Hi! I was diagnosed with latent TB, but have not yet started the medication. I am worried about getting Coronavirus as I live in an affected area. Is it recommended I start the medication now? Does medication have any impact on my immune system? Getting into a doctor for the liver testing and guidance has been difficult in the next few weeks, but I do have the first months prescription. I am overall healthy. I am unsure what to do moving forward. Any input is greatly appreciated!
Latent Tb question : Hi! I was diagnosed with... - TB Alert
Latent Tb question
Hi Sydney1204,
If you have latent TB and you are otherwise in good health, you are no more at risk from COVID-19 than the general population. However, illnesses that put your immune system under pressure, including COVID-19, do increase the risk that your latent TB will develop into active TB.
Certainly, treatment for latent TB would help put your mind at ease. However, I would not advise to start the medication without confirmation from your TB doctor or Nurse - and I imagine they would want the liver testing completed.
I do not know what the effects of TB medication are on your immune system, so I cannot offer any insights there.
I can advise that we are in touch with PHE to prepare more detailed guidance so please do check back on this link regularly: thetruthabouttb.org/coronav...
Best wishes,