We need your stories to address the TB stigma that contributes to 1 in 4 UK people with infectious TB waiting over four months for a diagnosis.
If you are currently on TB treatment, and you feel able, it would be great if you could keep a treatment diary or even set up a blog on Instagram or Tumblr. We also want to hear from those of you who have finished treatment – your success stories really help to motivate others through the darkest times.
Let us know how you felt upon diagnosis, how your moods changed through treatment and your motivations to get through it - even in the face of side effects. Tell us and how your friends, family and colleagues reacted (hopefully with love and support but we know, sadly, that is not always the case).
You can submit your story at thetruthabouttb.org/stories (where you can also read other people’s TB journeys), or contact helen.clegg@tbalert.org on 01273 234030.