Hi guys, thanks for letting me join this community. Hopefully I am posting in the correct place.
I really would like some advice.
I have suffered with acid reflux for many years, and have a very small hiatus hernia. I currently take two types of medication which really do suppress the reflux, in that I rarely get it now.
Anyway, my issue is that all the food that I eat, never stays down, and I always regurgitate it. The food is effectively undigested, and without wanting to sound too disgusting, when it comes back up it comes up in pretty much the same form as when I swollow it.
So I’ll eat, whether it’s a main meal or just a snack, and the food will just regurgitate back up. It is dearly immediate, but there seems no pattern as to whether it would be an hour later, or sometimes, my evening meal can come back up in the morning. I can literally feel it in my osophegous just waiting.
When it does come up it isn’t like when I am being sick in that I have to rush to vomit. Effectively I just have to regurgitate it as it is going nowhere. And to clarify I don’t put my fingers down my throat.
Anyway I have been to my gp about it and he sent me for a barium swollow. The reports findings were; mild variable oesophageal dysmotility with mild spasm. Dysmotility was more marked with the solid bolus in the prone position.
So I made a further appointment with my gp who effectively prescribed me buscopan (which I’d had before and made no diffeeence), and said there wasn’t much else that he could do.
My currently lifestyle is clearly suffering as I am constantly bringing up, I have naturally lost weight (probably about a stone and a half), and I am also very irregular, and very rarely, do I have bowl movement, which clearly is due to my not digesting and having nothing to pass.
I am not really sure what to do now, as to me there is obviously an issue and is it something that I am now going to have to live with?
Any assistance or advice on this is gratefully received.