do any other people with ibs feel really ill a... - IBS Network
do any other people with ibs feel really ill after bm or is it just me would be very interested in replys

Can I ask if you're constipated or have diarrhoea at all? How often do you have a bm?
I often feel ill afterwards for about an hour. Bit sick, generally icky, sore tummy, sometimes tired and run down. But generally feel better after about an hour. Sometimes abig glass of water helps me. I have IBS-d so am probably dehydrated.
yes i feel light headed upset stomach , confused, blood pressure drops 85/65 and get back pain . i have IBS-D
Yes I do. I have stomach ache back pain and generally feel sick and unwell. Want to curl up in a ball. I m trying to drink more water now see if it helps. I ve had IBS for some 20 years or more but in a bad patch of it at the moment. Not been well for about a month. Does anyone else have long spells of it .
Yeah I do, I suffer from constipation and very often when I manage to go I feel really off afterwards. I figured it was everything starting to move round again because that's how it feels. I feel very bubbly and just not right at all. I usually find this feeling has subsided by the morning.
I too recently had a BM and too felt awful, I was still feeling rubbish some 2 days after. I find the prep they give really upsets things more and even now although post opp for another procedure I've had for something different still not right and it's been 2 weeks and still see BM in stools when they do come!!
Just realised BM could have two meanings, bowel movement and barium meal. My comment was regarding barium meal - investigatory so hopefully makes sense..... Doh... Maybe I should read things twice lol.... I do feel ill after every bowel movement too though, and get really fed up with it...
Sorry but what is "BM" standing for
Thanks for comments everyone. Really helps to know I m not alone with this problem. I ve had a bad spell for about a month but had last two days clear. fingers and everything else crossed .
I personally suffer with anxiety most of the time as I'm also so afraid of vomiting. So anxiety is unfortunately for me there all the time xx