dose is 2 tablets 4 times a day by doctor but leaflet says 1 tablet 3 times a day for IBS, which should I do? I hate relying on medication but need it. Any advice greatly received
Been prescribed buscopan after revisiting my D... - IBS Network
Been prescribed buscopan after revisiting my Dr for IBS cramps and bloating on a morning when mebrevine and peppermint oil didn't work the

I personally think our GP's are just guessing in a lot if cases. They try medications and it's all trial and error if they work. I would try to work out the reasons for your IBS. Try the FODMAP diet. Have you heard of it?
Yes I'll send you some details in the morning. I'm 3 weeks in to it and it's brilliant!
The term FODMAP is an acronym, deriving from "Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols". The restriction of these FODMAPs from the diet has been found to have a beneficial effect for sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome and other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). The low FODMAP diet was developed at Monash University in Melbourne by Peter Gibson and Susan Shepherd. is the link to the Monash University site - they developed the diet.
The best sources of information for FODMAPs are as follows:
a) the smartphone app available for download from Monash University - the diet was created there and the evaluation of different foods is ongoing.
b) Patsy Catsos's book 'IBS-Free At Last!' - best to buy the actual book rather than the download the Kindle version as it's easier to read charts etc.
c) Sue Shepherd and Peter Gibson's book 'The Complete Low-FODMAP Diet: A Revolutionary Plan For Managing IBS And Other Digestive Disorders'. Sue Shepherd developed the diet at Monash so you can't really go wrong.
As I said I have been on the diet for 3 weeks and feel SO much better. My stomach is calm and so far I have had no 'episodes' of IBS-d. Go for it!
Brilliant thankyou so much. I will give it a go. I will do anything to feel better and not be scared to sleep, so i don't wake up in pain
I went to the doctors and she immediately said she would send me to a dietician to go on the Fodmap diet. She obviously has read about it and I am so glad I have a doctor who seems to be up to date on all the help you can get with IBS.
May I Also say I bought charcoal tablets which I take only after my evening meal and they seem to have worked - no problems since taking them.
sounds interesting - do you get them from the chemist?
I bought them in Boots but most chemists sell them. They are only about £3 so well worth a try. They are black but don't let that put you off and virtually no taste. Be aware that your poo-sorry for being so blunt- will be a lovely shade of dark green so don't be alarmed. If it helps we will try anything.
Some G.P.'s know about the FODMAP diet but if you have one who doesn't, you can tell him about it and ask for a referral. That way you'll be informing him and he'll be aware of it when he sees others with the same issues.
i am on peppermint oil also and its 1 3 times a day when needed - which is most days - I would do what doc says and not be afraid - peppermint oil is like a herbal medication and should not do you any harm
Hi Janey, I have had the same thing happen sometime. I always go with the doctor's instructions. If you are really concerned, why don't you call your pharmacist? I feel they are the experts and know best. Good luck.
Thanks Shanniz, sometimes the simplest ideas don't come to me lol. I never thought of asking pharmacist. I took the lower dose starting last night and apart from being a bit nauseous this morning I felt better and not as much pain and have been better through the day, now just need magic wand to getmy daughter back to school haha thanks