad as its twice the size of normal bowel and I could not live without them. Every time I try to stop taking them I become ill. Only reason I wanted to stop was because now I have ibs c instead of the D but had to stay on them. I definitely recommend it. You have take a couple of months before it works. Only side effect for me was weight gain and constipation and after d you welcome being constipated. I also had endometriosis so had to have to have hysterectomy couple of years ago and it since then the constipation started so not sure if it is amptriptyline.
Hi Nerissa, sounds like you have had some time with it! I'm glad Amitriptyline has helped you. I've lost a lot of weight (not in a good way) so weight gain is fine with me, would love to get my appetite back! Xxx
I just recently started taking amitriptyline for ibsd 10mg I’m hoping I can experience what you’ve described here. I don’t eat much, can’t gain weight due to this horrible problem I miss days from work because of it it’s such an inconvenience. I truly hope this can give me a break for several yrs because life sucks having to constantly worry about where the nearest bathroom is.
I took it but I was sure it was giving me palpitations so I stopped taking it. It didn't agree with me personally
Wow that sounds scary! I guess it's different for everyone. Hope you managed to find something else to make your IBS manageable!
Ye I drink herbal teas and try and stay away from tablets. For years I didn't need to take anything but over the past few years stress must be up so its playing up again so minimise gluten and dairy also seems to help
Sounds like a good plan! I tried to do things naturally- eat more fibre, drink lots of water, gentle exercise but it didn't really work for me. I've been off work a lot and am genuinely worried about my job so think I need to try something a bit stronger for now. Thanks for all your advice xx
Fibre really backs me up so I minimise that and anything wholemeal or starchy so I went gluten free which did help but miss pizza currently back on a full diet to get tested for celiac but I'm in agony again even with everything I take to try and combat it but as long as my bowel is moving I will hack the pain :-). Recently I have been off a lot as its pain to the point I cant actually move then the tablets the GP gave me backed me up more and made me even worse :-(. I'm lucky my work is really understanding am I'm rarely off so they no something is obviously up. Your more than welcome if there is anything I can do to help or you want to ask anything feel free x
Hi was prescribed 10mgs by GP for spasms and it did help with pain but I struggled to get out of bed next morning so stopped taking it. Try it though as it might work for you. 🙂
Hi. I've been on 10mg for the past 10 years. It does help, but more so in the beginning than it does now. One word of warning, it is a nightmare to come off of. The Drs say there's no withdrawal symptoms but in my experience that's rubbish. I've tried to come off a number of times without success. Also it's affected my memory a bit, might not be the drugs, might be my mind lol.
Wow ivesy, that does sound pretty serious. Did it eventually just stop working for you? X
Well I've never come off it so it's hard to say if it's stopped working or not. But I still have the symptoms of ibs. I'm contemplating starting on symprove as I've heard some good things. It's not cheap but if it helps then it's worth it!
There's someone on the IBS network who is writing of their experiences using Symprove daily. Sorry I don't remember their username but you should fine it by searching. Good luck x
I've tried different dosages of amitryptiline to help my IBS. The highest was 75mg but the drowsiness and other side effects outweighed the benefits. The best dosages for me were between 10 and 20mg but the drowsiness is still there. However, like others have said, it works for a while and then seems to be less effective. I have also tried to come off it completely but suffered withdrawal and was back to 10mg within a week. I have noticed equal benefit from taking Symprove and Questran. Mindfulness and CBT have also had positive effects as my IBS is definitely linked with anxiety. Hope you find the right combination to help you.
I've been on amitryptiline twice, and weaned myself off it. I'm on it again now, just 10 mg at night, and it has helped immensely. I'm IBSD and it's made a big difference in the morning (much less morning rush) so persevere if you can. The drowsiness effects last about 12 hours so I take it at about 8.30pm and by the next morning I'm usually ok. I did find that I had nightmares when I first took it, but that wore off after about 3 weeks. I'm pleased to say that my life is now more or less normal (with the odd hiccup). I'm even planning a short holiday (just a long weekend) which is something I haven't done for over 4 years. So I must be feeling better! Good luck with it, I hope it helps you like its helped me! 👍
I've been taking amitriptyline for years for pain and it does help for a while. I take 50mg now and it no longer helps my IBS or makes me drowsy. I did get a good few years of spasms but no pain though so it's definitely worth a go.
It didn't work for me! I have been on so many anti-depressants I am now on round 2! My doctor has prescribed me Colestyramine powder, one per day, I have to take a Lanzoprazole because it gives me wind. It seems to be working after taking it for 2 weeks, but then again I could be constipated! I just go from one extreme to the other! Good luck X
I could not tolerate this drug.
Haven't tried it yet, prescribed it for back pain, but doctor mentioned my IBS. Will see how you get on STC789 😊
I've just started taking it, doctor said take 10mg for a few days then 20 for a few then 30. I'm taking 2 at the moment and my sleep is worse than usual, waking up 2 or 3 times a night (was once before taking them) also been taking mebeverine for 4 weeks now and they don't seem to be helping my ibs much. Stomachs gone loopy today along with headache and feeling sick. Still bubbling like mad now 6 hours later.
Been getting muscle twitching and heart palpitations since Feb (had major anxiety in Dec and developed ibs in May) so doctor thinks it's anxiety and stress that's causing my ibs. I tried fluoxetine and citalapram in Jan/Feb which took my anxiety to 4000% and gave me really bad side effects (one was muscle twitching) which I've never got rid of.
Hope they help you anyway and hope they help me too (eventually)
Yeah, Mebeverine does nothing for me either. Clinical studies show there is no evidence it works for IBS. So shouldn't be surprised. Did you have a thyroid test?
Yeah had a thyroid test which came back ok but looking on thyroid forum you need all the TSH tested which they don't do in the UK so you could be left with a thyroid problem. Mebeverine relaxes the stomach muscles so only works if your getting stomach cramps which I wasn't so It made my stomach worse. Amytripyline also made me a lot worse. Rabeprazole helps but I'm still feeling ill everyday for 3 years and got no help from anyone anymore.
How about your Magnesium levels? Do you think you get enough? This study on Mebeverine is interesting:
Final conclusion? Not much better than a placebo in the treatment of IBS.
I was on it for a few years, low dose. It seemed to work but I was sure it was causing me to feel ill so took myself off it (which made me feel weird for a while).
I'm currently having tummy problems again so I dare say this will be in my near future again!?!?
Yes and it works!!!
I don't want to speak too soon but I've only been on Amitriptyline for a week now and the results are incredible. What a difference compared to this time last week. Im just taking 10mg every night along with my morning Yakult and two sachets of Fybogel a day. I'm not quite 100% yet but I've barely had any abdominal pain and my appetite is back. Im hoping it stays like this. I wish I'd known about it sooner. X
Also thanks to everyone for their feedback... I wasn't expecting so many responses! Xx