15 year old daughter tested positive for latent TB. Now has flu symptoms. It seems there are no tests being carried out for Coronavirus. How worried should we be ?
Latent TB and Coronavirus : 15 year old daughter... - TB Alert
Latent TB and Coronavirus

Hello moomoon
Try to stay positive. The good thing here is that your daughter is both latent and strong and not active or weak. Yes being vigilant is Always important and as a mother that worry is always going to be there. She could remain latent for the rest of her life, but as long as you know what to look for then I’m sure she will be fine. Take things one day at a time, there is not much you can do about the virus ( if she does have it) other than keeping her indoors and regularly check her temperature. Most people if they have it will just ride it out, but bear in mind that if she does ever develop an ongoing cough with some breathlessness do a Tb sputum test immediately to make sure she remains well.
I wish you both good health, people on here are always willing to help with your worries. Let us know how she goes xx
I heard last night that two people in our village were tested recently and the reason being they both have underlying health conditions so I suggest latent TB is a very good reason to be tested. I would phone 111 ( I am sure your daughters case is certainly one in the category they expect you to make contact). I wonder if there are still the “ drive through” testing sites at a local hospital to you? Maybe check your hospital website or call them? I think you ( and her) need peace of mind. Hoping she is virus free!

Hi Moomoom,
Sorry I wasn't able to reply earlier. What was the outcome of your call to NHS 111 and how is your daughter feeling today?
With regards the latent TB, I can confirm that latent TB does not make you more vulnerable to COVID-19 as the bacteria are sleeping. However, COVID-19 could make it more likely that latent TB will become active - though this is by no means certain and is more likely in severe cases of COVID-19.
TB Alert has recently uploaded some advice on TB and COVID-19, which you can read here: thetruthabouttb.org/coronav...
I hope this helps?
Best wishes,
Thanks Helen. I think the only reason I was allowed to speak to a doctor was because of the latent tb diagnosis. The questions he pressed were mostly around breathlessness. She certainly isn’t severe enough to be admitted to hospital. Maybe safer at home for now.

Hi Moomoom,
We have now updated our guidance after talking to PHE. If your daughter's symptoms do not improve after seven days you should call NHS 111. In the meantime, home isolation is best.
Also, not the key differences between TB and COVID-19 symptoms so you can take appropriate action if needed. You can read them here: thetruthabouttb.org/coronav...
Best wishes,