Does anyone else suffer with a swollen and lumpy inside vagina? It comes and goes..but just on the inside of my vagina it can be so swollen and lumpy it almost closes up completely. It’s hard to explain but it’s particularly noticeable and swollen when i’m having a bad endo flare up or if i’m suffering endo pain post sex. Is it normal or something to worry about do you think? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Swelling : Does anyone else suffer with... - The Endometriosis...

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2 Replies
Hey, I’m not sure if it’s normal but I also get severe swelling of my cervix, feels like it’s heavy and could fall out. I can’t wear tampons if it’s like that at the TOM. I wasn’t sure if it’s normal either but glad I’m not alone on this.
Sorry cannot tell you if its normal but i have the same thing but only ever so often, my Husband first noticed it also TMI .... i also suffer from a bad smell and bad discharge, dont know if that is alongside the use of the marina or just more symptoms to add to the list.