Hi, just wondering does it show scar (the white spot) on your Chest Xray? is it going to always be there?
My health Anxiety goes all the way up now with this Covid. I can't seems to focus on anything else. Anyone having the same problem?
Hi, just wondering does it show scar (the white spot) on your Chest Xray? is it going to always be there?
My health Anxiety goes all the way up now with this Covid. I can't seems to focus on anything else. Anyone having the same problem?
Hello Osinsun06 - I’m afraid at the moment everyone is having anxiety’s with Covidvirus, so it’s about staying positive in however we can. This forum is a good start! We are all friends. Scar tissue (fibrosis) can show up on Xray but not always because it isn’t that good at looking at lung tissue but it depends on the severity, how long you have had it and your wellbeing etc.
Just stay as safe as you can and hope this pandemic soon passes.
Thanks. 😥 The white scars on my xray doesn't seems to go away.. is there a way for it to turn back like usual.. mine has white spot all over it.
Hi - there is nothing you can do about scarring, it is the way our bodies try to heal itself, and that will be the same for any injury in our body, whether it’s on our skin, or past surgery or lung damage through bacteria.
Hi Osinsun06,
I see you have had good advice already so there is not much to add. Try not to worry about the scarring. It may fade in time or it may never fade, the important things is whether it affects your lung function and if it does not then you are no more at risk from covid-19 than anyone else of your general health.
Best wishes,