Does IBS make you lose weight like my grandaug... - IBS Network

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Does IBS make you lose weight like my grandaughter now weighs 46 kilos this can't be right she's very tall, she was diagnosed with this

Evivov profile image
22 Replies
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Evivov profile image
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22 Replies
Boogie profile image

Its depends on the type. I lost lots, and I mean lots, of weight in the first year (D predominant - post infection) but now its started to settle, putting it on again.

joella profile image

You must be very concerned. I can only speak as a 10+ year IBS sufferer and it does not seem to have affected my weight at all. I did, however, lose a lot of weight when I had a severe personal emotional shock about 15 years ago. (I've put the weight back on now!!) Could you persuade your granddaughter to go back to her GP and ask if the IBS has caused this? Or suggest that she gets a second opinion on the IBS diagnosis?

orange123uk profile image

I'm not sure I have never lost weight. But any unexpected or unexplained weight loss must be investigated but your Dr or the hospital. Do not take no for an answer get an urgent check now.

teresa6776 profile image

Not affected my weight, but my spasms can kick in much much worse if I eat or drink during my (on average) 2 day attack, I always say to myself "ease back on food and drink for now" (but I dont cause hunger takes over) maybe she has reduced her food intake for this reason, or obviously some other underlying medical problem, defo take docs!

physiogirl profile image

I lost huge amounts of weight initially as it was so bad. This was made worse by being undiagnosed and nobody knowing why I was getting such stomach pains. Even though you must be concerned now she has a diagnosis things can improve. She is likely to have developed a different relationship with food now and I certainly became fearful of what to eat. The best move forward for me was to start following the FODMAPS diet and now I've gone to a plant-based diet which is working wonders. I've put on weight and I feel fantastic. My relationship with food is now much better and I'm healthy with no symptoms! All the best

in reply to physiogirl

I'm 5wks into the Fodmap diet but I can't say I feel any better for it.Can you tell me what a plant based diet is ?

physiogirl profile image
physiogirl in reply to


A plant based diet is one which focuses on clean, nutrient dense, easily digestible foods. This includes fruit, vegetables, sprouted legumes (far more nutritous and easily digested than whole legumes), non-gluten grains and non-diary products, nuts and seeds. Daily carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are in abundance. The only one lacking is vitamin B12 so I take a supplement. I am now a far healthier body weight, my skin is glowing and I have copious amounts of energy. I have put together examples of foods which contain all of our daily requirements. If you'd like a copy then just email me I feel incredible and it's well worth a try. It does that some adjusting to but then every diet does. If you'd like to see the kinds of meals that come on this plan then check out thrive receipies via google.

Hope it helps you too!

KJay profile image

In Professor Hunter's book on IBS, he says that weight loss is not a symptom of IBS and should be investigated further. To quote from his book 'Irritable Bowel Solutions' he says:

"The following symptoms are NOT seen in IBS and must always be investigated further:

Weight loss

Blood in the stools

Abdominal pain or diarrhoea during the night



I had weight loss along with other of the above symptoms. I was told by my local hospital that it was IBS and to basically stop being a fuss pot! I am seeing Professor Hunter privately and have had further tests done which should have been done by my local hospital on the NHS. I am still awaiting the results of some of the tests but he told me it definitely is not IBS and he thinks I have a problem with my pancreas.

I would insist on your doctor referring your grand-daughter if they haven't already done so and get a copy of Professor Hunter's book and take it with you. Keep pushing until you get answers. It may mean changing consultants etc and asking for proper investigations ie colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT and/or MRI scans.

Good luck and I hope you get some answers to your grand-daughter's problems soon.


in reply to KJay

This isn't necessarily true. I guess I depends how severe your case is. I had a dramatic weight loss before I was put on medications as I was in so much pain, to the point where I couldn't stand up

in fact. I had loads of tests to see if it was anything else but it came back as really bad ibs. But yeah, it is definitely worth getting it checked over. It also keeps me up at night sometimes as I think it does a lot of people. Everyone's symptoms are different. Some are mild some are severe.

in reply to

I would just like to make a point here.Ive had chronic IBS now for over 12yrs I know it's IBS because I've seen no end of Gastrolergist and I must have had endless test including colonoscopy done.Now I've bought Proffessor Hunters book ,and I believe practically all he says.Now do you find if you can get to sleep through the pain you can usually sleep through the night.If you wake in your sleep with pain I believe it must be something else that needs addressing.Isuffer every day until I take a sleeping tablet at night then I have no pain until I get up.

in reply to

Yes, I do sometimes wake up with pain and D and when it's bad it can last for at least two hours but waking up in your sleep does not mean it is anything else especially if you have had multipul tests like I have and I'm sure many others have. Not everyone is the same, everyone's symptoms are different. Mine is a really severe case of it and need strong medication. You can't compare yourself to someone else as everyone is different.

None of the symptoms say you loose weight but everyone is completely different. Some people do loose weight, a lot of weight. When my symptoms started it caused me to loose a

stone and a half due to the horrendous pain and severe IBS-D yet the doctors don't seem concerned about weight loss, even if you have had all the tests to confirm its nothing else. I am still awaiting to find medications that work for me seeing as the dose needs to be quite strong. I hope your granddaughter feels better soon.

KJay profile image

Unfortunately, I think in many NHS hospitals you need many tests which are obviously expensive and the consultants are often reluctant to do so, as was my case. Having had two attacks of what I now know to be pancreatitis, I was one of those patients who had tried every diet to no avail, had severe weight loss, as well as many other symptoms, which were just ignored. I'm grateful I found Professor Hunter as I don't know what would have happened to me otherwise.

Weight loss may be a sign of serious disease so it's important to make sure it's thoroughly investigated to rule this out.

Hopefully, Evivov, it's something benign. Kerry Madgwick is a dietician who specialises in IBS and she is such a nice lady. She often offers advice on this forum and gives a lot of time to try and help people. It may be worth your while contacting her for her advice.

Best of luck to you and your grand daughter


tansy-ann8 profile image

Well it certainly did for me - In Jan 2008 I had lost over 10% of my body weight at which point they took notice and redid all the tests. I had to give up my business and was really ill, I am now on various meds and my weight has gone back to normal (plus a bit - don't like the extra bit) but of course if the IBS D is severe, you are bound to lose weight, Make sure you take multi vitamins and minerals (told to me by Gastroenterologist) in case you are not getting the required amount due to the 'D'. Remember, the 10% of body weight is the trigger for the Doc'

Linley profile image

I am 5ft 5ins and only weigh 8st 1lb, yes I am underweight, my ibs-D has been confirmed (20 odd years ago) but

I have had some really bad attacks so I am obviously not getting all the nutrients I need as the transient of the food in my bowel is going through far too quick. My GP is monitoring me.

I will put a few pounds back on again when my attacks ease but please get your grand-daughter to get herself checked out by her GP. Good Luck and let us know how she is

Ibsr profile image
Ibsr in reply to Linley

According to the above 8-10 stone for your height is healthy.

TS1991 profile image
TS1991 in reply to Linley

Hi Linley, just thought of checking with you on your progress, we’re you able to regain your lost weight? Anything helped?

I am suffering from the same issue, have lost 14 KG.

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to TS1991

Hi! TS1991

Good to hear from you but so sorry about your weight loss. Well due to the IBS-D I lost more over the last couple of years only a few pounds(7st 10lb) which seems minor compared to other people. But I have started to take digestive enzymes and I am only getting attacks every 3 weeks instead of 3 in a week which may account for the fact that I am back up to 8st 2lbs which is slightly heavier that 4 years ago. My GP says I am still underweight think I should be around 8st 10lb minimum and to my surprise I am 5ft 6ins not 5ft 5ins as stated 4 years ago so that makes it slightly worse

Justine-D profile image

I lost severe amounts of weight in my first year of ibs... My friends said you could see my bones through my dresses at university.. I have since put all the weight back on.. The initial shock of ibs to your body especially if diorrehea predominant I believe can cause huge weight loss until the condition is controlled.. Also some people develop a fear of food as I did due to constant visits to the toilet.. this can result in eating less and again losing weight X

TS1991 profile image

To all who were able to regain the lost weight, can you please give some suggestions as to how you were able to regain it.

I am 26 and suffering from ibs d from last 12 months, lost 13 KG ( from 73 to 60 KG) and really have fear of facing the world who always saw me as health adult, full of life and energy.

Will I be able to regain the lost weight by just stopping the diarrhea through some medicine or there’s anything else that I need to work on.

Please share your experiences...

pajohns profile image

I lost weight when my ibs first started, 20+kg. But this was mainly because one of my symptoms was/is nausea and that made me not want to eat. My nausea has subsided in recent months and I've put a little weight back on.

TS1991 profile image

Good to hear your progress, John

Mine is diarrhea predominant, my appetite is really good and I do eat a lot.

But still, my weight is just going down and down.

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