I read articles about it and it looks like I experience all signs and symptoms.
I'm a new member and I'm curious, how did you ... - IBS Network
I'm a new member and I'm curious, how did you know you have IBS?

Hello ☺️. Firstly if you have symptoms of ibs you should go see your doctor so they can rule out anything else or give you medication if it is bad enough. The symptoms can be constipation, diarrhoea, wind, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, indegestion ect and the symptoms can vary from mild to severe.

I had multiple trips to the bathroom last weekend. That was the first that I had eight in three days. I consulted an IM and acute gastroenteritis was the diagnosis.
Yes you should go to your doctor and get all the tests available - blood, gastroscopy and a colonoscopy - a specialist will then see what your symptoms are caused by

So, a stool exam might not be enough?
A stool sample can test for a lot of things. For example: infections, blood, inflammation. You'd be surprised at how much can be told from that. I never had any cameras but the GP and specialist didn't want to cos of my young age but I had a lot of blood and stool samples tested. They really can tell a lot. I wouldn't worry about it if you haven't had a test that someone else may have had. Your GP or specialist will do what tests they think are appropriate.
Agree with above comments unless you get everything else eliminated you can't really say you have IBS....good luck
Dean 1984 - where do you live ? I am only giving advice based on what I would expect from a GP in the UK

Your doctor or a specialist should diagnose your problem - there could be many causes of your symptoms
You should go to a doctor and not self-diagnose
I did. The diagnosis was acute gastroenteritis. have you experienced this?